Thursday, July 11, 2024

What "Liberal Media"?


Our friend Dave Miller posed a question that we need to address. It is one of the most important questions in our country at this time.

“How does the left communicate with a section of the electorate that has decided to ignore all media outlets because, as one sailor said, "they all lie, so why bother?"

The left has very little power in corporate media. Mother Jones isn't the dominant newspaper and NPR isn't the primary source of broadcast news for Americans.

There are a few voices of reason in corpo-media, but the executives are more interested in profit than in informing the public. Thus the "horse race" becomes the game, instead of focusing on the clear and present danger to our democracy.

Combine this with the fact the right successfully pushed their first Big Lies that corporate media is "liberal media" and liberalism is next to communism. It was only a matter of time when "Rigged election" would be their ultimate Big Lie.

Bias is not inherently evil, unless the bias supports evil. As Stephen Colbert put it, "Reality has a well-known liberal bias".

Since Reagan allowed Murdoch, Limbaugh and other extremists to be given free rein over the fairness doctrine, far right partisan media have taken full advantage of their leverage over truth.

Their captive audience was immediately indoctrinated to believe their far-right partisan media was truly "fair and balanced". This was their Big Con. "Everybody is lying to you. We are your only source for truth".

“Goebbels 101” became the MO for them, while the rest of corporate media decided to move to the right instead of holding a bias for reality. This isn’t recent. In the frenzied war fever before Bush invaded Iraq, Phil Donohue’s highly rated show was canceled by MSNBC because he had too many guests who questioned the official lies about WMD’s and Saddam’s “connection to al-Qaeda”.

Look what they are doing to Biden now, while giving Trump and his agenda a pass. If Biden had spoken as LOUDLY as Trump in the debate, we wouldn't be hearing any of the unqualified pundits' "medical expertise" on Biden's mental acuity.

Corpo-Media is tolerating intolerance and promoting false equivalence.

And most of the country thinks THAT is "liberal bias" from the "liberal media".

When Christiane Amanpour delivered the commencement address at the Columbia University School of Journalism she said:

“Journalism is a public service, first and foremost. Journalism is about the truth, first and foremost. Be truthful, but not neutral. Both-siderism, (on the one hand, on the other hand,) is not always objectivity. It does not get you to the truth. Drawing false moral or factual equivalence is neither objective nor truthful. Objectivity is our golden rule. And it is in weighing all the sides and all the evidence. Hearing everyone, quoting everything, but not rushing to equate them when there is no equating. And look at the damage that has done.”

But here we are. The corporate media is rigged in favor of the right. The Electoral College is rigged in favor of the right. The Senate is rigged in favor of the right. And the Supreme Court has been stolen and stacked for the right. They obstructed justice by numerous delays and proceeded to elevate a convicted felon and insurrectionist to the ballot where he is likely to win an election. To top it off they have granted him immunity from further crimes. 

There can be no happy, just, or democratic outcome from this slow moving, decades long, authoritarian coup. 


Dave Miller said...

Dave, it’s interesting. Here are some of the quotes and concepts we’ve heard from “real Americans” or “everyday regular people” over the years.

Why does the media not report good news?

How come everything in the media is about bad news?

When will the media broadcast the truth?

How can we make sure “they”, meaning us progressives, hear “our” facts, understood to mean, if they won’t watch FOX?

All of these have come, in one form or another from some of the conservative blogs we all frequent.

So let’s take a moment and logically deal with them. This group mostly self identifies as primary consumers of FOX, OAN, RT and NewsMax, all conservative outlets. They do not, by their own admission, frequent the “liberal” “lame stream” media outlets.

So of whom are they really being critical? Their own preferred media outlets! The ones that in court testified under oath that they lie and broadcast what their audience wants to hear and see.

If you spend 30 minutes a day on FOX and the rest of those stations, you’ll be upset. If you spend a couple of hours a day, and I’ve been in houses where FOX is the soundtrack of the day, you’ll come away convinced we are living in a fu*#ing cesspool.

It’s all doom and gloom right now, 24/7. America is done, Biden is destroying the country, crime is rampant, the economy sucks and more.

None of which is factually true.

So here we are.

Skud is a guy who seems cogent and somewhat informed. But when presented with facts he does not like, it simply does not compute in his head.

It’s like the racists in WWII.

When confronted with the facts that the Tuskegee Airmen and the Hell Fighters of Harlem were some of the best soldiers in the war, they couldn’t deal. We even have the letters from US Generals asking foreign governments in Europe to not recognize the accomplishments of our black servicemen, because America does not see them as capable or equals and it will cause problems when they come home.

When facts crowd into puny minds that cannot conceive of, or deal with them, ppl rebel or resort to the “I feel” defense. The alternative facts defense. Or the “hear no evil” defense.

