Friday, August 9, 2024

Fake News Flash!


News Flash!

After Donald Trump learned “terrible things” about Kamala Harris from fellow helicopter passenger Mayor Willie Brown, their revealing conversation was interrupted by a dire emergency.

Mr. Trump noticed an unusual sound from the transmission, and that the pilot had lost consciousness. The aircraft started going down steeply.  

“I got this!” Mr. Trump announced.

Acting on sheer instinct, Mr. Trump heroically took the controls of the crashing helicopter and proceeded to successfully execute a “perfect landing”.  

The passengers’ shock soon transformed into loud cheers, accompanied by an effusive outpouring of praise of gratitude.

“How can we ever thank you enough?” a relieved passenger asked.

“Saving your lives is all the reward I need”, the modest hero replied.  

As witnesses stood in awe, other helicopter pilots gathered around. They were all amazed, as they unanimously agreed that Mr. Trump proved to be the “best helicopter pilot ever”.


Sounds "weird", doesn’t it?

Whodathunk this fake news is based on a fake story from the narcisstic pathological liar and criminal presidential candidate?  I was only taking the same liberties as you-know-who ALWAYS does.

The malevolent mendacious messiah of white nationalism actually told reporters at Mar-a-Lago that Mayor Brown informed him of “terrible things” about Kamala Harris. “He was not a fan of hers very much, at that point.”

“I know Willie Brown very well. In fact, I went down in a helicopter with him. We thought maybe this was the end. We were in a helicopter, going to a certain location together, and there was an emergency landing. This was not a pleasant landing and Willie was, he was a little concerned. So I know him, I know him pretty well.”

Get it? Trump kept his cool while the Black guy panicked.

Going from Trump’s fake news to real news, Brown told the San Francisco Chronicle that he’s never been in a helicopter with Trump.

AP reports:

“You would have known if I had gone down on a helicopter with Trump,” Brown told the paper.

The longtime Democratic politician said he has never disparaged Harris to Trump, either.

“Hell, no,” Brown said. “I wouldn’t say anything bad about any woman to him.”

Former California Gov. Jerry Brown, a Democrat, and Trump did ride in a helicopter to survey wildfire damage in 2018. But no problems with the flight were reported.

Current Gov. Gavin Newsom was also on the aircraft. A spokesperson for the Democrat, Izzy Gardon, said Friday there was no problem with the flight, no emergency landing, and no conversation about Harris.

The San Francisco Chronicle wrote back in September 2004:

“Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown walked away unharmed from a harrowing emergency landing Friday night after his helicopter buzzed a Malibu high school football game before landing in an adjacent elementary school field.

Brown was traveling from a Santa Barbara fund-raiser to Los Angeles International Airport when the helicopter he was riding in experienced transmission problems shortly after 9 p.m. Aided by the lights from a football game at Malibu High School, the pilot brought the helicopter in low just south of the football stadium before making a hurried landing at Juan Cabrillo Elementary School.”

Trump must have liked the story, so he stole it.


Salvatore said...

The Bottom line...Can we Ignore the Democratic s Laughing Loon who is more of a Communist trying to sell you her Propaganda on supporting Communism and Communists. Who is a DUMMY when it comes to policy be it Foreign, or Domestic ! Who tries to LAUGH if off rather than give a descent, and a Logical reply! Who would rather help the CRIMINAL or the DISTINCTIVE PROTESTER then help the Victim? This is not the American way. We don't elect a person because of her Black Race, or her Gender,or ability to Laugh rather then than find a remedy. Or the pick a Moronic running Mate! Who would rather ignore the press then to embarrass herself by showing the reporter that she is so UNQUALIFIED that she just can't give a Press interview!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Salvatore seems to be highly agitated by the fact that VP Harris’s campaign is overtaking the crybaby Trump in the polls. Americans are through with Trump’s juvenile name-calling, gloom and doom, lies, and mental disintegration.

Dave Dubya said...

Hi, Sal.
Thank you for sharing your racism, hate, and ignorance.
You have no idea what communism is, if you think democrats are commies.
(It's really all about your mindless HATE.)
We know you're too ignorant to defend your false accusation that Kamala, or any Democrat, is a communist.
I invite you to SHOW your evidence. None expected.
Did you know Hitler called everyone HE hated a "communist" and "Marxist".
You and every neo-Nazi would agree with this bullshit.
You obviously missed her taking questions from reporters just Friday.
NONE of the questions were about policy or issues, but all were about Trump.

Press questions asked of Harris:

• Respond to Trump’s press conference
• Respond to him accepting debate
• Opine on why he pulled out of debate
• Respond to Trump’s criticisms of you
• Respond to Trump’s criticisms of Walz
• When will you take more press questions

The question should now be, why SHOULD she respond to such idiotic questions that are all about Trump and NOT her policies. But she said she will will do press interviews later this month, after the convention.

So the bottom line...

YOU are unqualified to discuss politics because you're brainwashed by Trump's lies and his sycophantic media propagandists. You refuse any information from any other sources. Like a cult.

And YOU are the one "who would rather help the CRIMINAL", by supporting a convicted FELON facing MORE felony charges.

But "law and order" doesn't apply to your evil bunch of neo-Nazi crooks, amirite?

Dave Dubya said...

All the dupes, racists, and neo-Nazis of the Trump Cult are in a panic. Their anger, hate, and lies will be ramped up to even more absurd levels.

It's gratifying to see them losing their minds, but we should also be prepared for their attempts to steal the election, along with more violence from these dangerous fascists and traitors when Trump loses again.

Dave Miller said...

Dave, the tell on Sal should've been that as usual with the Stench Trench folks who traffic, by their host's own admission, in "False Facts", he was unable to actually communicate lucidly about the post.

So let me add some context.

