Monday, July 15, 2024

Reichsmarschall Vance


Trump’s VP candidate J.D. Vance in 2016:

“But I’m not surprised by Trump’s rise, and I think the entire party has only itself to blame. We are, whether we like it or not, the party of lower-income, lower-education white people, and I have been saying for a long time that we need to offer those people SOMETHING (and hell, maybe even expand our appeal to working-class black people in the process) or a demagogue would. We are now at that point. Trump is the fruit of the party’s collective neglect.”

I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn't be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he's America's Hitler. How's that for discouraging?”


Born-again neo-Nazi Reichsmarschall Vance:

So, what’s the "central premise" behind Trump re-posting this, Herr Reichsmarschall?


Les Carpenter said...

Vance quickly became an educated hypocrite and moron the moment he smelled power.

The drum beat of facism in America marches on.

Anonymous said...

MSNBC Benches ‘Morning Joe’ Because They Fear Someone Will Say Something Stupid About Assassination Attempt

Dave Dubya said...

MSNBC execs said they needed the time slot for "breaking news coverage" of the assassination attempt.

Maybe that's true, but they also didn't want Joe and company telling the TRUTH, reminding the country that Trump is a criminal with evil intent. When truth takes a back seat in corporate media, Republicans benefit.

MSNBC has a history of bending to the right. Phil Donahue's highly rated show was cancelled because he featured guests who objected to Bush and Cheney's war based on lies about stockpiles of WMDs, bio-weapons labs, and Saddam being in cahoots with al-Qaeda.

None of these were true.

War is profitable for corpo-media. So is Trump, so they go way to easy on him and his fascist cartel. Look at how they're going after Biden to step down. They've been obsessing with his age and stage presence. If he had spoken as loudly as Trump in the debate, none of this crap would even be a story. If they checked facts, Biden won. If the debate was on answering the mods questions, Biden won. Trump refused to answer two questions entirely.

More recently MSNBC execs wanted to hire Ronna Romney McDaniel despite her promoting Trump's election denial and voter fraud lies.

There's your "liberal media", kissing up to the radical Right in the vain hope of higher ratings.

Dave Dubya said...


Vance is the perfect cold-blooded viper and sociopath for Trump. I felt sure he would be Trump's Hermann Göring.

Shaw Kenawe said...

JD Vance is the Lindsey Graham of Nikki Haleys.

Their first opinion of Trump was what they really thought of him.

Dave Dubya said...

The Republicans keep proving they have no principles or basic decency. The smarmy smart ones know what Trump is but they are authoritarian sociopaths, and will do whatever it takes to get power.

Dishonesty and loyalty to the Felonious Fuhrer are their only "virtues".

Dave Dubya said...

At one campaign event, Trump mocked Vance’s obsequiousness to his face, telling a crowd, “J.D. is kissing my ass he wants my support so bad.”

Funny how Vern isn't as upset with Hitler comparisons anymore. LOL!

Shaw Kenawe said...

JD Vance is okay with forcing 10-year old girls to carry their rapist's fetus or a fetus as a result of incest.

I've yet to see anything from him or ANY MAGA politician on how to protect LIVING, BREATHING children from firearm deaths. That is the leading cause of death for American children. Not a word from Trump or his MAGA mobs on that.

Dave Dubya said...

Funny thing about "pro-life". It ends at birth.

Anonymous said...

I've yet to see anything from him or ANY MAGA politician on how to protect LIVING, BREATHING children from firearm deaths.

Where ya looking?

Dave Dubya said...


No Republican has the courage or compassion to disagree with the NRA. They truly care more about NRA money and staying in power than they do about children's, or anyone else's safety.

Democrats at least advocate banning high capacity weapons of mass death and stronger background checks with waiting periods.

Democrats also support expanded healthcare as a RIGHT, while Republicans oppose all efforts to expand public healthcare, negotiate prescription prices, or to regulate insurance companies. They want to terminate the Affordable Healthcare Act because the Black Guy got it passed, which would strip many Americans of their healthcare coverage AND allow the insurance companies to deny care due to previous conditions.

The GOP healthcare plan and gun policy has ALWAYS been "Let them die".

