Remember James Carville’s Clinton era campaign slogan, “It’s the economy, stupid”?
Well, as Forrest Gump said, “Stupid is as stupid does”. None of us are immune from saying and doing stupid things. But many of us seem to enjoy the liberating feeling of being stupid and not knowing it. Enter the Dunning Kruger Effect, named after David Dunning and Justin Kruger. They described the cognitive bias in which people with limited competence in a given area of expertise overestimate their abilities.
This applies to our politics more than ever. What many voters think they know is far less than what they actually know. Everyone who took Trump at his word unwittingly embraced this effect. But Trump’s true believers aren’t the only ones suffering from this quirk of cognition. Enough swing voters also fell into the effect. They didn’t bother to educate themselves about Trump’s crime spree and propensity to be a pathological liar. They likely spent less time thinking about how to vote as I did while writing this little essay.
I’m going to argue that believing falsehoods and ignorance of vital information affected the election more than anything else. So naturally the economy has become the media punditry’s explanation for Trump’s win over Kamala Harris. After all, there was a serious rise of inflation. The fact that it was brought down didn’t get the same attention.
Pro-Trump and corpo-media did an excellent job of blaming Biden for post-pandemic supply chain issues that aggravated global inflation, while the Democrats did a poor job in messaging its causes. The economy is strong, manufacturing is up, and unemployment is low, but we are still stuck with the higher prices elevated by global inflation and corporate greed.
Yes, inflation was a factor, but I reject that simple excuse as the most significant influence.
The reality is Republicans are better at propaganda. They have their own mendacious media empire to catapult the propaganda. Hell, they’ve even had Russia in their corner since Trump came along. The most powerful weapon to destabilize the US was dropped into Putin’s lap.
True to the authoritarian playbook, Republicans and the far-Right mastered scapegoating and the blame game. Democrats were weak in both their own defense and offense, as in framing their opposition as a threat to democracy, decency, the rule of law, and the truth.
Democrats should have run footage of J6 and Trump’s praise for his thugs 24/7 throughout all of October. They didn’t. They failed to exploit the far Right’s greatest flaw.
Merrick Garland’s painfully slow initiative in investigating Trump’s crimes took its toll. The final nail in justice’s coffin was hammered in by Trump’s authoritarian and corrupt partisan allies on the Supreme Court. “Presidential immunity” was never a thing in the history of the republic, until the derelict Court decided to reject our ideal of equal justice under law and openly enable Trump’s criminal behavior. How the hell did these NOT have profound significance in the election?
I suggest there are several more factors that had far more influence than the economy. Apathy, ignorance, emotional manipulation, and the intellectually lazy and incurious low information voters all took a toll.
the disinformation, stupid.
Trump’s endless stream of lies was amplified by both corporate media and his sycophantic propagandists. Mike Flynn’s Q-Anon domestic psy-ops fed his marks massive troves of lies and wacky conspiracy theories like “Pizza-gate”. Youtube pushed this disinformation exponentially. Gullible people fell for it all.
It’s the hate, stupid.
Trump’s rallies were nothing but extended Orwellian “Two Minute Hate” rallies, inciting constant anger, and fueling groundless scapegoating and blame in the minds of his gullible true believers. The free press was called the “enemy of the people” while Democrats and judges holding him accountable were labeled “the enemy within”.
It’s corporate media’s “horse race” normalization and “sanewashing” of a criminal, stupid.
Age was a critical issue with Biden, but magically not for Trump. Trump’s obvious criminal behavior and resulting indictments were basically ignored after his circus of lies and outrageous rhetoric became the next day’s headlines.
social media, stupid.
Twitter, facebook gossip, and Trump’s so-called “Truth Social” became primary sources of disinformation for duped buffoons who “did their own research”.
A: “They’re eating the dogs in Springfield!”, howled the man who sent an angry
mob to storm and desecrate the Capitol, terrorize Congress, and beat cops bloody
to overturn a fair election he lost.
