Saturday, September 7, 2024

Trump's Gestapo




This is how democracy and justice die, and a police state is born. 

We can't say we didn't see this coming, especially after a highly partisan, shameless, and blatantly corrupt Supreme Court majority elevated their Dear Leader above the law, and endowed him with immunity from prosecution for past and future criminal acts.

"Equal Justice Under Law" no longer applies in the United States of America. 

Democracy is being suffocated by fascist Trumpists who stand ready to deny certification of votes if Trump loses in their states. They will make EVERY EFFORT to STEAL the election.

Now authoritarian cops with no sense of basic human decency or respect for the rule of LAW "PROUDLY" endorse a CRIMINAL. Meaning their "white pride", no doubt. 

“Our presidential endorsement process is thorough and inclusive, involving over 377,000 members across the nation. Today, it's a privilege to announce that the collective will of our members has led us to endorse Donald J. Trump for President. We're committed to supporting leadership that upholds the safety and effectiveness of law enforcement.”

Rob Pride (Yes, Pride) the solitary mixed race member of their executive board gives lip service to encourage community "respect for law enforcement" and to "open those doors of communication" with the public. 


I sincerely hope the minority of cops in that despicable union who don't support this shameful criminal endorsement speak out and show us there are SOME decent cops out there. 

Racist neo-Nazi cops and their "Uncle Clarence" partners who hate a law-abiding woman of color and prosecutor who swore to uphold our Constitution are itching for a police state. Let's not forget Trump wants to give THEM immunity for any crimes they commit as well.

They WANT to be Trump’s Gestapo. 

For this treachery and betrayal of our rule of law and Constitution, the FOP wins the Heinrich Himmler Award for Fealty to a Tyrant.


After receiving the endorsement of the Fraternal Order of Police, Trump assigned his new loyal storm troopers their first mission. He encouraged the officers gathered for his address in Charlotte to monitor for voter fraud because “they’re afraid of you people.”

“I hope you can watch — and you’re all over the place — watch for the voter fraud. Because we win, without voter fraud, we win so easily. Hopefully we’re going to win anyway. But we want to keep it down."

It is impossible to understate the clear and present danger of this criminal traitor and aspiring dictator. 


Anonymous said...

LOL, feel so bad for you Davie

Dave Dubya said...

Nothing intelligent to add? No surprise there.

Thank you for confirming your scornful hate and authoritarian personality! ;-)

Who could Nazi that coming?

Dave Miller said...

A friend asked me recently if I was voting for Trump in the upcoming election. I guess being a white evangelical does carry some baggage. When I said no, he asked me why. I shared how I feel elections DO have consequences and really, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, so you just deal with it.

But this election I said was different. And for me it comes down to 180 minutes on Jan 6. During that time, DJT, according to sworn testimony from witnesses, and supporters, including his kids and Chief of Staff, stood happily by as more than 130 officers were "savagely beaten", as reported by the GOP Senate committee.

That alone to me should disqualify anyone from the office, because it's a clear
dereliction of duty and a failure to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

While I'm open to being wrong, to consider it I would need to be shown proof that what I watched on that day, and President Trump's aides and children swore that he did, did not happen.

Dave, I know that proof thing will be a heavy lift for your trolls, but hope springs eternal.

Dave Dubya said...

We understand there is no reasoning with the authoritarian personality. They will insult, demean and accuse because they FEEL superior. They have a cultish sense of belonging and purpose in the Trump cult. And with that, they have zero interest in what facts or reasoning we have to offer.

I'm reasonably certain that the trolls never bother to read the content of my posts, because they are conditioned to think they know better that we do.

And none of them are willing to learn what they don't want to know.

They really don't give a damn that their Christian nationalism is closer to Hitler's National Socialism than to the teachings of Jesus.

It's always been about their perverted sense of superiority over others and delight in seeing them suffer for not believing as they do.

Their lack of love and compassion for the rest of humanity, their embrace of fascistic hate, and their fealty to the worst servants of mammon tells us what they really are.

"I never knew you", was directed to their shameless hypocrisy.

Dave Miller said...