Dave Dubya said...

I welcome at least one anonymous post, especially if on topic.

We have two posts from Anonymous.

Unposted ones have been troll questions, so...

As with voting, an ID is required for posting.

I'm sure you understand. ;-)

Shaw Kenawe said...

JD Vance told a story about his grandmother, and the MAGApublicans wildly applauded.

Apparently, his grandmother left 19 LOADED handgun lying around her home when she died, and Vance called that the "American spirit."

He's correct about that. It appears the "American spirit" is to be irresponsible gun owners and as a result have young children and teens find those loaded unsecured guns and kill themselves, their siblings, parents, or anyone near them as a result.

Firearms are the leading cause of death in American children, and Vance is applauded when he tells a story about his grandmother's irresponsible stupidity.

Just the Facts! said...

Please, Tell Me What I am Thinking, Mr. Leftist

Dave Dubya said...


Clearly life after birth never mattered to the EXTREMIST party of Trump. They WANT armed criminals and chaos to implement their police state.


OK. That's an easy one. You think whatever Trump wants you to think.

Prove me wrong. I'll wait.

Just the Facts! said...

Prove that I do.

Dave Dubya said...


The proof is in you inability to disagree with, or disapprove of, Trump.

Your authoritarian follower personality forbids it.

Trump wants you to think he should be president.

You think he should be president.

And that's just the beginning. I can do this all day.

But there's no need to bother.

And since you never answer any of my questions, I accept you concession.

Les Carpenter said...

The Coronation of King Donald the First begin last night.

As the monumental lies fell off King Donald's tongue like water over Niagra Falls.

As the mesmerized and adoring sheeple hung on his every lie.

America is undoubtedly losing its grip on reality when a lying narcissistic insurectionist and rapist can command and hold the attention of nearly 50% of its citizens who believe he is the savior sent from god to solve all the world's problems.

There is a VERY good chance America is screwed like we've never been screwed before come January.

Democrats need a new head of the ticket pronto. Or, we might as well Crown the SOB by default.

Just the Facts! said...

who do you think should be President?

Dave Dubya said...

Now that Vern has verified he thinks whatever Trump wants him to think, I'll answer his question.

Of the two major candidates, I think Biden should be reelected, although I didn't want him to seek a second term. (See, Vern? That's how someone disagrees with someone they voted for.)

I'm an old fashioned American who doesn't think a hateful, thug-praising, Putin-loving, aspiring dictator, narcissistic liar, sex offender, convicted felon, and insurrectionist traitor should be president.

Dave Dubya said...

Enough Americans have always been swayed by style over substance to allow grifters and conmen to win elections.

Style elicits an emotional response. Substance requires attention and processing information.

As I like to emphasize, if Biden has spoken as loudly as Trump in the debate, there would little or no panic and pearl-clutching from neurotic Democrats.

Just the Facts! said...

" if Biden has spoken as loudly as Trump in the debate".

Maybe Biden needed more days preparing for the debate? Another month, would that have been enough?

Or was it a full moon?


Les Carpenter said...

Perhaps Dave. But the sad truth is Biden/Harris cannot win. So, either Biden withdraws, supports his replacement, continues in a capacity as diplomat at large so to speak, and insure his good work continues to strengthen America as well as preserving his impressive legacy. Harris, with a moderate democratic governor with a positive record of accomplishment would blow Trump and crew out of the water so to speak.

Or, stay in and hand the nation to Fuhrer Trump, the GOP, and Project 2025. The Republicans have spent millions crafting their campaign to defeat Biden and are "praying" Biden stays in. It is time to listen, in this instant, to the opposition.

In in other time Trump would have been but a footnote on a failed attempt. Never making as for as a few debates against other republicans.

Dave Dubya said...

You ignored my point and premise, as usual in your bad faith remarks

"Style elicits an emotional response. Substance requires attention and processing information.

Trump won on "style" only.

If judged on the WHAT was said, instead or HOW, Biden won on content, information, and by responsibly addressing ALL the questions.

Trump FAILED to answer two questions entirely. In a real debate that would make him the loser.

Your shallow mind can't process what I'm saying, can it?