Exhibit B: Many Trump voters didn't understand the consequences of their support for Trump until it was too late. Buyers' remorse is setting in. Many Arab third party and Trump voters are realizing Trump's ambassador to Israel said, "There's really no such thing as a Palestinian". Google searches for "How to change my vote" and "Will tariffs cause inflation" spiked after Trump won. Searches for "Did Joe Biden drop out" popped up on Election Day!
The reality is this: Everyone who voted for Trump is either misinformed, willfully ignorant, believes his lies, or just doesn't care.
short, “It’s the stupidity, stupid”.
Hey, you woke Democrats like SHAW if you want to win elections, you could start by not claiming that everyone who disagrees with you must be stupid, illiterate, backward, racist, homophobic, uneducated, transphobic, etc., etc. YOU are actually acting like the IDIOTS THAT YOU SRE!
Perhaps you'll listen to a sensible liberal such as Alan Dershowitz for example!
You left out GULLIBLE from your list of Trumpists' characteristics.
There's no other word for those who BELIEVE Trump's constant LIES.
You also left out HATEFUL. It's ALWAYS been about your hate for those who disagree with Trump and KNOW that he's a CRIMINAL and LIAR.
And IF you were actually literate and intelligent instead of being misinformed, gullible, or hate-filled bigots you could say, "Dave, you're incorrect in saying _____ and_____. Here is the correct information: ________."
You guys NEVER show me where we are wrong, despite my easy to follow template.
WHY do you think that is? Why can't you answer questions if you think you're the one with all the facts?
Dershowitz doesn't care that Trump is a criminal who threatened to send the military after people he hates. Instead he says, "The greatest threat to democracy comes from the hard left of the Democratic Party", as if the Squad has Wall Street support and political power.
There's nothing sensible or liberal about that statement.
I disagree with Democrats on a lot of things but supporting a racist criminal like Trump means character, honesty, decency, fair elections, and the rule of law do not matter.
Maybe the correct term for that is just evil?
You're invited to dispute what I say with some verifiable facts and reasoning. Are you up for it?
To be fair, Dershowitz said he voted for Biden in 2020.
So yes, he was sensible for that. But the fact he's paid by the disreputable and dishonest FOX(R) stains any credibility he might have.
And can you define "woke", please?
Sorry, Anonymous,
Deflections like, "JEALOUS Shaw said:" won't cut it.
Define woke and provide verifiable information that I requested, please.
So far you keep showing us you are NOT intellectually capable.
Accusations without evidence are bullshit, and man, you are full of it.
Name calling won't cut it either. Try again, sport.
Define woke and provide verifiable information that I requested, please.
Asswipe David Sid
“ So far you keep showing us you are NOT intellectually capable.”
And he calls other Name Callers!
^ More proof of my points. ^
Trumpists can't write a cogent paragraph. It's all about their delicate FEELINGS.
No wonder they hate the word "woke". They are barely conscious.
Kamala is as dumb as a Rock and everyone knows it.
"Kamala is as dumb as a Rock", is what a racist, or a very stupid person, would say. I'm betting both apply here.
Keep proving it, boys.
We ask for facts and reasoning, and that is all the can can come up with.
Sad. As Orwell's Big Brother noted, "Ignorance is strength'. And Trump confirmed with, "I love the poorly educated".
An illegal Honduran migrant has been charged with raping a woman on a popular hiking trail outside Washington, DC just days after he was released from jail on another sex crime charge — and it’s the first sexual assault of that kind in the town for more than a decade, according to authorities.
“This is the only stranger rape that we have had in the town in my more than 12 years as chief of police,” said Herndon, Virginia, police chief Maggie DeBoard in a press conference Tuesday
This is the kind of of Animals that Joe Biden has brought into our Once Great Country
For the last few years many Trump supporters have refused the COVID vaccine, calling it the clot shot, and blaming it for any random death that seems out of the ordinary. Governors like Kemp and DeSantis were praised for opening their states back up after two weeks, but Trump and his SG pick criticized them for it. Trump's supporters also largely opposed masks and social distancing regulations.
