Tuesday, August 6, 2024

"A Normal Guy"


Gov. Tim Walz

Attacked for being liberal, Gov. Walz responded, “What a monster. Kids are eating and having full bellies so they can go learn, and women are making their own health-care decisions.”

Yes, many of us white male liberal progressive types actually grew up in small rural towns. We hunted and fished like most of our neighbors. 

We are normal people. We're not authoritarian personalities. We may offer advice, but we don't tell other people what to do.  And  as long as it is none of our business, we respect them enough to let them make their own personal decisions. 

Speaking of decisions. Vice President Kamala Harris has decided on Minnesota governor Tim Walz to be her running mate.

Today's rally was marked by unity, joy, hope, and conviction. Not a bit like a Trump rally with its whiny false victimization, anger, scorn, blame and hate. The contrast is like night and day and darkness and light.

Three new terms apply to this Democratic campaign. Enthusiasm, Excitement & Energy.

 By all appearances, the Harris/Walz team held a massive a pep rally.

The home team is rallying in the 4th quarter of this election year by adding a new coach. And winning defensive coordinator Tim Walz is equally capable of offense. 

Surprisingly, the following piece is from FOX (R) News. I went there so you don't have to.

This piece is by former Republican Representative Charles Djou:

I served with Tim Walz as a Republican in the House. He'll be a good vice president.

More than ever, America needs a normal guy like Tim Walz to help lead our nation and bring us together.

Democratic vice presidential candidate and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz is a normal guy. I say this as a former Republican representative who served with Tim in Congress. In these times of bitter political division, America needs someone who can calmly and humbly serve the nation without all the unnecessary shouting and bluster that too often defines our politics today.

Tim and I represented different political parties – he as a Democrat, and I as a Republican – yet we found common ground and worked together on numerous issues for the betterment of our constituents and our nation. More than ever, America just needs a normal guy to help lead our nation and bring us together. I’m excited Vice President Kamala Harris has selected Tim as her running mate.

In Congress, Tim and I bonded over our shared experiences as soldiers and cultivated a mutual respect that transcended party lines. As both of us served in the U.S. Army. We understood that even if we might disagree on a specific policy issue of the day, we both shared a deep love of country and a willingness to defend America in military service. As fellow veterans, Tim and I understood there is no such thing as Republican military service or Democrat military service, only American service 

Before becoming governor of Minnesota, as a congressman, Tim championed issues that resonate with a broad spectrum of Americans. While serving in Congress, I observed Tim’s leadership of the House Veterans Affairs Committee where he advocated for veterans' rights, pushed for educational reforms, and addressed health care disparities.

Refreshingly, and sadly increasingly uncommon in D.C. today, Tim did not advocate issues to improve his partisan political standing or increase his social media presence. Instead, Tim demonstrated a simple commitment to policies that would improve people’s lives regardless of any political advantage.

When I deployed to Afghanistan with the 10th Mountain Infantry Division, Tim was still serving in Congress. He visited me at my forward operating base in Kandahar. It was clear Tim was not looking to burnish his credentials on national security by obtaining pretty photographs with troops in the field. Rather, Tim had the confidence that comes from being a former Army Sergeant Major and an understanding of what it is like to lead troops in a combat environment. Tim’s visit to Afghanistan was not about him, but about making sure our soldiers had what we needed to effectively prosecute the fight our country had called us to. That’s exactly the type of leadership America needs right now.

More recently, Tim and I met at the observances marking the 80th Anniversary of D-Day in June. As soldiers, we both intrinsically understood the sacrifice made by those brave Americans in WWII fighting to overcome extremist right-wing fascism. Tim and I reconnected because he and I recognize we are both Americans, happily married husbands, proud dads of great kids and Army veterans. These characteristics are far more important to us and America than any partisan political identity.

Tim’s ability to listen, collaborate, and find pragmatic solutions earned him respect from not just Democrats but also Republicans like me. Even if we sharply disagreed on an issue, I do not recall a single time Tim did not have anything other than a friendly smile, warm handshake, and affable style that put everyone, regardless of political party, at ease. He understands that America’s strength lies in our ability to come together as fellow Americans, not in shouting at each other with petty name-calling.

America has more than enough showboat politicians who talk with bluster, self-aggrandizement and a toxic partisan tongue over endless social media posts. Instead, America needs a gracious and kind individual who talks as a friendly neighbor, understands your community like a local high school football coach, knows the commitment of military service as a veteran and advocates policies for all Americans -- not just for Republicans or Democrats.

This is exactly my friend Tim Walz.


Charles K. Djou is Secretary of the American Battle Monuments Commission. An Afghanistan war veteran, he represented Hawaii's 1st District in the U.S. House of Representatives as a Republican from 2010 to 2011. He left the Republican Party in 2018 and endorsed Joe Biden for president in 2020.


Dave Miller said...

Is he perfect? Not. At. All. But he's certifiably mainstream. The GOP won't agree with most of policies for sure, but he's not a nut case and not weird, unlike the other guys.

A former high school teacher, a former high school football coach, a guy who speaks Mandarin and understands the culture of China, a guy who hunts, fixes his own cars and served in the National Guard for years.

Did I mention he also passed the largest tax cut in MN history?

