Elon Musk sent an outrageous, degrading, disturbing, and ominous email to
federal employees with the subject line, “What did you do last week?”
reply to this email with approx. 5 bullets of what you accomplished last week
and cc: your manager. Please do not send any classified information, links, or
attachments. Deadline is Monday at 11:59pmEST.”
Intimidation and the threat of termination are clearly the intent of this cruel tactic. Thousands of federal employees have already been fired or are under the threat of being fired without just cause or recourse.
No doubt thousands of Trump supporters voted themselves out of jobs. I find it rather more difficult to pity them, than to sympathize with the other victims who had the good sense to not vote for Trump.
lucky to not be in their position. And it’s a good thing because my response to
this unprecedented and unjustified demand would be something like this:
Attn Mr. Co-dictator, Supreme Chancellor, Oligarch Overseer, Prefect of Political Purges and Purification, (or whatever title you hold,) Musk,
Thank you for your interest in my profession.
Since you are not my supervisor, and you may very likely not be qualified to evaluate my job performance, would you please forward me your resume summarizing your expertise in my field?
It is apparent you do not fully understand my duties, nor do you adequately comprehend the nature of yours.
After reviewing the list of those you have fired, it has become clear that you have negatively impacted our Constitutional provisions for the general welfare and common defense.
You fired 400 maintenance and other technicians within the Federal Aviation Administration, the essential agency that assures aviation safety for the American people. This action, along with similarly misconceived politicized dismissals at the Center for Disease Control, Department of Education, and National Institutes of Health, directly undermine important Constitutional provisions for the general welfare of the American people.
Summarily firing vital staff at the National Nuclear Security Administration was an impulsive and ill-considered measure that weakened of our common defense.
Slashing the employees at the IRS interferes with our Constitutional taxation and reduces vital revenues that sustain government services for the people of the United States. Many of us see it as no coincidence that this also makes it far easier for the economic elites to cheat the rest of us by not paying their fair share of taxes.
How many millions of our tax dollars go to you again, Mr. Musk?
And who would profit by dismantling the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that has returned $20 billion to the American consumer? Wouldn't that be the Wall Street banks and tech billionaires like you moving into financial services, Mr. Musk? But we're supposed to trust your judgement whether there is a conflict of interest, so it's all fine.
While you demand accountability from everyone but Trump and his loyal cronies, you fired Inspectors General who identified $183.5 billion in waste, fraud, and abuse, only to mistake $8 million for $8 billion.
In considering your lack of foresight, callous negligence, and egregious lapses of judgment, it would be incumbent upon any reasonable and honest American to question your patriotism, qualifications and competence, sir.
If it were up to me, I’d have to say, “Mr. Musk, you and your inept, unvetted, and unqualified geek squad are FIRED!”
Also, answering to you, and responding to your email are not in my job description.
see the Department of the Interior’s standardized position descriptions at its
The stench of Nazism hangs thick on Chainsaw Elon.
Rapidly is the federal government of this dieing democratic republic being molded into a fascist bureaucracy that will salute its Fuhrer/King and obey his every whim and command.
Fear is the greatest ally of a dictator followed by inculcating We the People with a myriad of untruthful propaganda until truth becomes lies and lies become truth in the fearful minds of the working common folk.
Hitler would be very proud of Chainsaw Elon and his official boss, the Felon of the USA.
Elon like President Felon are two psychologically damaged men. We suffer the consequences of their unresolved dysthemia from their degrading childhood experiences.
Today in the Oval Office President Felon and President Macron of France took questions from the press. At one point, Macron corrected President Felon on the nature of European support for Ukraine, interrupting President Donald Trump as he spoke to note he was misstating the facts.
One could almost see smoke coming out of Felon Trump's ears as Macron set the record straight over Trump's false claims.
Stay tuned to see Felon Trump's retribution for that act of courage on Macron's part. Malignant narcissists DETEST being corrected, especially in public.