Why did Trump nominate someone who supported all of this? Is MAGA okay with this pick?
Trump is one of those rapist animals, sport.
Why did you vote for an adjudicated rapist? As long as it's by a rich white guy, you're OK with rape. Got it.
You have no moral ground to stand on.
Dave Dubya, you've lost your freakin Mind
Anonymous @5:13,
What does it really matter? To the cult, their Felonious Fuhrer can do no wrong.
Thank you for your less-than-qualified assessment of my mental condition. I'm sure that is what your FEELINGS tell you. How can you be right if you cannot show how or where I lost my mind? Maybe you could alert me to where I was mistaken and show me your supporting evidence.
Or is that asking too much for YOUR mind to process?
As the song goes, "Just gimme some truth". Does that word scare you?
I don't know... name calling seems to be a pretty effective strategy unfortunately. Half of our current President-Elect's playbook is coming up with childish monikers for people he doesn't like at any given moment.
With that in mind, perhaps it wasn't calling spades spades that lost Harris and the Democrats the election? Maybe it was all of those things you listed that beat out the positive messaging and civility promised by the Democrats.
For some reason our Trumpists' comments never refer to the content of my post. The don't want to engage in refuting or even discussing my points. They are indoctrinated to attack instead of debate, like fascists have always done.
They don't need to read anything because they BELEIVE they already know everything. Paging Dunning-Kruger.
Dave D.: "I’m going to argue that believing falsehoods and ignorance of vital information affected the election more than anything else."
Can't argue with that. The WYD trolls prove it every time they post here. The WYD hostess, Lisa, comes to my blog, posts a comment, I engage her on the comment, and she never returns to either counter my statement or add to her comment.
The WYD trolls don't know much about anything so they can't engage in a conversation or argument.
Ask any of them a question about Trump's promised tariffs on Mexico, Canada, and China, and they'll respond with "Your(sic) a poopyhead!"
Shaw hit the nail on the head regarding the Trump Tariffs. Over at one fever swamp where people pretend to be intelligent, they're asking what we buy from Canada anyways.
What do we import from our second largest trading partner in the world? How about $418 billion in goods that include oil, gas, cars and car parts, manufacturing parts, pharmaceuticals, iron, gold, wood, paper and of course, maple syrup.
What about Mexico, our largest trading partner in the world? In the $475 billion dollars of stuff we import the list includes cars and car parts, computers medical instruments, washers, dryers and lots of liters of tequila, mezcal, sotol, rum, and yes, avocados.
Our biggest trading partners.
Rather than make enemies with bellicose language [you MAGA folks can look that word up], Trump should band the US, Mexico and Canada into a free trade zone against the rest of the world, utilizing our collective economic strength and resources to insure our strength and economic stability for generations to come.
But as have countless administrations before Trump, he will join a long list of US Presidents who have unilaterally abrogated signed treaties and agreements.
When Trump approves these tariffs, still a big if right now, the US will once again damage relationships with both Canada and Mexico in violation of the USMCA which Trump himself negotiated and signed when he was president.
Dave stated... "They never did like that odd notion that "all men are created equal", let alone women."Hell has been played up for years in the US, not for purely spiritual reasons, but rather to scare ppl into a relationship with God, and make them peaceful and, wait for it, controllable. People outside of Christianity of course, were not equal. They were heathens... evil people.
And for the survival of the US, we needed peaceful people.
So unless and until people "accepted" Christ, they were not equal, at least before God. Then, once in the "family", by taking scripture out of context and just plain bad exegesis, Christians could defend sexism, racism, bans on interraccial marriage, slavery and more.
So in a nutshell it was like this... if you did not believe, you were not equal. Then when you believed, you had to follow rules that subjugated you to secondary status, OR you weren't really a true believer.