What do we do?

BTW… thanks for the shout out!

Dave Dubya said...

"So of whom are they really being critical? Their own preferred media outlets! The ones that in court testified under oath that they lie and broadcast what their audience wants to hear and see."

In fact, they're not really being critical. Examination and analysis are required for the critical process. They just BELIEVE what they're told because they're told not to BELEIVE anyone else. That's all it takes for an authoritarian personality, or for those unable to think critically.

The propaganda machinery of the Right has always been at war with critical thinking, and has been successful at triggering their uncritical racist marks with just the letters CRT.

Who needs to know what it really is? All they need to BELIEVE is that it's somehow about anti-white racism.

God bless America and white Christian Nationalism. Welcome aboard the express train to fascism.

Sam said...

The people elected the leaders who appointed the justices. Everything you say is correct. These are the players the people wanted. The people are responsible. Until the people vote to change power things will not change. Even if power were to change, it would take decades to bring change. Four years of Biden won't do it.

Dave Dubya said...

Yes, voters bear ultimate responsibility for their choices. Those who choose not to vote deserve some blame as well.

In the case of the Supreme Court, the majority voted against the president who put five of them on the bench. The Electoral College has played its role in the subversion of democracy and ultimate demise of our republic.

The founders inserted a poison pill in our Constitution. Democracy was also doomed by the grossly unrepresentative Senate. McConnell also played his role in corrupting the Supreme Court.

It was only a matter of time until the worst people took full advantage of a system rigged in their favor.

Dave Miller said...

Sam, what you missed is that the game is rigged. The great majority of Americans do not approve of the judges Trump appointed, but partly due to gerrymandering and partly due to an outdated electoral college system, the US majority does not matter.

Political parties do not want to draw districts to be politically diverse.

In 2004, of the roughly 3100 counties in the US, 6% or about 185, voted 80% for one candidate. in 2020, that number had grown to over 20%, or more than 675 counties. But it is really worse than the "big sort" shows.

Currently, only about 200 counties in the entire country are electorally competitive.

So in a sense, yes, the people did elect their leaders, but in another sense, they, really, we did not, because we can't.

The majority of Americans did not want to see the end of Roe. It happened anyways. The majority of Americans favor limits on gun rights. It can't happen. The majority of Americans do not believe a president should have absolute immunity for crimes committed while in office. Now our presidents do. The majority of Americans have twice rejected Donald Trump as a presidential candidate. And yet here we are. In the last 20 years, the majority of Americans have not voted for the GOP to hold the presidency, the House, the Senate or be nominating judges to the SCOTUS.

But none of that matters because the system, fully and legally taken advantage of by the GOP, and yes, in some instances the Dems too, is rigged against the majority, the American people and change.

Sam said...

Dave M.,
The people elected Trump president and they knew dam well Trump would appoint conservative judges. Just as the people knew guys like Mcconell would vote for conservative judges well beyond the Supreme Court. But they keep electing these guys. I disagree with all this crap, but I am only one vote, and I cannot override the majority. I live as a minority in a conservative majority society. It sucks. The polls say America will elect Trump again and that will really suck. Your points are well taken and true, but that is the system we have in America in the 21st century. I sucks.

Just the Facts! said...

What a pile of Crap...Racism and hate speech.

Dave Dubya said...

I agree, Vern.

Racism and hate speech are tearing our country apart. First came the racist Tea Party reaction to Obama, then the birtherism from Trump, and finally he calls half the country "vermin" and "Marxists".

There's no happy ending to this. Trump might even blame Biden, and his cult will surely be out for blood.

This is the America the NRA built. Millions of mentally disturbed people having access to millions of weapons.

What could go wrong?

Anonymous said...

When you claim Trump is Hitler no wonder someone tried to kill him.

Dave Dubya said...

I never claimed Trump was Hitler, but his own words DO echo Hitler:

We will Root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country…
They’re poisoning the blood of our country. That’s what they’ve done.
Just a quick reminder for liberal Jews who voted to destroy America and Israel because you believed false narratives!
Let's hope you learned from your mistake and make better choices moving forward!
Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion.
Would you rather have the Black president or the white president?
I think they want the white guy.
Hitler did a lot of good things.
- Donald Trump

Les Carpenter said...

Sam, the people did not elect DJT. The electoral college did.

Trump lost the popular vote to HRC. Then he lost both to Biden in 2020.

But I am willing to bet if DJT wins the electoral college again in 2024 and loses the popular vote (he will) thus becoming "president" again we'll never see another popular vote loss by a con ever again.