Hell hath no fury like a malignant narcissist being correct in public!
The Felonious Fuhrer was no doubt furious.
In their joint press conference Macron made it clear Russia was the aggressor in Ukraine.
Burn number two for the day.
Sorry Chap, but you’re not fighting a war, you are fighting some crazy idea of yours, … you’re fighting an idea, and that is never going to win!.
The only way to fight an idea is with another one.
The idea we fight against are the ideals that everyone should be taken care of by the government.
The idea we should fight back with is the ideals of liberty and small government. It’s impossible for government to take care of everyone and to do so would be destructive to all of us.
When you fight back with a better idea, you have a much better chance of winning, because as long as ideas are well defended, they cannot be beaten.
And by the way! Your idea MUST be a whole lot better than your Name Calling, and your repeating of the insane idea of calling Pres. Trump a "Hitler" so constantly...... When you Repeat, Repeat, and Repeat the same Old Song so often, NO ONE takes you seriously. Not even me.
Look Chap, I've been reading this blog of yours and ll of it's comments. And what I found was a whole lot of Name Calling, which is not only Stupid, but it's childish and far to repetitive. If you take the time to read all of the above comments you'll find that almost everyone, in every comment uses the term "Hitler". It's not only very repetitive, but it's stupid, Childish, and just plain wrong. Trump is NO WAY a "Hitler" I know it and you should know it. He is anything BUT . And everyone knows it. And you should know it, so if you want to be considered Smart, you'd stop it.
I say, old bean, the term for your argument is "straw man".
Your comment has literally NOTHING to do with the topic of my post.
Nowhere have I, or anyone else, advocated "everyone should be taken care of by the government".
Your point is closer to the absurd radical right/fascist accusations that Democrats are communists.
In the past I have certainly noted how Trump emulates the tactics that Hitler used. Demonization, hate, scapegoating, a Big LIE, and of course NAME CALLLING that you seem to be ok with.
You also seem ok with, or ignorant of, the FACT that his own VP wondered if he is "America's Hitler".
Maybe you should lecture raped women who want an abortion about "liberty and small government".
I say, old bean, it would seem you're being somewhat less than honest in your claim to have been reading this blog. You're addressing a subject that isn't even in this post or comment thread. "Troll" would be the appropriate name calling for you in this case, wouldn't it?
Claiming that almost everyone, in every comment uses the term "Hitler" indicates YOUR lack of intention to engage in good faith discussion.
If you'd like to actually discuss a comparison between Trump and Hitler, how about you make the case that Trump's J6 attempt to overturn our election through a violent mob shouldn't be compared to Hitler's 1923 Munich Putsch?
Every educator and student of history knows this is how fascists try to seize power over democracy, but please do explain how I and almost every historian are mistaken.
If you want to be considered "Smart", that is.
Caligula, Ivan the Terrible, Gengis Khan, Vlad the Impaler, Mussolini, Nero,
Gaddafi, Hussein, Pol Pot, Stalin. But Trump no way a Hitler - yep, Adolf
had a mustache, Donnie has a fake tan.
Fake tan, false facts, fevered conspiracy, and fat ass. Yup, that's Donnie the Fantastic Dolt.
The entire planet knows I am a genius. I don't read, I just Know! I know, I''ll grow a Fuhrer mustache. Sig Musk, Sig Musk! Stand aside Jesus, My followers are a lot dumber than yours.
From your anonymous advisor:
Can you imagine having to work with or for either of the (F)elons?
I've worked with or for plenty of jerks and assholes. Being trapped in the same country as the sociopaths of the Trump Cartel is far worse in so many ways.
The Malignant Narcissist and Felon of the USA gave perhaps the worst, most lying address to congress ever witnessed in my lifetime since I begin paying close attention @ 18. Now 73 I am ashamed to be called an American, the direct result of it embracing a lying asshole, a felon, a sexual predator/assaulter, an authoritarian fascist, a malignant narcissist, an ignorant divisive prick, and basically one huge inhuman blight on humanity.