Such great logic.
One further step... some are now arguing that this early need for people to believe in God, for the good of and survival of the US, now informs the current debates on abortion and gay marriage.
Just as those violent heathens were a threat to our "white" country in the 17th and 18th century, so is abortion and gay marriage. Because "killing babies" and not having kids makes the white USA a depopulating ticking time bomb.
Religion is good only as long as it helps people treat their fellow human beings better, but it has no monopoly on kindness or morality.
As long as religion divides and destroys more than it unites and builds, it will play a role in the decline of civilization, or even trigger humanity's self-extinction.
And the forecast isn't looking good.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. We'll get through this.
Thanks, Shaw.
The best to you and yours as well. We can't let them steal our joy. That's what they really want. It's always been about cruelty and hate with them. We will cultivate kindness and love despite them.
Just in case you might be wondering why the Current "DICTATOR suddenly issued the Sweetheart of a Pardon to Sonny Boy Hunter! And just in-case anyone didn’t know it, a Presidential Pardon forgives the person for Past Federal Crimes, effectively erasing the legal consequences ALL of those crimes. The person is no longer at risk of any Criminal Prosecution or Punishment for the offenses covered by the pardon.
However I think that NOT to many of us “Honest” Americans noticed the little Zinger that was thrown in saying that President Joe Biden very wisely, or should I say SNEAKINGLY pardoned Sonny Boy Hunter for an Eleven-Year Period. Eleven Years covers the period of the Biden Vice Presidency under Barack Obama, during which Sonny-Boy Hunter Biden served as the “Bag Man” for the “Big-Guy”,also known as the Biden Crime family’s sale of Joe Biden’s office.
This was “A Full and Unconditional Pardon”
For ALL those offenses against the United States which he has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024, including but not limited to all offenses charged or prosecuted (including any that have resulted in convictions). So this was a VERY WELL THOUGHT OUT PARDON!
In fact this pardon also covers Hunter Biden’s failure to register as a foreign agent lobbying the government for foreign interests. and potential transfer of classified information to Foreign sources. As well as ALL of his dealings in China. And as well as in Burisma! Remember
“Burisma”? That little city in the Ukraine where Hunter Biden spent some time on the board of “Ukrainian Gas” Yeah, that’s the place. Well this Pardon also covers that period in Sonny-Boy’s life. This Pardon covers his Alleged Corruption at Burisma in 2014
The bombshell U-turn decision to grant Hunter a pardon comes just weeks after The White House denied the president would make the drastic move in the final months of Joe “The Big Guy’s” who is also known as the lame duck presidency. The document grants a full and UNCONDITIONAL PARDON for Hunter's Potential Crimes Committed 'from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024. BINGO!
Former FBI agent and law professor Asha Rangappa noted how Trump's corrupt Supreme Court enablers have essentially green-lighted Trump for pressing the FBI to interfere in elections and investigate opponents without evidence.
“People criticizing the Hunter Biden pardon need to recognize: For the 1st time, the FBI and Justice Department could literally fabricate evidence, or collaborate with a foreign government to ‘find’ evidence of a ‘crime,’ with zero accountability. That’s why the pardon goes back to 2014.”
Today the DOGE Boys are on Capitol Hill, ostensively to talk to Congressional leaders about their plan to cut government spending by 2 trillion dollars. Putting aside the fact that these geniuses did not know Congress had already left town for the weekend, let's think anew on this 2 trillion bucks they want to cut.
First of all, we start, as I've said many times, that Trump himself has said many times, he is not open, willing or going to cut Social Security, Medicare of Veterans Benefits and pay. And, you cannot cut interest payments on the national debt.
Taking Trump at his word, admittedly, a dangerous undertaking, that leaves us with a total spending available for cuts of 1.5 trillion. The DOGE Boys would have to eliminate all of that spending and they would still be 500 billion dollars short of their stated goal.
