Thursday, October 3, 2024

Another Cry for Help?


...If you're listening. HELP ME! 

Just ONE more time!

The law is closing in on me!

My judges on the Supreme Court FAILED to protect my Private Criminal Conduct! 

They GOT ME dead to rights!

I NEED your HELP more than EVER!

I'll give you Ukraine! I'll destroy NATO! 

ANYTHING you want, Komrad Vlad!



The Gray Ass Talks said...

The Demorot must be removed from multiple failing Federal agencies including Homeland Security. This is not a Red-Blue issue this is critical for every American. Trump is the only man who will do it. That is why he has been targeted for jail and assassination.


The Gray Ass Talks said...


Dave Dubya said...

With lust for a Stalinist purge and an enraged reaction to mockery of the great and beloved malevolent mendacious messiah, The Gray Ass Talks demonstrates the perfect textbook case study for the handy guide to the MAGA mentality:

12 Signs of an Unintelligent Person

-Closed Mindedness
-Not Listening
-Difficulty understating abstract concepts
-lack of curiosity
-poor problem solving
-difficulty adapting to change
-poor emotional regulation
-lack of self-awareness
-inability to learn from mistakes
-difficulty understanding different perspectives

Anonymous said...

Just a few more weeks and the bloviating orange bastard will lose again. Yeah- criming since he was knee high to Daddies fraud schemes…

Dave Dubya said...

I like your optimism. It shouldn't even be close, but the American public has been bombarded by lies for so long we must appear insane to most of the world.

Dave Miller said...

Dave... it won't be close. Trump will lose the overall vote by almost 8 million votes again. Just like when he lost in 2020.

The electoral college? That's another story.

Dave Dubya said...

Sad but true.
Thanks to the electoral college being foisted upon us by the slave states, the US immediately started to undermine the enlightened ideal of "consent of the governed" in the Declaration of Independence.
Along with the anti-democratic Senate, democracy was already crippled before voting rights were secured for Women and Black Americans.

The Debinair Dude said...

Republicans are the people who make America a functional country.
Democrats are the people who make America a dysfunctional country.
A perfect example is the following:
Myorkas wasted 10's of Millions of dollars of FEMA money helping illegals. Now there is no money for the Helene catastrophe. and to help those poor victims.
These demfascsit are vile and disgusting....what a betrayal to the American people. They are unfit for to hold any political office.
While billions flow to Europe in another dembot endless war, and billions go to resettling illegals, Kamala Harris promises Americans who lost their homes and livelihoods.....$750....THEY HAVE NO SHAME....they don't care about Americans and therefore are simply unfit to be in any office. What the hell is $750.00 going to do to help these people that have lost everything?

Opinionated and Right said...

And Thanks to the America's with a Brain in their head Your Dumbass Vice President, WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT. AND HOPEFULLY WILL NEVER HOLD PUBLIC OFFICE IN THIS COUNTRY AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

FEMA is out of $$$? Joe and Kamala, you've got some 'splainin' to do.

Dave Dubya said...

So it appears we have a threesome with "Debinair" (sic) Dude joining Opinionated and Rambunctious.

We can see what his idea of "America's with a Brain" looks like. :-)

We see they LOVE to LIE, believe cult leaders without question, and are too incurious to seek facts.

"Now there is no money for the Helene catastrophe...Kamala Harris promises Americans who lost their homes and livelihoods.....$750....THEY HAVE NO SHAME....they don't care about Americans and therefore are simply unfit to be in any office."

Hurricanes and severe weather events are getting worse due to global warming that science confirms and "America's with a Brain" deny.

This means more money needs to be appropriated for FEMA. While that storm was brewing, the idiotic and unfit Republicans in the House, who are directly responsible for that funding, were plotting to SHUT DOWN the government.

Also, "Debinair Dude" whose difficulty in spelling is among other cerebral limitations FEELS Kamala promised only $750 to storm victims.

His cult leaders keep him in the dark about what she really said:

The Vice President said, "And the federal relief and assistance that we have been providing has included FEMA providing $750 for folks who need immediate needs being met, such as food, baby formula, and the like. And you can apply now."

Harris also added, "FEMA is also providing tens of thousands more dollars for folks to help them be able to deal with home repair, to be able to cover a deductible when and if they have insurance, and also hotel costs."

I thank him again for demonstrating some of the 12 Signs of an Unintelligent Person.

-Closed Mindedness
-Not Listening
-Difficulty understating abstract concepts
-lack of curiosity
-poor problem solving
-difficulty adapting to change
-poor emotional regulation
-lack of self-awareness
-inability to learn from mistakes
-difficulty understanding different perspectives

Dave Dubya said...