I'd love to be a fly on the Trump Campaign wall right about now as they try and come up with a slate of lies to try and smear him.

Dave Dubya said...

And LIE they will. They're in panic mode.

One MAGA troll asked my why I "hate white men" under this post.

And he wonders why I don't put up with his asinine idiotic bullshit. I suppose he needs that kind of "atrocity" to fortify his equally asinine idiotic bullshit "victimhood" whine.

Les Carpenter said...

We've got a great team, full of energy and vigor. Also ideas and plans. A normal guy and a normal women. Not sure if gal is still acceptable :)

A balanced team that will further bring stability and a sense of normalcy to the people of our country.

The more the great Orange Menance opens his yap and bellows his whining victimhood the more relaxed I become. I'm now hoping he does Trump 24/7 and I'm sure he will. He too intellectually stunted to realize te horrible look that it is.

The cult MAGAverse will no doubt stick with the Menance either because of ignorance or out of being to embarrassment to admit their error to themselves.

Dave Dubya said...

As we know, a cult isn't a cult to the cult.

And authoritarians are incapable of the reflection needed to examine their beliefs. ANYTHING once believed essentially becomes religious dogma to them. Thus, Trump is, and always will be, their mendacious malevolent messiah. The Tangerine Tyrant is incapable of telling a lie or even of making a mistake. To them he's God's Chosen One to Save America (TM).

He justifies their worst nature and gives them license to hate everyone who isn't white or disagrees with Dear Leader.

Anonymous said...

You make him sound like Abraham Lincoln, which he is not.

Dave Dubya said...

Really? Abe Lincoln was a normal guy, too? Whodathunk?

And Trump whines that no president has ever been treated as badly as he's been.

Abe would disagree.

And Lincoln would clearly see Trump for what he is; a pathological liar, guilty of fraud, criminal sexual conduct, Willful Retention of National Defense Information, Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice, Withholding a Document or Record, Conspiracy to Defraud the United States, and related crimes of being an insurrectionist who betrayed our country,

He would also see that Trump is willing to start another civil war if he loses a fair election.

Les Carpenter said...

The GOP hasn't been the Party of Lincoln every since 1965. LWhen LBJ signed the 1965 Civil Rights Act and the south went republican. From then on the democratic party more accurately reflected Lincoln's legacy. The republican party became the party of racists, misogynist, and very authoritarian. Trump's natural stomping grounds.

Dave Dubya said...

We both know Anonymous would have been loyal to Jefferson Davis over Lincoln. This is true for all the insurrectionist Trumpist traitors.

Party Pooper said...

Lets Face it Kamala Harris is very skilled in foreign policy. She grew up to be a Smart Mixture of Indian, and Black women who has never been to Europe.
Kammie Harris is that dumb kid that hasn't read the book but is trying to bullshit their way through a book report in front of the class.

Her dumber than dunb Progressive supporters followers must be even dumber if they think she's "presidential."she’s actually a Moronic Imbecile, and a Laughing Hyaena. .
She never went to the border but she knows everything about it.

I'll just let her tell you about her foreign policy expertise in her own words...
Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So basically that’s wrong
Seriously, do any Americans seriously believe that this woman is capable of negotiating world peace with other world leaders?
And that Moronic Asswipe Timmie Walz who can't stop taling is more of a Clown and a Showman than a Vice President! He would wind up leading Kammy!

Shaw Kenawe said...

The above was probably written by someone who voted for Trump, who had ZERO experience in foreign policy, government, and what the Constitution is about, yet voted for the complete inexperienced dolt in 2016.

Ignore the troll.

Dave Dubya said...

Party Pooper,
Thank you for showing us your racism, hate, and ignorance.
What is the last book YOU read? LOL!
Your out of context quote reveals your indoctrination.


Harris made the comments during a phone interview with "The Morning Hustle" radio program on March 1, 2022 -- less than a week after Russia invaded Ukraine.

A host mentioned Ukraine and asked Harris to "break it down in layman's terms for people who don't understand what's going on and how this can directly affect the people of the United States."

The vice president, who had met with Zelensky days before the invasion, replied with the comments in the video and added that Russia's offensive "goes against everything that we stand for."

She then explained the concept of sovereignty, saying the United States opposes Russia's decision to go "into Ukraine militarily, unprovoked, with no justification other than to exercise its power to take over another country."

She also mentioned sanctions, defining them as "having Russia pay a financial cost to the point that we can have a real impact, put a real hurt on their economy, as a consequence for their bad behavior, which is resulting in the loss of innocent lives."

Harris has discussed Ukraine in more detail throughout her vice presidency, including during several meetings with Zelensky (archived here).

In June 15 remarks ahead of a meeting with the Ukrainian leader, for example, Harris reaffirmed US support for the war-torn nation while discussing assistance and recent developments on the ground, including Russia's aggression near Kharkiv and attacks on Ukraine's energy system (archived here).

There's the context.

See how gullible you are to believe your fellow racists and neo-Nazis?

Dave Dubya said...

We know the mindset of these junior goose-steppers. We know he will embrace his hate and willful ignorance, but on the slim chance he reads my response he'll see how his arrogance can be taken down a notch. But he won't read it, of course. A cult has ALL the answers.