Dave, most of those trolls couldn't enunciate a single Christian principle if they had to. They mistakenly equate a belief in God, deism, with a belief in a risen savior, Jesus.

Apart from that, I suspect you are correct, they have no need to read, because most already know it all. Or at least believe that to be true.

Dave Dubya said...

Exactly. They see love, compassion, and decency as weakness and for losers.

They love a tough-talking strongman for their authoritarian leader.

This is why they worship their malevolent mendacious messiah and hate everyone opposing him. He is their god. No exaggeration intended.

The US is now where Germany was in 1932, on the eve of Hitler's dictatorship.

Yes, not only can it happen here, the ongoing fascist coup IS happening now. This will not end well, even if he loses the election. There will be more violence from these neo-Nazis.

Anonymous said...

"Equal justice under the law" has never applied to millions of Americans, but we never fell into a fascist state.

Dave Dubya said...

Anonymous @10:27,


Laws are just only when applied equally, and the US has a long history of failing this ideal. The present curse of white nationalist obstruction, recent minority rule, and abetting a criminal leader is tearing the republic apart. This is the path to fascism.

“Equal justice under law” is based on the "equal protection clause" in the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:

Section 1.
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

While the US never was a fascist state, it's long history of inequality continues. Segregation and Jim Crow laws certainly must have felt like fascism to African Americans. The unequal application of the force of law known as “driving while Black” must feel a lot like fascism. Every victim of police brutality and abuse suffers the cruel essence of fascism.

Women have always been second class citizens, long denied the right to property and to vote, and now being denied the right to abort an embryo implanted by a rapist.

It wasn't until 1924 that Native Americans were granted the rights of citizenship. They are still being denied the right to vote because many don’t live on a street address in reservations, a condition imposed by Republicans.

Fascism is rising within Trumpism, with their campaign to disenfranchise minority voters and install election deniers in positions to deny vote certifications if Trump loses. Trump’s J6 coup was as fascistic as Hitler’s Beer Hall Putsch.

The right’s war on equality and democracy is nascent fascism. The Supreme Court’s anti-Constitutional decree of presidential immunity is fascism. If Trump has his way and allows abusive cops qualified immunity, then we have the essential element of a police state.

What good is a Constitutional democratic republic if it is only on paper and in feel-good slogans, while under a jack-booted police state? It rings as hollow as the so-called “Democratic People's Republic of Korea”.

Anonymous said...

It would seem that Dave wants 4 more years like that which we just had, vote Harris.

Anonymous said...

Is it true Putin wants Harris to win election?

Dave Dubya said...

Wrong. I want 4 years of Harris with a Democratic House and Senate to protect our democracy from the corrupt Supreme Court and Trump's neo-Nazi thugs.

So I take it you want Trump's mob of criminals back in the White House and more of his thugs terrorizing Congress and beating cops bloody in service to Trump's LIES.

Only the the dimmest poorly educated fool would think Putin doesn't want Trump to be his puppet again. Trump would give him Ukraine and tear down NATO for his master.

Sam said...

Your scenario IS becoming fact. The way to stop it is to make sure Trump is defeated so badly no one will question his defeat no matter how loud he cries. He is an old man. This is his last hurrah. When he is out of the picture his MAGA followers will slowly dwindle.

Dave Dubya said...

I'm sure no matter how indisputable the election results are, Trump's goons will try to steal it or sabotage it. How can we not expect violence from these thugs if he loses?

Stopping Trump at the polls is only the first step. Justice must follow. Finally he needs to be repudiated by the Republican Party so they can reform their ranks and limit the most radicalized wackos from having influence.

I'm not sure this will happen any time soon.

History tells us fascism, or some variant, is ingrained into the human authoritarian personality. Tyrants are a fact of life in our species.

Just as defeating Hitler didn't eradicate Nazis, defeating Trump won't eradicate the worst of his cronies. And the next Trump is always waiting for his time to take power.

The struggle against domestic fascism never ends. This lesson needs to sink in if the republic is to survive.

Will enough Americans have the good sense and common decency to stop him? I wish I was certain, but these times are not normal.

