Monday, August 12, 2024

A Cry For Help?

 “Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening.” – Donald Trump

Anyone who believes this psychotic nonsense and wants this man to rule our country is already brain-dead, morally impaired, and spiritually empty from the cult koolade.

The engine at the head of the Trump train has finally and completely derailed.

It seems he has fallen into the deep abyss of paranoid delusion. This may be his desperate cry for help.

Let’s invite Mr. Trump to relax on Dr. Dave’s metaphorical couch for a little therapy session.

Dr. Dave:

You seem unusually agitated today, Mr. Trump. Would you like to share what’s been bothering you lately?

Mr. Trump:

Has anyone noticed that Kamala CHEATED at the airport?


I can’t say that I have, Mr. Trump. You say Kamala was at the Detroit airport and cheated. What makes you FEEL this way and whom did she cheat?

Mr. Trump:

There was nobody at the plane, and she ‘A.I.’d’ it, and showed a massive ‘crowd’ of so-called followers, BUT THEY DIDN’T EXIST!


I see. 

The vice President made an announced campaign stop in Detroit, and nobody showed up to see her. Nobody at all. That sounds quite unlikely and most unusual. Do you believe she knew nobody would be there and went to Detroit just to unveil her new talent with artificial intelligence? What alerted you to this clever chicanery?

Mr. Trump:

She was turned in by a maintenance worker at the airport when he noticed the fake crowd picture, but there was nobody there, later confirmed by the reflection of the mirror like finish on the Vice Presidential Plane.


I see. This sounds sort of weird.

A maintenance worker who was not there at the time but was adept at spotting AI exposed her ruse. He sounds like he would be an, um, unimpeachable source. It’s also fascinating that you see a mirror-like finish while the rest of us see a blue and white plane. Perhaps you feel your keen eyesight provides you with an acuity the likes of which has never been seen?

Could you explain all the video of the event that showed an overflowing and enthusiastic crowd?

Mr. Trump:

She’s a CHEATER. She had NOBODY waiting, and the ‘crowd’ looked like 10,000 people! Same thing is happening with her fake ‘crowds’ at her speeches.


Do you mean to say her amazing act of deception has been ongoing at ALL of her rallies? And you believe nobody went to see her at ANY of her appearances?

Mr. Trump:

This is the way the Democrats win Elections, by CHEATING. And they’re even worse at the ballot box.


Of course, I would imagine anyone who can see a mirror-like finish on a blue and white plane could also see massive fraud at the ballot box. It would be a unique and special gift of vision that you alone have.

Mr. Trump:

She should be disqualified because the creation of a fake image is ELECTION INTERFERENCE. Anyone who does that will cheat at ANYTHING!


Well, you certainly are the expert on election interference and cheating, Mr. Trump. 

Yes. It’s just not fair when everyone is out to cheat you, isn't it? It must FEEL like you are a VICTIM of an evil conspiracy. It's no wonder you FEEL nobody has ever been treated so badly as you have been. Your FEEL that your suffering is due to your standing in the way of evil leftists, Marxists and communists who plot to destroy America and oppress every wholesome white American. You BELIEVE you are the ONLY ONE who can save them, as if you are their messiah.

Similar cases of grandiose delusions have been extensively documented.

You’re probably not getting enough sleep, and your high levels of stress, anger, paranoia, and emotional strain can trigger psychosis with similar delusional BELIEFS.

For a patient who hears voices that no one else hears, or sees things that no one else can see, and becomes increasingly agitated, we would prescribe medication and therapies to treat this type of condition. 

Your case is unique to these recent and difficult times. We now have a diagnosis for your sociopathic and paranoid delusional disorder with its additional feature of incessant compulsive projection. 

We call it “Trump Derangement Syndrome”.

And it is way beyond weird.


Les Carpenter said...

Trump is simply projecting the very dishonesty he himself actively engages in on a daily basis.

Trump is in a melt down phase and we are simply seeing that which is his defining trademark, gross dishonesty and creative lying.

He will show deepening signs of aggression, character assassination, name calling, victimization, and his gargantuan narcissistic personality will enter overdrive on steriods.