It's a damning statement that American voters would want a criminal in the White House.

This abandonment of reason and decency portends the demise of our republic. Even if a Democrat wins the White House, Trump's neo-Nazis have subsumed the Republican Party and could take the Senate and House.

And there's no sign this fascist movement will abate. Too many Americans have been duped and brainwashed.

I saw this coming way back in the stolen 2000 election, and again when Bush was reelected after LYING us into a long war. Our weak democracy cannot withstand mass disinformation by authoritarians, sociopaths, and criminals, who will do anything to seize power.

Add a SPINELESS AMORAL CORPORATE MEDIA and their "both siderism" false equivalence that serves their bottom line instead of the truth, and it's all over.

Just the Facts! said...

Joy Behar hates Trump so much that she says the most absurd, unreal things that she would never attribute to anyone else.

Today on The View, she actually claimed that it is “unchristian” for Trump to suggest that God was watching over him during the assassination attempt last Saturday, claiming it’s a “very narcissistic” thing to say.


Dave Dubya said...

Second Notice:

I welcome at least one anonymous post, especially if on topic.

We have two posts from Anonymous.

Unposted ones have been troll questions, so...

As with voting, an ID is required for posting.

I'm sure you understand. ;-)

Dave Dubya said...

If you think Trump is Christian in any way, you've surrendered you brain and conscience to him.

She was commenting on how his gloating about God being with him implies God wasn't with the real victims.

It also implies God wasn't with the massacred Sandy Hook and Uvalde children.

But I guess that's how you live with yourself.

As your Dear Leader said, "Get over it", amirite?

Les Carpenter said...

Joy was, absolutely correct JtF.

It is you that is either ignorant or deluded.

Dave Dubya said...

Anonymous whines, "If you believe that a man who went 77 years without a felony suddenly turned around and committed 91 felonies, you are brainwashed."

I don't know anyone who believes that. Trump was committing criminal sexual conduct for decades, including with minors provided by his pal Epstein. No wonder Barr had him killed in jail.

We DO believe his accusers, though. He had to buy the silence of several women.

Trump ADMITTED to sexual assault when he didn't know he was being recorded.

Seems to me people who STILL don't know convicted felon Trump is a lying sociopath and criminal are brainwashed. Or they are just sycophantic appeasers and neo-Nazi partners in crime.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I read this idea that there was "Divine Providence/Intervention" that saved Trump from being killed by the shooter.

I ask those who believe that to answer this:

If you believe that there was "Divine Providence/Intervention" that saved Trump's life, where was that "Divine Providence" when innocent 5 and 6 year olds were killed by an AR-15 at Sandy Hook? Or the Uvalde grammar school? Or Parkland? Or ANYWHERE "Divine Providence/Intervention" could save innocent lives?

Can anyone offer up a rational answer?

Dave Dubya said...

ALL cult leaders are God's favorites, His personal choices to save the cult members from the evil "others".

The Trump Cult has been believing this for years. Any close call on Trump's life will only confirm to them that Trump the Chosen One.

Failed assassination attempts only further convinced Hitler of his divine mission.

I found some of Hitler's references to God that Trump will find handy.

"I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator."
Mein Kampf, Vol. 1 Chapter 2

"Thus inwardly armed with confidence in God and the unshakable stupidity of the voting citizenry, the politicians can begin the fight for the "remaking" of the Reich as they call it."
Mein Kampf Vol. 2 Chapter 1

And a favorite of Evangelical Trumpists, Opus Dei, and the Heritage Foundation:
It may be that today gold has become the exclusive ruler of life, but the time will come when man will again bow down before a higher god.
- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf Vol. 2 Chapter 2


Dave Dubya said...

To Anonymous who said, "Those of you who believe there is a Devine, you are brainwashed.":

That's another topic for another discussion.

Just the Facts! said...

President Biden Drops out of Presidential Race...based on the current state of President Biden's health, America will remain vulnerable at least through inauguration day.

Dave Dubya said...

America has been vulnerable to domestic enemies of our democracy for years now.

And don't worry about Biden. Trump's Supreme Court gave him immunity, so that's a good thing, amirite?