Dave Dubya said...

I'm going camping until Saturday for some peace in nature and distance from the madness.

Dave Miller said...

Happy Trails...

Shaw Kenawe said...

I hope you're enjoy a peaceful respite in nature. A smart thing to do. Meanwhile, here's what I thought about last night's debate:

Harris wiped the floor with Trump. She did a masterful job of baiting him, especially with her comments about rally size, kicking him right in the ego and putting him on the defensive from the start. She came across as calm, eminently capable and in possession of a razor sharp mind. Harris was charismatic, strong-willed and refreshingly positive, with an optimistic vision for the future of America.

Trump came across like a raging, confused, bitter, old man spitting disjointed vitriol that barely made any sense. He sounded completely unfit to hold any office, let alone that of President of the United States. For most sane, rational voters, this debate should prove that Harris has what it takes to be our next president while Trump clearly does not. Once shocking, Donald's demented ramblings sounded predictable, like moldy oldies, familiar, false and destined, like the man himself, for the dustbin of history.

Sam said...

If Trump wins that will cement MAGA in our government for decades. If he happens to solve some of our problems, he will become a hero like Reagan (who I thought was a horrible president).

Dave Dubya said...

Thanks. I feel refreshed and restored. There's so much beauty and joy in the world for us to embrace. We can't let the darkness of evil loom over us too much.

When is enough enough for the stupid "undecided voters"?

J/6 didn't disqualify him. "They execute babies" didn't disqualify him. "They are eating the dogs!" didn't disqualify him.

This only tells us NOTHING will disqualify Trump for stupid people.

Trump is only out to solve HIS problems. Unless the rich aren't rich enough and racists aren't empowered enough are problems needing solving.

Opinionated and Right said...

well then Lets Hope and Pray that he DOES WIN!

The Genie is Out of the Bottle said...

Are you serious Shaw? If you are then I guess that You are say they say you are! NUTS!

Dave Dubya said...

Your diagnosis lacks a trace of thought and ability to reason in order to arrive at a conclusion. You just show us you can't think beyond what "they say".
Shaw isn't the one with the mental issues here.

Dave Dubya said...

Opinionated and Right,

I won't allow your lie-filled and hateful post. But I will expose your lies.

"In March the Biden gang decided to begin talks with the corrupt and brutal Venezuelan Maduro regime."

NOT this year, fool.

Wake up to THIS YEAR.
Biden administration revives oil sanctions on Venezuela, saying Maduro reneged on democracy deal

Officials said the administration determined that Venezuela’s government failed to fulfill an agreement that offered a temporary easing of sanctions in exchange for promises of democratic reforms.

And this LIE:
"After Biden destroyed America’s energy independence"

Like this?
US Field Production of Crude Oil:
December 2020: 346,553,000 Barrells (Trump)
May 2024: 408,8849,000 Barrells (Biden)

Did you learn basic arithmetic at school? Do you understand numerical values at all?

"Now Biden wants to rely on Venezuelan petroleum output" and "Biden is going to purchase oil from Venezuela to meet US demand"


And of course you need to embrace your cult leader's BIG LIE.
"We have a Fraudulently elected a president in 2020 "

Trump lost, lied, and criminally tried to steal the election.
By ALL counts, recounts, certifications, Trump’s DOJ, Trump’s Homeland Security, audits and 60 courts:
Biden 51.3%
81,283,501 Popular votes
306 Electoral Votes
Trump 46.8%
74,223,975 Popular votes
232 Electoral Votes

You ARE opinionated, but your ARE WRONG! And you have ZERO evidence to support your false claims.

And stop being a neo-Nazi who needs to call Democrats "Maoists", "Marxists" and "Commies". This is your inner Hitler talking again.

Mao was known for his radical "cultural revolution" dictating personal decisions of the people. Seems you and your neo-Nazi party are projecting YOUR Maoist culture war. Hitler's Nazis, like Republicans, BANNED abortion.

Your ignorance is matched only by your hate and gullibility.

Nobody needs to see the rest of your neo-Nazi hate and lies.