Like what we see in Germany on busses I say... FUCK tRump.
Yes, and those are the nicer things to say about him.
At least we now know, per President Trump's statement in the SOTU, that Musk is indeed in charge of DOGE. That will make for interesting discussion at the SCOTUS where his lawyers have denied that reality.
No problem. Trump will just say Musk AND Gleason are in charge.
Dave, to the point of your post...
Everyone should be appalled by the idea that the Trump Admin, or any admin can choose who and what news outlets cover them. Yet that is exactly what Trump is asserting through his press office. To exclude certain outlets because they do not report favorably, as opposed to accurately, is indeed, at best a curtailment of the press.
In 2014, Jim Acosta, then of CNN, hammered the Obama Admin on their lack of transparency and accuracy on Afghanistan and the strength of the Taliban. Did the White House ban them? No, they went back and saw that Acosta was correct.
And Fox News supported Acosta, his right to be part of the press team and his right to ask tough questions. And today Fox News is still supporting press outlets even as Trump denies them access. And other more liberal outlets have stood up for Fox too.
A free press requires access. Their job is not to promote America, rather in the case of the White House Press Corps, it's to report accurately and press elected officials to explain the who, what, why, when and where of their work.
Sadly, with the actions of the current admin, we may be seeing the end of such coverage. No matter what the 1st Amendment says.
With nary a word from either the Dems of the Republicans on this.
Trump dismissed and demonized the AP as an organization of “radical left lunatics” and said: “We’re going to keep them out until such time as they agree that it’s the Gulf of America.”
The absurdity of this premise and blatant punishment of a journalistic organization he clearly hates demonstrates his tyrannical and fascist nature.
Couple that with his allowing Russian media access tells us yet again he works for Putin.
The weak response from Dems on this issue isn't very comforting. They're so disjointed and helpless when they need focus and passion on defending our free press.
If FOX(R) and Newsmax can speak out for press freedom, why doesn't the Democratic Party make this a cause to defend?
All it took was six corrupt authoritarian Supreme Court Justices to shred our Constitution and rip our country apart.
The late great George Carlin saw it all coming and declared, "This country is finished".
Imagine voting for a party because you hope you're gonna get more handouts from them than the other party.
Just imagine...Over the years, Musk and his businesses have received at least $38 billion in government contracts, loans, subsidies and tax credits. Since Trump’s election, Musk’s net worth has increased $64 billion, or nearly 25%, according to Bloomberg’s estimate.
The age of the oligarchs has fully arrived in Amerika.
Protecting the billionaires and the corporations and perks that fuel their wealth is their only true priority.
“Follow the Money”: After Tesla Attacks, Josh Hawley Says It’s Time to Blow the Lid Off the Left’s “Dark Money” Operation...meanwhile the hate filled left is ignoring the money they get, just ask Sanders, Clinton, members of View, etc..
What Will Make A Democrat Happy, well Democrats what will it be?
Well, howdy thar, Vern!
I agree its time to blow the lid off ALL dark money that is corrupting both parties. Going after only Democrats' would be weaponization of the Justice Department. You know all about that, amirite? Trump said that is unfair and wrong, didn't he?
You lost me with your "ignoring the money" tangent. Some specifics would help make sense of what you're trying to say.
Speaking of not making any sense, since when is it "illegal" to boycott Tesla? And what's that insanely stupid babbling about annexing Canada about? And what kind of idiot would announce tariffs, watch the market go down, withdraw the announcement, only to double down on them again and see the market fall even further? It is insane and incompetent. You probably believe Trump's tariff lies over every economist in the world not working for Trump.
He's lost his mind. If Biden talked that crazy he'd be hospitalized.
Your malevolent mendacious messiah is saying things far more stupid than Biden ever did. But then again, people like you really believe "they're eating the dogs in Springfield". You think Trump never lies and his word is your gospel.