The popcorn and beer will be going down easier and easier as the Orange Menance continues to come unraveled ad he stands naked in front of the nation and world in all his narcissistic dishonesty and criminality.

Dave Dubya said...

We know Trump was never that stable to begin with. Daddy issues, sociopathy, narcissism, cruelty, etc.

The clinical term for Trump's nervous breakdown, emotional meltdown, and symptoms of a psychotic break from reality is "decompensation".

He deeply fears truth, defeat, accountability, and justice. His psyche is transforming into Hitlers' "bunker mentality".

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump has a personality disorder. And his MAGA cultists see that as normal? Do they also fear truth, defeat, accountability, and justice? Do they see THEMSELVES in his craziness?

Well, not all, a lot of his billionaire supporters see access to a possible POTUS [Elmo Musk, perhaps?] they can manipulate and get the additional tax breaks and the undoing of regulations that would triple their bottom lines so that they can buy 2nd yacht and that 3rd maison in the south of France.

Trump is their mark, just like the MAGA cultists are his.

Dave Dubya said...


Good point. There's no doubt sociopathic oligarchs and other greedheads of the corporate elite see Trump as their cash cow, just as Putin, Kim, Orban, and other tyrants see him as an ally, or a chump to flatter and manipulate.

And of course his base of idiots, dupes, racists and bigots will always be loyal to their authoritarian bully leader. They don't CARE if he's a rapist, insurrectionist serial criminal and mob boss, because he is THEIR rapist, insurrectionist serial criminal and mob boss who will keep white Christian nationalism in power.

Les Carpenter said...

Turn it all over to the natural order, breathe, and let it go. Since we're not in control anyway (who wants to be, really) and the grasping and aversions only cause suffering and distress anyway, it only seems sensible to meditate, contemplate, relax, and lean into all the natural beauty and harmony that can only be found in the natural world. When and if we take the time, and expend the energy finding the beauty, peace, serenity, and wisdom that only the natural world and looking inward can provide.

Trump and the billionaires of the world will likely never find true peace or happiness. I for one sure as hell do not envy them or the higher levels of suffering I'm pretty sure they experience.

Dave Dubya said...

Unfortunately beauty, peace, serenity, and wisdom are NOT values in the authoritarian personality. And they FEEL threatened by those of us who have those values. Their reptilian brains will see this as "communism", so they must attack what they fear. Their concept of justice is to have that power and to inflict suffering upon everyone they fear and hate.

They crave power, dominance and control. And the sociopaths among them don't give a damn who gets hurt or killed in the process of attaining their agenda.

Les Carpenter said...

There are certainly a very large number of beings that seem to possess those negative characteristics Dave. But they are not necessarily evil or bad people. Confused maybe. Definitely they are followers. I'm pretty sure they very likely care for their families and communities as we do. Basically, they're probably not so different than we are.

Having said that, they do possess a degree of ignorance we don't. Ignorance of their true essence and nature is what is meant. It does not mean they are unintelligent. Because their view is obscured by the delusions that are caused by their ignorance they are trapped until they change their thinking and throw their conditioning and reified beliefs to the curb.

I suspect those who follow Trump and MAGAverse thinking experience heightened levels of anxiety and emotional suffering. As that is precisely what ignorance and delusions result in.

I actually have begun to feel sorry for those afflicted MAGA and it's destructive forces.

Dave Miller said...

Kamala used AI to populate her rally? Biden is gonna storm the Dems convention and take back the nomination? Inflation is worse than it has ever been in the US?

Clearly all false statements, maybe lies, depending on intent.

If Trump lived in your neighborhood, you'd be asking his kids to take away his car keys.

I think the dude is slipping.

Dave Miller said...

Dave... here's an interesting comment from a Trump backer, found at another sight. It says a lot...

"He’s about to be sentenced to a prison term… and you want him to “play nice”?

YES! He's about to be sentenced to a prison term. That's what happens when you commit a crime, offer no defense in court, and are found guilty by a jury of your peers.

Trump is heading off the rails. Is it the result of all the pressure he's facing, or normal aging?

Who's to say. But everyone should agree... he should not be elected to the presidency.

Dave Dubya said...