And that would be after eliminating the FBI and the depts of Energy, HHS, Agriculture, Interior and more.
Additionally, let's ponder a removal of 2 trillion dollars from the US economy. If we were to actually accomplish the goal of cutting 2 trillion in government spending, roughly a 7% cut in economic activity, here is what most economists believe would happen...
We would probably see a recession with rising unemployment, reduced consumer spending, lower business investment, and a decline in stock market values.
This is the economic message and plan of the incoming president.
Now before all you sock puppets start posting copy and paste BS from Lisa's home of "false facts", please, with data, tell me the following...
1. Where my numbers are wrong or,
2. Where will that 2 trillion dollar savings Musk and Ramaswamy claim to want come from.
I'll wait...
While we are waiting for Godot, let's note the fact that after most of them denied wanting to dismantle Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, Trump's cronies from Project 2025 are getting read to do just that when they take power.
Yet it's so hard for many Americans to figure out that they are just a bunch of crooks and liars.
It really is the stupidity of half the American voters that made this possible.
Dave, they're not serious about actually looking for solutions. Most of the sock puppet brigade just want to own us, call people names and spout stuff without any connected critical thinking.
It's as if we're talking somedays to the Geico Caveman.
All you and a lot of us ask is for a serious conversation, but alas, apparently, that takes too much effort. And then folks like you and me bring actual verifiable facts in and it all goes to h-e double toothpicks.
The conservatives may be correct and we are doomed. But there's plenty of fault to go around if they are right. And it doesn't all land on us lefties.
While we want to be the rational adults in the room, they are the hormonal adolescents with swollen egos and delicate feelings who need to attack, demean, and scapegoat those they don't even want to understand.
And they will be the unthinking fascist fanatics we expect they'll be, as we will always be the targets of their blame and false accusations.
When they rampage like bulls in a china shop, and break functioning systems down into chaos, we will no doubt be blamed.
I Suppose that calling Trump and his supporters a "Hitler", and a "Dictator" like SCHUMKO DAVY DUBYA DOES IS NOT "NAME CALLING?
Why do leftists always engage in name calling to make a point? Were they raised that way? Ot is that their only to try to win their argument?
Name calling seems to be a leftist phenomenon. Usually when people on the LEFT don't know what they're talking about, yet feel strongly about a situation , or don't have the intellectual tools to make coherent arguments, they degrade to name calling and character attacks, jusrt listen to Kamala Harris for 5 minutes and you’ll hear her attack Trump with as many Names as she could muster up from her very limited vocabulary. Whenever she can’t find the answer to the question that was asked, she answers with a attack on Trump instead.
Lets call it like it is for Heavens Sake! It’s the Radical Left, the Progressives who are the Dirty Name Callers! Vice President Kamala Harris called the former President, who is NOW the NEXT President of these Inited States of America Donald Trump a Fascist during a CNN town hall last month. Just as she does every single day, and she attacks him as if he were the ENEMY! As does that little Asswipe on this very Blog Dave Dubya, along with his mentor Shaw!
The use of the word “fascist” and “Hitler”are used regularly in their comments. The name-calling in politics have reached unsustainable levels in the Progressive language
It is apparent that Trump’s selection of nominees is the root cause of the pushback we are seeing. The deep state does not care about morality, as it and its members are, by definition, immoral. They do not care about hypocrisy or the absurdity of their behavior because it is about hierarchy and control So my question remains! .Why do Lefties like to use personal insults against people who disagree with them, like mock their looks, weight, etc.? Just read the Progressive’s blog for 5 minutes and you’ll see exactly whet I mean
While Donald Trump may have strong tendencies in his rhetoric, Trump is FAR from the likes of Adolf Hitler, or any other Dictator. Could it be that he seems that way compared to the Week President that is currently occupying the Oval Office? The Liberal politicians, and the Liberal candidates are more like Communists and Socialists in those parties.