Wrong. In fact Republicans want to dismantle FEMA.
While that storm was brewing, the idiotic and unfit Republicans in the House, who are directly responsible for that funding, were plotting to SHUT DOWN the government.
And Trump's pals who are pushing Project 2025 have this is mind:
"These opportunities include privatizing TSA screening and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Flood Insurance Program, reforming FEMA emergency spending to shift the majority of preparedness and response costs to states and localities instead of the federal government."
Meanwhile Republican run states are BEGGING for "big government socialist relief".

Dave Miller said...

Dave, you posted... "Meanwhile Republican run states are BEGGING for 'big government socialist relief' ".

Totally true. We're also hearing that in many western rural areas of North Carolina, people who chose not to insure their property and homes, are now scared to death, crying for help.

How should we interpret this?

How could those mostly GOP Trump supporting self reliant I'm not gonna depend on the government types now need government help? Are they choosing now to give up their freedoms?

Are they going over to the socialist side of government?

How can people who vote no to help other Americans, now expect us to help make them who after a huge natural disaster when they chose not to insure their property?

Doesn't that make them losers in conservative MAGALandia?

Dave Dubya said...

Gee, Dave, do you think our Trumpists will care to discuss your points and questions? LOL!

We can expect only more name-calling and personal attacks. They are what they are. And we KNOW what they are.

"Socialism for me, not for thee" and "law and order for thee, not for me".

Dave Dubya said...

In case any Trumpist tries to regurgitate these deceptions by Trump’s campaign, here is a CNN Fact check:

“New Trump attack ad deceptively edits out key words from Harris and The New York Times”

A new television ad from former President Donald Trump’s campaign deletes key words from two separate quotes to deceptively attack Vice President Kamala Harris.

The ad, which Trump also posted on social media on Wednesday, targets Harris on tax policy. Three components of the 30-second spot are dishonest: the two edited quotes and an important statistic, which the ad inaccurately describes.

The ad twice shows a video clip of Harris saying this: “Taxes are gonna have to go up.” It also shows those words on screen in big, all-caps text.

But the ad cuts out critical words from Harris’ actual comments. What she said in that sentence — at an event in 2019, during her previous presidential campaign — was that “estate taxes are gonna have to go up for the richest Americans.”

By removing the words “estate” and “for the richest Americans,” the ad significantly alters Harris’ meaning.

Here is the full Harris quote from 2019, which you can find around the 15-minute mark of this video: “We’ve got to increase the corporate tax rate. We also have to increase taxes for the top 1%. And that — part of that is going to be about repealing that tax bill that they just passed. And also looking at — estate taxes are gonna have to go up for the richest Americans. And closing certain corporate loopholes, including the carried interest deductible, and a number of other things that are about people not reporting income as income and therefore not being taxed on it as income the way you and I are being taxed.”

Additional on-screen text in the ad quotes The New York Times as saying, “Harris is seeking to significantly raise taxes.” It attributes the quote to an August 22 article.

But as the Times itself noted on Thursday, this, too, is a misleading edit. What the August 22 article actually said was this: “Harris is seeking to significantly raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans and large corporations.”

The Trump campaign declined to comment on this edit.

It’s also worth noting that, for obvious reasons, the ad didn’t mention that the previous sentence of the Times article said, “No one making less than $400,000 a year would see their taxes go up” under Harris’ plan.

The ad cites the Tax Foundation, a right-leaning think tank, as the basis for a narrator’s claim that “Kamala’s plan will raise families’ taxes by nearly $2,600 a year.” On-screen text uses an impressively specific number, $2,580, and attributes it to a Tax Foundation analysis from May 7.

But when CNN asked Tax Foundation senior economist and research director Erica York about the number on Thursday, she responded, “I don’t know where that number comes from.”

Dave Miller said...

Dave asked, will "they" care to discuss? Of course not. But they will come and scream and use copy and post blather from the Stench Trench to regale us.

Look, as for taxes, the bottom line is this... they are going up. There's no way to cut our way out of 32 trillion dollars of debt. No. Other. Way.

BTW, I should say I am all for helping those folks in NC and other states affected by the recent hurricane and storms. Whether they were responsible and got insurance, or not. We're all Americans, we're all in this together and that means when some suffer, we all suffer. Together.

And it doesn't matter to me if you're from a red state, a blue state or a purple battleground state. We're all from, all of us, the United States, receiving the blessings of this country and yes, even the short comings, while we continue to work for the more perfect union our founders left us.

Dave Dubya said...

I agree, Dave.

"We're all Americans, we're all in this together" is the last thing the Trump cult and Republicans want to see. Unity is their nemesis, while hate and division are their paths to power.

They show it in the case the United States of America v Donald Trump. They are with Trump and against the United States.