The nation will be ruled by propaganda, lies, and facist dogma. Personality will be the rule of the day and vengeance will be exacted on all those who do not salute and hail Fuhrer Trump of the US neo-Nazi party of America. The GOP.

Just the Facts! said...

I never claimed Trump was Hitler, but his own words DO echo Hitler:


Dave Dubya said...

Oh, Vern... There you go again. Your Trump-deranged mind has you hallucinating.

All my words are there in print. Instead of quoting what I said, you make it up and say I claimed Trump was Hitler.

The Trump quotes that echo Hitler are documented on video and audio for all to see and hear. Other quotes are from reputable sources.

You seem to be completely ignorant in WWII history and Hitler. He used the same language as Trump, calling anyone he hates "vermin" and "Marxists".

But you think Trump is reputable and honest. OR you don't care, and your authoritarian personality is delighted to have an authoritarian leader, no matter how vile a character.

Either way, your hate and authoritarian nature keeps revealing YOUR true character.

I can easily imagine you would shoot me if Trump ordered you to do so.

If my assessment of your character is mistaken, feel free to set me straight. But if you LIE or misrepresent MY words, nobody will see it. We've already seen enough of that to know what you are.

We KNOW why white supremacists and neo-Nazis are Trump supporters. Those are YOUR allies. The fact that you are on their side makes your character quite clear.

"White pride", amirite, Vern?

Sam said...

The Electoral College is the way we have elected presidents for over 200 years. Did the founders foresee the population and population divisions of the 21st century, probably not. Looking at the numbers alone, it is not surprising that a candidate with the lower popular vote could win the Electoral College vote, thus the presidency, so I disagree with your comment that we will never see that happen again. I have always supported getting rid of the Electoral College.

Dave Dubya said...

I don't care that actors "fantasized" about Trump.

He's a criminal who allowed his thugs to terrorize congress and beat cops bloody to overturn the election.

He's a criminal who stole classified documents.

He's a criminal who orchestrated fraudulent electors.


Yeah, Hitler would be proud of that.

Just the Facts! said...

Judge Cannon Dismisses Trump’s Classified Documents Case, Says Jack Smith Was Unlawfully Appointed

whimper heard from the left....tired of winning yet, lmao

Les Carpenter said...

Of course you're correct with respect to the antiquated outdated EC.


My point is that if Trump is installed as POTUS again (i say instaled because he will most likely lose the popular vote again), Project 2025 becomes reality, and the MAGA crowd takes the hose and senate (they're banking on it) we will, after the fall to facism, always see a facist in power and our liberties in the shitter.

Dave Dubya said...

We see you have a tingle down your authoritarian spine.

Do you think I'm surprised by Cannon's treachery?

Cannon has been working for her boss Trump all along. This is blatant conflict of interest, and yet another example of her inexperience and lack of ethics.

The Appeals Court had to reign her in twice so far for her bungling of the law. They will reverse this travesty as well.

But we KNOW Trump has totally corrupted an already partisan Supreme Court, so here we go. A nation that was once under the rule of law is becoming a nation under the rule of one man.

Hell, yes, this EXACTLY how a fascist dictatorship destroys a constitutional democratic republic. Everything a dictator does is "legal".

Maybe Biden should, as an official act, have Trump sent to Gitmo as a domestic terrorist?

One thing is certain. A patriot is never loyal to one man over our Constitution and rule of law.

This means you are no patriot. By your hate and dishonesty you are no Christian. You are a fascist Christian nationalist, serving an evil criminal who rules by hate and lies.

These are just the facts that crooked judges can't change.

Dave Dubya said...

Trump’s VP candidate J.D. Vance:

“But I’m not surprised by Trump’s rise, and I think the entire party has only itself to blame. We are, whether we like it or not, the party of lower-income, lower-education white people, and I have been saying for a long time that we need to offer those people SOMETHING (and hell, maybe even expand our appeal to working-class black people in the process) or a demagogue would. We are now at that point. Trump is the fruit of the party’s collective neglect.”

“I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn't be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he's America's Hitler. How's that for discouraging?”

Anonymous and Vern,

Care to discuss? Or are you too busy goose-stepping behind your Felonious Fuhrer in Milwaukee?

Dave Dubya said...

Trump’s VP candidate J. D. Vance:

“But I’m not surprised by Trump’s rise, and I think the entire party has only itself to blame. We are, whether we like it or not, the party of lower-income, lower-education white people, and I have been saying for a long time that we need to offer those people SOMETHING (and hell, maybe even expand our appeal to working-class black people in the process) or a demagogue would. We are now at that point. Trump is the fruit of the party’s collective neglect.”

“I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn't be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he's America's Hitler. How's that for discouraging?”

Funny how Vern isn't as upset with Hitler comparisons anymore. LOL!