We can pity the deluded followers of Trump up to a point. But I pity the victims of Trump and Trumpism more. Raped children forced to carry their rapists offspring to term, women with ectopic pregnancies being denied medical care, Capital police officers beaten bloody by white nationalist thugs, and the increased anxiety and uncertainty of a strangled democracy being endured by the rest of us. We ARE the real victims here.

Sure, many of them are good neighbors and responsible parents and individuals, but collectively they are dangerous and unstable. Nazis were/are good neighbors and responsible parents and individuals too. But the hate, lies, and destruction they bring to democracy and civil society IS evil.

I have no pity for racists, authoritarians and sociopaths. I pity the low-information dupes only as long as they don't know any better and don't display hate, arrogance and willful ignorance.

The harms to our justice system by the red hats on the Supreme Court will be a danger to our republic for years to come.

I have no pity for them. They are consciously abetting a criminal and obstructing justice. I despise fascists like them.


We don't have any more access to information than Trump has. He knows damn well he's lying because lying has always worked for him. He is a sociopath who deserve NO benefit of the doubt.

And we don't want Trump to play nice. We want him gone. He's terrified of Kamala, as he should be. His fear, anger and hate are compounding the stress he's under. He's coming unraveled and therefore more dangerous.

We should expect election interference, obstruction, lies and violence to be ratcheted up in November. This country will be finished if the House or Supreme Cult install him.

Les Carpenter said...

For us to recognize good bad must exist as it is the opposing energy.

Same for happy/sad.
Same for

Les Carpenter said...

As well as every other +/- match ups.

It is for us to choose. A stable and well adjusted individual will of course generally always strive to make the positive choice.

But at the end of the day we should realize that the only power we have is over ourselves, our thoughts, and our actions.

Beyond that aligning with the groups that support your views is all their is.

And then, let it be. Life. Is. To. Short. To shorten it further through stress and anxiety or worry is pointless. I speak from a wellspring of experience. But I'm glad I realized truth before I grew really old or was lying on my death bed.

Les Carpenter said...

Yet here we are. Talking about the same concerns, same issues, same conundrums, same delusions, same ignorance, etc that humankind has been pondering for millennium. And, I suspect humankind will be discussing and pondering the same for another millennium.

Perhaps it is because the answers are in plain sight. Too simple for our over analytical tendencies to identify.

We don't see them because our view is obscured by our ignorance.

Dave Dubya said...

As long as American democracy is shackled by the Electoral College, the unrepresentative Senate, and an unaccountable, radical, and corrupt Supreme Court the authoritarians have the clear advantage towards their goal of minority rule and tyranny.

And the authoritarians are quite successful in suppressing any discussion of these flaws, for obvious reasons,

This is how the Great American Experiment in democracy fails. By festering in its flaws instead of amending them.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Rather than respond to Trump's lies, which is pretty much everything he says, it may be better to respond with, when he says something true, then I will respond. Ignoring clowns like Trump really aggravates them.

Dave Dubya said...


They say and do anything for attention, as long as it isn't constructive dialogue or conveying compassion.

Yes, authoritarians HATE to be ignored. It renders them powerless. Sadly our corporate media can't seem to deny Trump the attention he craves.

Our trolls are similar authoritarian attention seekers.

The MAGA trolls who keep sending lies, hate, racism, and deflections won't see it posted here, so their Trump-addled brains tell them to whine and moan as if they are "victims of censorship".

This triggers them into even more name calling and hate.

Dave Dubya said...

Opinionated and Right,

Your racist fears and unsourced crime stats are entirely off topic. Did you know Trump hosted neo-Nazi antisemite Nick Fuentes at Mar-a-Lago?

Look up "Violent crime rate has fallen under Biden".

Dave Miller said...

Dave, this crime meme from the MAGA folks is interesting. If what they claim is true, let's see some evidence. There must be crime figures from the Trump Admin they can post. Then they can post the same figures from the Biden Admin and we can all see the results.

Perhaps here's what the problem is for them.

1. They are wrong. The data clearly shows that violent crime rates have fallen to historically low rates during the Biden Admin.