Trump’s nominees challenge the existing status quo, and their knowledge and experience make them exceptionally dangerous as they understand the levers of power and the system’s chokepoints. That's pretty much why the establishment Republicans, RINOs, if you will, stand with progressive communist democrats against the existential threat of Trump’s nominees.
What the hell is a "schumko"? Sounds like name-calling to me.
If you think the likes of Matt "I like teen girls" Gaetz, "Kremlin Tulsi" Gabbard and FOX lush Hegseth have the "knowledge and experience" instead of just loyalty to Trump, you've again shown us an example of the Dunning Kruger effect.
Russian state TV featured a translated clip of Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard, introduced by state TV host Vladimir Soloviev as "Our girlfriend Tulsi."
After the clip plays, one panelist asks: "Is she some sort of a Russian agent?" The host quickly replies: "Yes."
"Ex-Tulsi Gabbard Aides Say She Was a Devout Consumer of Kremlin Propaganda Network RT"
They said Gabbard continued regularly reading and sharing articles from RT well after she was advised that it was an unreliable source of information.
“There certainly isn’t any guarantee to Putin that we won’t try to overthrow Russia’s government,” Gabbard wrote in a 2017 memo to staff, obtained by ABC News.
Saying "progressive communist democrats", especially when compared to Trump and Gabbard's praise and fealty to KGB Director Putin, happens to be BOTH name calling and stupidity as well as blatant hypocrisy.
Only American neo-Nazis and fascists like Trump and his hateful STUPID cult of gullible true believers accuse Democratic political opponents of being "communists" and "the enemy within". Demanding loyalty to him over the Constitution and removing FBI background checks for cronies clearly shows the character of a dictator. If steps like a goose...
Hey, Peter,
I can just picture the dull and witless expression on your face as you IGNORE the FACT that VANCE compared Trump to HITLER!!
"Kamala is as dumb as a Rock? NO, shes as Dumb as a Pile of Shit", says Anonymous after decrying name calling.
They are a piece of work, aren't they?
It's like they're not serious people and it's all about the addiction to the rage and trolling that they feel playing Sportsball with politics and government.
They are generally incurious, emotionally and intellectually immature, and of course, poorly educated people who can only respond from the endlessly triggered fllux of their FEELINGS.
The more educated and wealthy of them are only in it for more wealth and power. They understand how duping the dupes is their easiest path to those goals. I'd say the word for that sort is "evil", rather than stupid. They are truly fascists, merging corporate and political power over democracy and public good.
They want to project their accusation of name calling, while that is exactly what their Dear Leader has always done, and has indoctrinated into their fearful and paranoid primitive amygdalas.
Peter asked... "Why do leftists always engage in name calling to make a point? Were they raised that way? Ot is that their only to try to win their argument?"
Gee... I don't know. Let's consider a few name calling incidents...
Cab Secty Elaine Chow... Coco Chow
Gov Jeb Bush of Florida... Low Energy Jeb
Hillary Clinton... Crooked Hillary, Lyin' Hillary and more.
FBI Director James Comey... Slimeball Comey
SC Gov Nikke Haley... Birdbrain
Should I go on?
You also stated "when people on the LEFT don't know what they're talking about, yet feel strongly about a situation , or don't have the intellectual tools to make coherent arguments, they degrade to name calling and character attacks...
Is that what Donald Trump and conservatives do when they use the above names they've called people? I guess Trump's lack of the intellectual tools to make a coherent argument is what causes him to resort to name calling.
Is it only wrong when ppl on the left do it? I know you'll have no response, no real answer to any of this because like many MAGA folks, trolls, or bots, you have no ability to process facts that are outside of your thought process or orders from your leaders.
Here's the reality, facts I know you and your comrades around the vodka table will never understand...
The USA never really had name calling in politics until Donald Trump entered the arena. When candidates, leaders and neighbors disagreed, we did it with comity and a level of public respect.
