Friday, September 6, 2024

We Have Guns...

 A voice of sanity from our northern neighbor.

Amen, sister. 


One Fly said...

It's a fact!

Dave Dubya said...

One Fly,
Yes, it is a fact that all mass murders by AR type weapons are made convenient thanks to Republicans.
And they don't care. Their abetting of the slaughter of innocents is just a "fact of life" they are happy to NEVER address.

Dave Miller said...

I was listening to David Frum, a Canadian, this morning. He was talking about how a Canadian buys a hand gun. The AR-15/Bushmaster style guns are not available to the general public.

Frum said every time a person, usually a man, wants to buy a new handgun, the process includes an interview with the other adults living in the household. So for example, if Steve wants a gun, a process agent would be sent to the house to interview his wife or girlfriend Gina to see if SHE felt he would be safe with a gun and if SHE felt she'd be safe if Steve had a gun.

And guess what? A bad interview makes sure you don't get that gun.

And guess what else? No school or market shootings.

Sam said...

America has to get rid of guns. The issue in my recent post.

Dave Dubya said...

Those Canadians are downright un-American for allowing fellow residents to have a say in weapons in their homes. Damn SOCIALISTS! :-)

Getting rid of guns will be as difficult as getting rid of Republicans. The damn Second Amendment was a poison pill in our Constitution. It was about well organized militias, but the Right has redefined the intent of it.

Senseless and endless bloodshed by firearms is the "American exceptionalism" we don't need.

Les Carpenter said...

Forgive me, but, given the nature of republican support for domestic firearm violence and our top spot in the world for killing children and other innocents with AR-15's etc. I can't imagine exactly why anyone would want to move to America. Especially if they have children. Maybe they're unaware. Or, it really is so bad where they live (Gaza anyone) they're risk might be better in America.

Vote in a full democratic majority and suddenly the problem becomes MUCH less egregiously horrible.

Dave Dubya said...

Opinionated and Right,

I won't allow your lie-filled and hateful post. But I will expose your lies.

"In March the Biden gang decided to begin talks with the corrupt and brutal Venezuelan Maduro regime."

NOT this year, fool.

Wake up to THIS YEAR.
Biden administration revives oil sanctions on Venezuela, saying Maduro reneged on democracy deal

Officials said the administration determined that Venezuela’s government failed to fulfill an agreement that offered a temporary easing of sanctions in exchange for promises of democratic reforms.

And this LIE:
"After Biden destroyed America’s energy independence"

Like this?
US Field Production of Crude Oil:
December 2020: 346,553,000 Barrells (Trump)
May 2024: 408,8849,000 Barrells (Biden)

Did you learn basic arithmetic at school? Do you understand numerical values at all?

"Now Biden wants to rely on Venezuelan petroleum output" and "Biden is going to purchase oil from Venezuela to meet US demand"


And of course you need to embrace your cult leader's BIG LIE.
"We have a Fraudulently elected a president in 2020 "

Trump lost, lied, and criminally tried to steal the election.
By ALL counts, recounts, certifications, Trump’s DOJ, Trump’s Homeland Security, audits and 60 courts:
Biden 51.3%
81,283,501 Popular votes
306 Electoral Votes
Trump 46.8%
74,223,975 Popular votes
232 Electoral Votes

You ARE opinionated, but your ARE WRONG! And you have ZERO evidence to support your false claims.

And stop being a neo-Nazi who needs to call Democrats "Maoists", "Marxists" and "Commies". This is your inner Hitler talking again.

Mao was known for his radical "cultural revolution" dictating personal decisions of the people. Seems you and your neo-Nazi party are projecting YOUR Maoist culture war. Hitler's Nazis, like Republicans, BANNED abortion.

Your ignorance is matched only by your hate and gullibility.

Nobody needs to see the rest of your neo-Nazi hate and lies.