Recently I was talking to a friend about the state of our country and mentioned, "America is becoming a monster that devours itself".
It’s taken almost 250 years, but the radical Right fascists have succeeded.
The Republicans have brewed their perfect storm to destroy a republic of, by and for the people. It took some time, but their fascist oligarchy is here now, and the destruction will be devastating and lasting.
Their slow-moving coup was facilitated from the beginning by the founders' antiquated and antidemocratic Electoral College and Senate. Those bastions of inequality should have been removed when slavery was abolished. Instead, they allowed the road to fascism to be paved by the "Reagan Revolution" that let the corporate foxes into the regulatory henhouse. They installed into our government shills who stood diametrically opposed to Constitutional taxation, regulation of commerce, and provision for the general welfare
The radical Right needed to establish a propaganda network to con the public into believing they worked for the working class. Enter Murdoch's FOX(R) and Limbaugh to drive home their divide and conquer strategy. They would dupe millions of poorly educated and semi-literate Americans with their hate and lies.
Next, they needed to fill the courts with partisan ideologues who would do their bidding. This is how the 2000 election was handed to Bush, the first audible death knell to democracy. That president went on to wage a war based on lies, only to be reelected. The country was proving itself to be easily misled by the radical Right. The next ominous red flag was when, for the first time in memory, rights were curtailed for women.
The time had come for Trump’s Big Lie and crime spree.
From there on the road to fascism was paved by Mitch McConnell's refusal to convict Trump in his J6 impeachment trial and his treacherous theft of the Supreme Court, packing it with a MAGA majority willing to immunize Trump from justice and deny the 14th Amendment's protection against insurrectionists.
But they still needed a weak and divided opposition, which Joe Biden gave them by breaking his promise to not run for reelection. Dropping out after his weak debate only added to the appearance of the party's disarray.
The corporate media's failure to focus on Trump's crimes just to keep their "horse race" ratings up was the final nail in democracy’s coffin. Now they are quickly falling in line to escape Trump’s wrath and retribution.
Already Google has removed Gulf of Mexico from their maps and replaced it with Trump’s decreed Gulf of America. What’s next? The “East American Ocean” and the “West American Ocean” instead of the Atlantic and Pacific?
It shouldn’t be surprising that corporate entities instantly fail historian Timothy Snyder’s first lesson on tyranny. “Don’t obey in advance”.
Trump’s autocratic oligarchy has taken power and is actively dismantling any governing authority that regulates banks and corporations. It has shut down America’s best foreign relations agency USAID. They’d rather see food rot and medicine expire than send to the poor people most in need.
Greed, hate, power, cruelty, and dominance are their only values. They take joy in inflicting suffering in the people they hate. They will demonize and scapegoat minorities and the powerless. The unelected autocratic oligarch Elon Musk declared USAID is a "criminal organization" without evidence. Trump accused the employees of being "radical leftists".
And here we see the ugly true nature of fascists. They will always seek to scapegoat and punish anyone they hate, including all who oppose or even inconveniences them. Under a convicted felon in the White House the Justice Department and FBI are being purged of competent lawyers and agents who upheld their oath to defend our Constitution and rule of law by investigating the serial criminal president.
Tyrants value and demand loyalty to the leader. They resent and scorn an impartial judiciary. This is why Trump installed radical right loyalists into the Supreme Court who would advance his political agenda and even grant him blatantly unconstitutional immunity from the law. The noble ideal in the words "Equal Justice Under Law" over the entrance to the Supreme Court no longer applies in the United States.
Along with equal justice, Trump and his loyalists have also terminated America's tradition of peaceful transfer of power.
It's always dictatorship over democracy for radical right authoritarians. They want to rule, not govern. Having no conscience, cruelty always trumps compassion.
Under their rule they are endangering the health of Americans by muzzling and dismantling the CDC and NIH. Human suffering and death means nothing to these sociopaths.
Provision for the general welfare be damned. Corporate welfare and a police state will be all that remains of a federal government that was once intended to be of, by, and for the people. These days white (un)Christian nationalists are the only "real Americans".
the people” no longer matter. It’s now all about “We the wealthy elites and
Trump loyalists” fleecing and subjugating Americans in a deliberately and systematically demolished republic.
Is this really the best you can do?
Ban the dictionary1
"A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism." Drain the swamp - make a toxic hazardous cesspool dump.
I don't answer questions that are not relevant to the topic or from semi-literate people who didn't read it in the first place.
Their fascist rampage against accountability and politicization of the DOJ is already at the extreme limit ever in this country. It will get much, much worse, even to the point of lethal political violence, vigilantism, and lone wolf radical right terrorism.
More pertinently, considering the actual groups involved here, (the generations-long Koch family machinations, the Hoover INstitute, etc) the Oligarchs revenge is served on the Great Class Traitor FDR.That was the moment the Republican Party declared itself the enemy of the people. At long last the Business Plot has come to fruition.
Thanks for the reminder. The American Republican Nazi movement thrived until Hitler declared war on the US. They slithered into the shadows but reemerged after the war only to adopt new facades.
I discussed Rachel Maddow's book "Prequel" that explored pre-WWII American Nazis at:
Pro-Nazi groups had proliferated in the US in the 1930’s, often under the cover of isolationist or anti-war organizations.
The antisemitic American Nazi movement included the German American Bund, the Silver Shirts, the Crusader White Shirts, the Protestant Gentile League, the Christian Front, Christian Mobilizers, the American Nationalist Federation, and yes, Lindbergh's America First Committee.
Lindbergh's fellow aviator Laura Ingalls declared at her trial, a "witch hunt" according to her lawyer, that the US "needs someone like Hitler building a country while America is in chaos".
