Sunday, September 15, 2024

Trumpism 101


Trumpism is a white nationalist neo-Nazi movement built on racism, fear, hate, and lies.

Exhibit 74,223,975:

JD Vance admits, “If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that's what I'm going to do.”

Exhibit 74,223,976:

Trump’s racist Proud Boys are done “standing by” and are invading Springfield.

Springfield, OH Mayor Rob Rue to WSYX:

"All these federal politicians that have negatively spun our city, they need to know they’re hurting our city, and it was their words that did it.

Exhibit 74,223,977:

I'm with her:


One Fly said...

Me too.

Anonymous said...

What do you accomplish with your continued Trump hate, Trump hate, Trump hate. People will just mark you down as a Trump hater and pay no attention to you.

Dave Dubya said...

One Fly,
I love Taylor. I hear she's also a good singer/songwriter. :-)

Only people like YOU pay no attention to anyone but your cult leaders.

IF you had paid attention, you'd see TRUMP is the one spewing HATE towards a decent American citizen.

Maybe he's angry that women of talent, decency and class don't like him, while he's stuck with Looney Laura Loomer kissing his ass...and probably elsewhere as well.

So thanks for showing us Trumpism is a white nationalist neo-Nazi movement built on racism, fear, hate, and lies.

Dave Miller said...

Dave, what's the proof any of these MAGA extremists offer to back up their claims about Springfield?

Anything? Anything at all?

Nothing. Except the normal stuff I assume.

The facts have been removed from Google. The Dems have got to people. All the leaders in Ohio from the Mayor of the town to the Police Chief to Governor DeWine are all in the tank for Harris. All the business leaders who love the hard work of the migrant community in Springfield are wrong, lying, or confused.

Meanwhile the children of legal immigrant families are scared, can't go to school because of bomb threats from Trump supporters and feel threatened by ppl they used to trust.

Why would anyone want something like this to happen?

And the MAGA crowd used to say they were okay with immigration "as long as it was legal".

Now we know that's a lie too...

Sam said...

I am not surprised people want to kill Trump.

Dave Dubya said...

First, Trump is a stochastic terrorist. He OWNS the hate and threats he is inciting.

Second, Nazis and neo-Nazis understand that evidence isn't needed to stoke racist hate. Accusations alone are the "evidence". It's "Nazi Scapegoating 101".

And lets not ignore the fact that Hitler's Nazis were NOT "socialists". They were fascists and racist white nationalists, just like the party of Trump.

Nobody is surprised, since Trump is a criminal and insurrectionist whose lies are destroying our democracy, inflaming hate, and inciting racist violence. Not to mention his appointments of corrupt partisan radicals on the Supreme Court have resulted in dictatorial immunity for himself, killing pregnant women, destroying our Constitutional regulation of commerce, and will eliminate all environmental regulations.

Trump is responsible for ending America's honorable history of peaceful transfer of power and our ideal of equal justice under law.

He is killing America as we knew it, but assassination will not kill the neo-Nazi MAGA movement. He deserves electoral defeat, dishonor, repudiation, criminal conviction, and to rot in prison for the rest of his life.

Opinionated and Right said...

I think that Dave Dubya is a PRICK, and a Raving Idiot

Dave Dubya said...

Thanks for showing us Trumpism is a white nationalist neo-Nazi movement built on racism, fear, hate, and lies. ;-)

Dave Miller said...

O and R must really envy people with large intellects, among other things.

Dave Dubya said...

The cult probably thinks WE are envious of THEM because their malevolent mendacious messiah told them, "I love the poorly educated".
We'll never know how special they truly are, I guess. ;-)

Opinionated and Right said...

Your Asinine Obsession with Nazi is showing

Dave Dubya said...

I can't help the fact that you and every Nazi are loyal to Trump. They are on YOUR side.
Q: What do we call people who agree with Nazis?
A: Nazis.