So what would make Dems happy? To see Trump where he belongs. In jail or a mental hospital. We'd also settle for him retiring in Russia with his best buddy.
There is a reason the Felon of the USA loves the uneducated and under educated. Ole Vern highlights it once again.
A manic money monger needs a Musk muzzle.
Vern whined, "Support your claim 'Your malevolent mendacious messiah is saying things far more stupid than Biden ever did.' with examples."
Old Vern couldn't process my words or forgot to read this:
Speaking of not making any sense, since when is it "illegal" to boycott Tesla? And what's that insanely stupid babbling about annexing Canada about? And what kind of idiot would announce tariffs, watch the market go down, withdraw the announcement, only to double down on them again and see the market fall even further? It is insane and incompetent. You probably believe Trump's tariff lies over every economist in the world not working for Trump.
He's lost his mind. If Biden talked that crazy he'd be hospitalized.
And there's more.
Biden never whined, "They're eating the dogs!" He never said anything as crazy as this: " “Only because it’s meant to be our 51st state…One of the nastiest countries to deal with is Canada”.
He never said crazy crap like the press is the "enemy of the people", Democrats are "communists", or "Hitler did some good things".
He never spewed craziness about taking over Greenland and Panama, criticizing judges is "illegal", (while calling for impeaching one who rules against him.) the 2020 election was "stollen", or he "knows more about (fill-in-the-blank) than anyone in the world.
And there's more. Much more.
And while we're at it, Trump is EVIL.
Governor JB Pritzker just revealed that during COVID, Donald Trump told him he would only send life saving equipment if he agreed to praise him on the Sunday talk shows.
Dave, you never get comments or answers from the Verns of the world on that "truthy" or "facts" stuff because...
1. They've never seen, or read those comments on the "news sources" many on the right consume. Think the admitted in court and under oath liars at Fox News, OAN, RT [funded by Russia], Epoch Time and NewsMax. Thus, in their minds, it never happened.
2. It never showed up when they "did their own research" on You Tube, the Mothership or other like minded blogs. So, once again, it never happened. Besides, they already know their truth.
3. They ignore the written word on blogs like yours because as they live out numbers 1 and 2 above, they can't be bothered by facts that don't comport with their reality. And finally...
4. They scored low in elementary school on the old SRA reading comprehension tests, never got into a remedial class and still struggle to make sense of what they purportedly are reading.
Anyways... I hope you're well in the midst of all the chaos swirling around from the good governance folks at 1600 PA Ave.
It's not difficult to see how much more we understand these simple-minded authoritarian cultists than they could ever comprehend us or what we say.
They don't read anything that's not cult-approved, IF they even manage to read at all.
It's always FEELINGS over facts.
Their FEELINGS of hate and anger are manipulated and reinforced by their LYING authoritarian leaders, while critical THINKING and facts are suppressed beyond their scope of awareness.
But I've been having fun tweaking the cult at Lisa's Latrine, anyway.
"Support your claim". Still waiting. The Left Knew They Were Lying to Us All Along
The left knowingly pushed falsehoods on COVID, Biden’s fitness, Hunter’s laptop, and the border—dividing the nation while facing no accountability.
We've been waiting forever for YOU to support any of you claims.
Now you want to play "Generalized Accusations".
The Right Knew They Were Lying to Us All Along
The Right knowingly pushed falsehoods on COVID, Biden’s fitness, Hunter’s laptop, and the border—dividing the nation while facing no accountability.
And that's not even including the THUSANDS of Trump's LIES.
The Right also pushed Trump's BIG LIE about the 2020 election that lit the fuse for America's second Civil War. They constantly LIE without supporting evidence that the free press is the "enemy of the people", that Democrats are "the enemy within", "communists", and "fascists" who "hate America".
And let's not forget Trump saying he would end the war in Ukraine in "24 hours". and bring prices down on "day one".
There. Would you like more? Or are we good?
