Sunday, September 15, 2024

Trumpism 101


Trumpism is a white nationalist neo-Nazi movement built on racism, fear, hate, and lies.

Exhibit 74,223,975:

JD Vance admits, “If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that's what I'm going to do.”

Exhibit 74,223,976:

Trump’s racist Proud Boys are done “standing by” and are invading Springfield.

Springfield, OH Mayor Rob Rue to WSYX:

"All these federal politicians that have negatively spun our city, they need to know they’re hurting our city, and it was their words that did it.

Exhibit 74,223,977:

I'm with her:

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Trump's Gestapo




This is how democracy and justice die, and a police state is born. 

We can't say we didn't see this coming, especially after a highly partisan, shameless, and blatantly corrupt Supreme Court majority elevated their Dear Leader above the law, and endowed him with immunity from prosecution for past and future criminal acts.

"Equal Justice Under Law" no longer applies in the United States of America. 

Democracy is being suffocated by fascist Trumpists who stand ready to deny certification of votes if Trump loses in their states. They will make EVERY EFFORT to STEAL the election.

Now authoritarian cops with no sense of basic human decency or respect for the rule of LAW "PROUDLY" endorse a CRIMINAL. Meaning their "white pride", no doubt. 

“Our presidential endorsement process is thorough and inclusive, involving over 377,000 members across the nation. Today, it's a privilege to announce that the collective will of our members has led us to endorse Donald J. Trump for President. We're committed to supporting leadership that upholds the safety and effectiveness of law enforcement.”

Rob Pride (Yes, Pride) the solitary mixed race member of their executive board gives lip service to encourage community "respect for law enforcement" and to "open those doors of communication" with the public. 


I sincerely hope the minority of cops in that despicable union who don't support this shameful criminal endorsement speak out and show us there are SOME decent cops out there. 

Racist neo-Nazi cops and their "Uncle Clarence" partners who hate a law-abiding woman of color and prosecutor who swore to uphold our Constitution are itching for a police state. Let's not forget Trump wants to give THEM immunity for any crimes they commit as well.

They WANT to be Trump’s Gestapo. 

For this treachery and betrayal of our rule of law and Constitution, the FOP wins the Heinrich Himmler Award for Fealty to a Tyrant.


After receiving the endorsement of the Fraternal Order of Police, Trump assigned his new loyal storm troopers their first mission. He encouraged the officers gathered for his address in Charlotte to monitor for voter fraud because “they’re afraid of you people.”

“I hope you can watch — and you’re all over the place — watch for the voter fraud. Because we win, without voter fraud, we win so easily. Hopefully we’re going to win anyway. But we want to keep it down."

It is impossible to understate the clear and present danger of this criminal traitor and aspiring dictator. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

We Have Guns...

 A voice of sanity from our northern neighbor.

Amen, sister.