Trump was the political leader who started us down the path of being "Dirty Name Callers!" as you describe it.
Now run along, get your Google translator out and work up a better response. Because your first one was pretty clownish...
We know well enough there will be no rational response, of course.
We're arguing with people with the obvious literacy and reasoning level of 6th graders.
In addition to this low-information mental status they are also authoritarian personalities, incapable of questioning their leaders or even examining their own beliefs.
They FEEL like they know everything they need to know, just like a cult. Feelings over facts; bless their hearts.
The Sacred Word of Trump is their gospel, so they MUST see the rest of us as their unholy enemies to be hated and reviled. Just. Like. A. Cult.
Peter is a loyal Trump disciple. Nothing will convince him that Trump is a liar and a crook. The very idea of it HURTS his FEELINGS.
As attributed to Mark Twain: "It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."
Yes, far, far easier. They prove it.
Dave... here's an issue maybe some of your more conservative folks would love to think about...
The Biden Admin has mandated mandatory testing of the nation's milk supplies to ensure Bird Flu is not inadvertently passed on to the American people.
Is this a proper function of government? Does a presidential admin have the power and right to order such testing? Or, are those testing requirements unconstitutional? Then, should the government even be regulating the milk industry in general?
These are real world issues Americans face everyday. I guarantee you the FDA is not in the Constitution, so for some, it has no place.
How do we navigate these types of issues?
Hey Peter, again, regarding name calling, which you see as evidence of a lack of intellectual skills...
Joe Taco Bill Burrito
Butt Pimple Davy
And more. Available everyday on MAGA blogs including Lisa's Stench Trench, original home of the "False Fact".
Are all those right wingers who use those terms intellectually challenged as you said anyone was who called people names?
Oh, oh. Be prepared for Peter to call you a nasty name.
We can ask a Trumpist to think, but that would be like expecting a chimp to explain dark matter's influence on the expansion of the universe.
Kamala Harris the “Hand Picked Candidate” who lost the election to Donald Trop in record numbers is telling her allies that she’s not done with politics yet. She plans to “stay in the fight” against President-elect Trump. But what exactly does that mean? Reports suggest she might run for governor of California in 2026 or even try for the presidency again in 2028
If that be the case then the American Voters in California would have the choice of Dumb, or Dumber, or should I say Idiot, or Idiotess.
Actually Kamala Harris is telling her allies all One Hundred of them that she’s not done with politics yet. She plans to “STAY IN THERE AND FIGHT” against President-elect Trump. But what exactly does that mean? Reports suggest she might run for governor of California in 2026 or even try for the Presidency again in 2028, and waste another 2 Billion dollars
Do you remember January 6, 2021 when Trump said Pence might "deserve" to be hung for not stopping the electoral count certification?
According to your Malevolent Mendacious Messiah, Vice President Kamala Harris has the power to deny the electoral count certification.
Was he correct? Or does that bother you?
Hey Peter, look!
Here's more evidence of low intellectual skills from one of your crony anonymous posters at Lisa's Stench Trench, home of the original "false fact".
"Suck it up Shaw, Dave, Mexican Dave and that little PISS ANT LESTER. Trump is going to make historical changes, like it or not!"
In your view, is this poster "too stupid" to use normal everyday language without calling people names?
Why do people on the right "engage in name calling to make a point? Were they raised that way? Ot is that their only to try to win their argument?" To quote your words.
Apparently you're correct... people who engage in name calling "don't have the intellectual tools to make coherent arguments, [so] they degrade to name calling and character attacks..."
It's so sad to see, isn't it?
Aren't they special?
They call themselves "Christians", but feel no need to pay attention to what Jesus said. They need to ignore all that stuff about loving others, giving to the poor, paying taxes, serving Mammon, and in this particular case, the "Beam in their eye".
The word He uses for their kind is "hypocrite". Clearly "I never knew you" was His message to them.
Dave... "Clearly!"
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