The fantasy bubble the right has enclosed itself in impermeable. They are living their minds fantasy dream in their head.
Just like the Germans did before Hiller killed 6 million Jews, caused WW II, and ultimately destroyed Germany.
Is history going to repeat itself?
I find myself wondering about that often these days.
Yup, a cult is a cult is a cult. And a cult is not a cult to the cult.
History is always repeating itself in authoritarian political manipulations through nationalism, racism, bigotry, xenophobia.
When has that ever worked out for the benefit of humanity?
Tell Mr. NAZIS that it’s very clear now JUST WHO IS THE REAL NAZI S.
Republicans don’t set people’s businesses on Fire, or intentionally harm their life, but Nazis and Democrats do.
Mega Maga Minion,
I know you won't read my response, but here it is:
You can't name ONE Democrat who committed arson. NOT ONE.
Musk intentionally harmed THOUSANDS of Americans by firing them for no valid substantiated reason. If there was fraud, it would have been shown and prosecuted. If there was waste, there would have been examples exhibited.
NONE of that happened. Just reckless destruction of people's livelihoods.
And some were even Trump voters, but we know damn well you have no empathy even for them.
Nazis and Republicans both attempted coups. Hitler in1923 and Trump in 2021. FACTS.
And here's more you don't want to know:
“History Doesn’t Repeat Itself, But It Often Rhymes” (Mark Twain)
Maybe it's all just coincidence...
Nazis wanted to “make Germany great again”.
Republicans want to “make America great again”.
Nazis said “Germany over all”.
Republicans say “America first”(a slogan specifically coined to promote white nationalism).
Nazis proclaimed themselves patriots, and branded their opponents unpatriotic.
Republicans proclaim themselves patriots, and brand their opponents unpatriotic.
Nazis targeted Jews, characterizing them as dangerous and dirty.
Republicans target immigrants, characterizing them as dangerous and dirty.
Nazis exhibited unwavering and unquestioning loyalty and obedience for a central figure.
Republicans exhibit unwavering and unquestioning loyalty and obedience for a central figure.
Nazis loved guns and glorified violence.
Republicans love guns and glorify violence.
Nazis ridiculed displays of empathy.
Republicans ridicule displays of empathy.
Nazis claimed to be doing the work of God.
Republicans claim to be doing the work of God.
Nazis railed against the “lying press” for criticizing them.
Republicans rail against the “fake news” and the “liberal media” for criticizing them.
Nazis had black armbands.
Republicans have red hats.
Nazis banned and sometimes burned books.
Republicans ban and sometimes burn books.
Nazis supported the death penalty.
Republicans support the death penalty.
Nazis persecuted gays and transgenders.
Republicans persecute gays and transgenders.
Nazis emphasized “traditional”family structure and gender roles.
Republicans emphasize “traditional” family structure and gender roles.
Nazis banned abortion.
Republicans are banning abortion.
Nazis claimed that universities were indoctrinating students with anti-German sentiments.
Republicans claim that universities, high schools, junior highs, middle schools, grade schools, elementary schools, kindergartens, daycares and cartoons are indoctrinating kids with anti-American sentiments.
Nazis distrusted scientists, artists and intellectuals.
Republicans distrust scientists, artists and intellectuals.
Nazis stoked fears of a communist threat and labeled people they didn't like as communists.
Republicans stoke fears of a communist threat, and label people they don't like as communists.
Nazis meddled in elections, and accused their opponents of fraud.
Republicans meddle in elections, and accuse their opponents of fraud.
Nazis had swastikas.
Republicans have Confederate flags. And swastikas.
Quite a comprehensive list of very apt comparisons. Maga Mega Man, with his jaundiced view of reality and marinated ignorance will blindly follow the Orange Tyrant over the cliff to a very bad ending.
Ignorance combined with Insecurity and Fear made MMM a ripe target for the cult of MAGA and its propaganda and xenophobic bullshit.
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