As for Trump's story, it is partially true. He did ride on a helicopter. With a politician named Brown, who unlike Wille Brown, is a white guy. As per the AP reporter Jonathan Lemire, who was on the flight to an area burned by a massive 2018 wildfire in California with Trump, Brown and CA Gov Newsom, they were never in danger. And it was the flight where Trump suggested raking the forests to cut down on fire danger.

Trump has claimed to the NY Times when he doubled down on the event and spoke real loud, that it did in fact happen and that he has the "flight manifest."

So he can make the media look like idiots, end this controversy and pick up a lot of votes if he'd just share that manifest. Seriously, by sharing it he could prove the media is out to get him and are a bunch of liars, all at once.

But he won't.

Because he doesn't have the goods. How do we know this? Because why would he not share something that can only serve his sense of victimhood? The only reason is that it never happened. Or he got mixed up.

Now let's go a little further...

When Hillary claimed, in a lie that she was in a dangerous event, including gunshots at her after landing in Serbia, Trump said her lies DQ'ed her from the presidency.

When NBC reporter Brian Williams claimed, in a lie, that he was nearly shot down while in a helicopter in Iraq, Trump said he should be fired for his lies.

Maybe Sal, Frank, Anon, -FJ or the other loons who post false drivel here and elsewhere can tell us why Trump believes others should lose their jobs for lying, but not him.

Maybe. But I won't hold my breath.

Dave Dubya said...

Thanks, Dave.

We've seen the hypocrisy all too often. "Law and order" NEVER applies to Trump or Republicans.

Nixon got it started by claiming, "It's not illegal if the president does it".

This has finally been codified by the red hats on the Supreme Court, handing Trump immunity for his crimes and putting to shame the motto on the Supreme Court Building that states, "Equal justice under law".

Their primary "principle" has always been, "It's Ok if you're a Republican".

It is the essence of totalitarianism.

Salvatore said...

Anytime Shithead!

Opinionated and Right said...


Dave Dubya said...

Normally I would delete hate speech, but I wanted to show how these so-called "conservatives" are really just ignorant raging neo-Nazis.

"Opinionated" cannot communicate rationally and is highly emotional and hatefully reactive thug. He would have made the ideal Nazi concentration camp guard.

Sal just shows he's a blithering idiot, incapable of rational discussion, and seems to desire a violent confrontation. Who could nazi that coming?

So, thanks, boys. You've said all you need to say. We know exactly what you are.

Dave Miller said...

Dave, it looks like the sand box bullies who generally got the "Needs to improve" box checked on their elementary report cards are running loose. Seriously, these folks are poster children for why we need national standards for education.

Dave Dubya said...

The problem is they hate educators and education itself.

It's "communism" if it isn't biased towards their bigotry and delusional belief system.

Even the so-called "educated" authoritarians on the far Right reject critical thinking and any information that doesn't fit their ideology. Un questioning BELIEF and conformity are their measures of education. Gullibility is the prerequisite.

I'm afraid there's no cure for willful ignorance. The few that have the ability to examine their beliefs and to question the dogma actually do walk away from fascist Trumpism.

Here's a sign of hope:

I’m a former devout Trump supporter, now dedicated to solving the problem of why millions continue to support MAGA. I want to hear how MAGA has affected you, and/or those you know.

I was a MAGA activist and pundit, and left MAGA, in 2022, after 7 years in it. If The Atlantic might consider a personal piece from me, Peter, let me know, please.

What MAGA Americans need to see is others like them—who support(ed) Trump and MAGA for what they thought were the right reasons—who made the decision to leave MAGA; and, the reasons why they left.

MAGA Americans remain in MAGA because it is a community. For those with friends and family in MAGA, you’ve probably made appeals based on facts, citing reputable sources, etc., and you’ve found they have not had any success. MAGA Americans will not leave unless they have a new community to go to; our Leaving MAGA org./team is actively building such a community. Soon, we will publish testimonials of some who, like me, were MAGA true believers, and left.

For those in the thrall of MAGA, facts, policies, etc., will, almost never, have any successful effect. If you want to re-engage your friends and family who are in MAGA, make a sincere effort to try and understand their perspectives, which are likely shaped by many of the everyday concerns and worries most Americans share. If you’ve already done this, do it again—this time, however, ask if they’d be willing to hear my story, and introduce them to our Leaving MAGA org. You will be pleasantly surprised by how many are willing to take a look at my own journey in, and out of, MAGA, as well as our org.

At the upcoming Democratic convention, a brief video of my story will air. I am also co-chairing the Republicans for Harris FL team, because I need to make amends for my past decisions and rhetoric—all of which I take complete responsibility for.

Yes, MAGA will remain, but we must mercy-kill the GOP, electorally, and begin to move on from Trump—someone I helped get elected. A national reconciliation is possible. Thank you.

Les Carpenter said...

The popcorn is tasting better and the beer goes down real easy.

It's almost comical watching the MAGAverse idiots tieing themselves into pretzels as they realize their Orange Menance Fuhrer and his just dumb sidekick are steadily and most certainly beginning to implode.

Sometimes I almost feel sorry for the sucker's of the MAGAverse. Then I think, naw, let em fry in the juices of their own ignorance. They've the same verifiable and credible information on Trump and his criminal activities and unethical behaviors that the rest of us have. Their wilfully ignorant choices are theirs to deal with.

Democrats and Independents have better things to do. Like working to put Harris/Walz and the entire democratic ticket in office with their November VOTES.

Life can be very good if only you choose to let it. Vote Harris/Walz!

Dave Dubya said...


We can say we learned one thing from the MAGA cult.

Ignorance is NOT bliss. It's fertile ground to grow resentment, blame, anger and hate.

Willful ignorance is also stupidity, as exemplified by our neo-Nazi contributors.