2. Many MAGA ppl I've seen blogging have become convinced that everyone is in on the conspiracy, ergo, all evidence of the good stuff under Trump has been scrubbed from the net and the numbers changed.

Think I'm wrong? Sailors on the Mothership regularly post about how Google has taken info they've "seen", cable operators cause only FOX News to go off the air, the Dems killed the bi-partisan border bill and the Dems are causing problems with Trump Campaign planes.

These ppl are not serious.

It's never them. It's always someone else.

Dave Dubya said...

Echoes of Willie Horton and reverberations of racism still hold fast within the ranks of frightened White Christian nationalists.

The leaders on the Right have been fear-mongering for so long they have become paranoid and delusional. They will BELIEVE any lie that BLAMES Democrats for crime. They will believe race instead of poverty is the reason for the incidence of Black crime. Uneducated and impoverished white people have a similar crime rate as impoverished uneducated black people.

Authoritarian racist white people refuse to accept this,

They are so thoroughly wrapped up in manufactured and indoctrinated racism, grievance, imagined victimization, resentment, blame, absurdly false accusations, anger, fear, mistrust and hate they are unable and unwilling to recognize documented and verifiable realities. This is what Trump Derangement Syndrome is.

And it reeks of fascism.

Les Carpenter said...

Their ignorant reified beliefs and fear of what they don't understand makes them susceptible to a con and charlatan that preys on their ignorance and fear.

There are so many similarities between Trump and Hitler, MAGA and facism. But the MAGA cultists are blind to truth.

Dave Dubya said...

Trump's popularity and his cult following are derived primarily from two words. White fright.

Les Carpenter said...

Understanding why whites are fearful, and the dynamics that are creating said white fright, are important I think.

Last night President Obama touched on this. Perhaps in a different way, yes. What he said rings true. To paraphrase it I'll go to Steven Covey, Seek first to understand, then to be understood.

Understanding and compromise are two extremely important components to living happily in harmony with others.

America definitely needs a President Harris and a Vice President Walz. They get it.

Dave Miller said...

Dave, does Trump need help? Is he off his game since the shooting? Has he lost a few steps?

If anyone saw his low energy performance yesterday when he tried to counter program against the DNC, they would see he was mostly sleep walking through his remarks.


Maybe he's exhausted, worn out, not up to the job, but feeling he has no other choice. Because he's not running to be president, he's running to stay out of jail.

Dave Dubya said...

Frightened white people have no interest in understanding why they are afraid. That requires them to examine their BELEIFS and PREJUDICE. Instead they seek confirmation bias from far right media and the most racist elements of our political spectrum.

They don't want to understand anybody, let alone their own beliefs. They FEEL they already know everything they need to know, and have a vast radical Right media to reinforce their bigotry, resentments, anger, and hate.

They BELEIVE they know who is to blame for everything wrong with the country. And it's neither rich white people, nor illiterate rural white people. It's not racists, corrupt Republicans, nor white Christian nationalists.

It's always people of color and white liberals. This is why they need to LIE so much and call us communists to justify their hate and rage against the majority of Americans,

Trump does need help. He needs to be helped into a prison jump suit and assigned a cell.

He's rapidly descending into his version of Hitler's "bunker mentality". The walls are closing in and he feels the heat of justice on his heels. The stress is taking a toll on his energy and fevered delusional mind.

And as Stephanie Grisham, the former Trump press secretary said, “He has no empathy, no morals and no fidelity to the truth.”

But he would have an army of fanatic neo-Nazis to implement an American nightmare if he wins. This isn't hyperbole. They want a militarized police state that will punish everyone they hate or would dare oppose them.

Dave Dubya said...

A quick note on Trump's low energy appearance in Howell, Michigan.

Flanked by aging white deputies, he presented the perfect image to the county known to have the highest percentage of Klan members in the state.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Poor Trump has no other choice than to keep doubling down on white fear and bigotry. Sad part is this is close to 43% of the electorate. When polls show him losing badly this October he will either go ahead and use the N word or drop out of the race.

Dave Dubya said...

The only promise from Trump I want to see kept is moving to Venezuela after he loses. No extradition, but at least he'd be gone.
Russia would also work nicely.