And of course, American Nazis would be compelled to form militias. They even recruited General George Van Horn Moseley to lead the armed insurrection. Some things never change.
This time the American Nazis finally won, thanks to the help from a racist South African neo-Nazi oligarch.
To any Anonymous who says, "communist democrats",
Your hate, lies, and ignorance are neither relevant to this discussion, other than as evidence of your fascist nature, nor welcome.
If you have any verifiable information or good faith comments that address my points, we can discuss them.
Interesting times as the old Chinese Curse notes. I'm not a cusser, but the Mrs. is OK with my frequent Trump-bursts "Oh, fer anti-chrissake". We have a progressing nightmare (or wet dream for the mentally handicapped) as Dante
digs a dozen more levels of his hell.
Anonymous asked, "So what exactly has Musk done, if anything?"
As an unelected and unaccountable oligarch, he has been reckless in his frenzy to shut down every program he can, usually to benefit his personal financial agenda.
We can debate where USAID funding goes, but to slash it all, including food and medicine, is utterly inhumane and cruel, as is terminating employment without just cause.
Which is why Trump HATES real accountability:
Trump fired the independent inspectors general whose job WAS to find waste, fraud, and abuse. The stood in the way of his Criminal Cartel's corruption. THAT was why they were fired.
From Project on Government Oversight:
$26 saved for every $1 spent on inspectors general. That’s real oversight. POGO testified yesterday that defunding watchdogs only fuels more waste and corruption.
"Trump Fired Inspectors General Who Identified $183.5 Billion in Waste, Fraud, and Abuse."
Trump whined that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) was “set up to destroy people.” Like firing people without cause or for not pledging loyalty to Trump? Right. It is the watchdog over banks and a check on their kind of fraud that resulted in the Great Bush Recession.
The Bureau also works to make credit card, mortgage, and other loan disclosures clearer, so consumers can understand their rights and responsibilities.
The CFPB sued Capital One, N.A., and its parent holding company, Capital One Financial Corp., for cheating millions of consumers out of more than $2 billion in interest.
Trump and Musk make it very clear whose side THEY are on. They want to make it easier for banks to rip us off, so their fellow greedy oligarchs get more money.
The IRS is another of Trump and his oligarchs’ targets. They want to gut it, of course. The IRS, which provides 96% of government funding, totaled $5.1 trillion in fiscal year 2024 on an appropriated budget of $12.3 billion. That return on investment, 415:1.
No wonder the greedy oligarchs want to eliminate the agency that catches them CHEATING on taxes.
DOGE COULD save $18 billion by canceling welfare queen Musk's SpaceX and Telsa subsidies. The corrupt oligarch will assure he gets his cut.
"Accountability"? Please. Musk is a powerful yet unelected oligarch who gave Trump almost $3 million to give him power with ZERO accountability.
Anonymous displays his willful ignorance when he asked, "So, why do the Progressive Communist Democrats want to have Elon Musk, removed for public office?
The unelected, and not even Senate confirmed, Musk does not hold a public office. He is an unaccountable "special government employee".
"Special", indeed.
I prefer to see the curse of Trumpism and its wide cultivation of hate, lies, and ignorance as America's comeuppance and karmic judgment for all the injustices perpetrated against Native Americans, African Americans, victims of wars based on lies, etc.
Maybe the Universe is saying it's finally our time to suffer consequences?
Bruce's Smedley link shows it's the same plot as before, down to the planned installation of a "Secretary of General Affairs" - then Butler now Musk to be the puppet, renamed "doge" - but the 500,000 person attack to make it so was abandoned. If at first you don't succeed in a coup, leave the plans to your successors to try again.
Anonymous asked, "So what exactly has Musk done, if anything?"
As an unelected and unaccountable oligarch, he has been reckless in his frenzy to shut down every program he can, usually to benefit his personal financial agenda.
Hey Moron David, no mambo of the president s cabinet is elected!
"Hey Moron David, no mambo of the president s cabinet is elected!"
A mambo is a Cuban dance. Anonymous the projecting moron thinks he's the intelligent one. See Dunning-Kruger Effect.
Musk is NOT a member of the cabinet and cabinet members are at least minimally accountable with Senate confirmation.
I was just watching this discussion of his special kind of stupidity:
“Uniquely Stupid:” Dissecting the Past Decade of American Life
Here's a relevant quote that explains why MAGA embraces their willful ignorance, and how they will NEVER understand their own beliefs, let alone our positions.
“He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that. His reasons may be good, and no one may have been able to refute them. But if he is equally unable to refute the reasons on the opposite side, if he does not so much as know what they are, he has no ground for preferring either opinion.” ― John Stuart Mill, On Liberty
I've been reading about many in MAGA world who've lost or are losing their nice government jobs. They didn't realize that the leopards would eat their faces too.
They also weren't smart enough to understand that once Trump got their vote, he didn't need them anymore. Their biggest mistake was to believe he cared about them.
It's hard to pity the fools who voted themselves out of jobs, especially since so many others who knew better also got fired.
What will they think as they witness the gleeful cruelty in their fellow Trump voters celebrating their loss?
I'm not sure they CAN think about it. Obviously they were duped, and nobody likes to admit being duped.
Some are figuring out too late that Trump never gave a damn about them.
Again, it's difficult to pity people who would believe a criminal and liar like Trump. This wasn't exactly information that was unavailable. They ignored it and paid the price. Sadly, millions more will likely pay a price for their incurious and gullible stupidity.
A lot of Arab Americans are waking up to the fact they've been played for chumps as well. Stupidity isn't limited to white racists after all.
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