Tuesday, June 4, 2024



Conservative ideology has never been hampered by an open mind, so it isn’t a great leap from reactionary to radical Right. Today’s American conservative ideology has been hijacked by radicalized talk radio and the Murdoch propaganda empire, which have inevitably allowed Trumpism to essentially become the Republican Party platform. Loyalty to the leader and lockstep conformity to his rhetoric of hate, lies, and blame are now the ONLY qualifications necessary to run as a Republican.

Trumps words become their stated BELIEFS, whether they agree with him or not. With Trumpism BELIEFS become their reality, and those beliefs, and therefore Trump’s words, are beyond examination and dissent. This is Trumpism.

During an interview on Fox & Friends Weekend on Sunday, June 2, 2024, Donald Trump denied saying "Lock her up" about Hillary Clinton.

"You famously said, regarding Hillary Clinton, 'Lock her up.' You declined to do that as president," Fox News's Will Cain said.

With three FOX (R) News “journalists” sitting across from him, Trump declared, “Hillary Clinton—I didn't say lock her up but the people would always say 'Lock her up, lock her up.'"

The FOX (R)  “Journalists” could have said, “Yes you did, sir”, and reminded him of a June of 2016 rally in Redding, California, where he said, "I think Hillary is very weak, I think she's pathetic, I think she should be in jail for what she did with her emails, ok? I think she should be in jail."

And at a rally in Lakeland, Florida in October 2016: Trump again referenced the Clinton email scandal. “She has to go to jail. 

And in the same month during a debate Clinton attacked Trump, saying: "It's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country," to which he replied, "Because you'd be in jail."

In January 2020: Responding to crowds in Toledo chanting "lock her up," Trump said: "You should lock her up, I tell ya."

In October 2020: Delivering a speech in Florida, he said, "Lock them up, you should lock them up. Lock up the Bidens, lock up Hillary, lock 'em up."

Not one of the fake “journalists” at FOX(R) dared to display the honesty, courage, and integrity to correct or disagree with their mendacious malevolent messiah, lest they be branded “enemies of the people”.  Trump's word shall not be questioned by his sycophantic propaganda network.

That's how Trumpism works. If a conservative like Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger dares to question Trump’s words or condemn his actions, they are effectively canceled, and punished as treacherous “RINOs”. 

Trumpists never allow facts to get in the way of their BELIEIFS. Triggering emotions is how their leaders instill those false beliefs and exploit them as the path to power.

It's always about who to fear, who to hate, who to blame, and who will be their savior to punish the dreaded evil "others" who are out to get them and take over their country.

"They are coming after YOU! I'm standing in their way." Sound familiar?

Hitler understood this. “I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few". And so does Trump.

Unfortunately, that's how authoritarianism, Trumpism and fascism have always operated.

It doesn't take long to discover their beliefs are rooted in selfishness, greed, fear, resentment, anger, scapegoating, xenophobia, and at the extreme, racism and radical right nationalism.

With all those emotionally rooted beliefs, it’s not surprsing they lack any concern for the welfare or opinions of others. It's always been about their easily manipulated FEELINGS, no matter their IQ. It's their EQ that is suppressed. Compassion and caring for the disenfranchised, sick, and poor are not within their so-called values.

They are driven by the will to DOMINATE and CONTROL the majority.

With a sick sense of gleeful cruelty, the Party of Trump rejoices as they deprive people they resent, fear, and hate of food stamps, healthcare, reproductive rights, living wages, voting rights, poll access, and fair elections with fair representation.

Trump has been Putin’s most useful American idiot for the past decade. He welcomed Russian interference in 2016 and praises Putin. He also invited Russia to do “whatever the hell they want” to a NATO ally if they don’t pay enough money. He invited Russians into the Oval Office and gave them secret intelligence. These are verifiable facts.

While Trump is by all reasonable measures a traitor and insurrectionist, most Trump voters are not. They don’t directly betray our secrets or aid and abet enemies. 

Millions are just ill-informed, poorly educated people who don't really pay attention to politics, world events, or history. They vote for Republicans because their family has always voted for Republicans. They are charmed by Trump's celebrity status and dismiss his crude language and behavior. Or they are anti-abortion evangelicals who vote for anyone who would repeal Roe v Wade. They are encouraged by Right wing media to trust his "business background". They never hear of his history of bankruptcies, fraud, and squandering Daddy's money.

Anyone who believes, acts on, or defends Trump's Big Lie is a Trumpist. They are white nationalists, grifters, propagandists, and neo-Nazi types. If Trump's word is your gospel, you're in a neo-Nazi white nationalist cult.

But many ARE truly insurrectionists and traitors to our democratic republic. They regurgitate Russian lies in the halls of Congress.

Former Giuliani associate Lev Parnas testified under oath: "From shortly after my arrest on October 9, 2019, to now, I have been trying to share the irrefutable truth with you: The American people have been lied to by Trump, Giuliani, & various cohorts of individuals in government and media positions. They created falsehoods to serve their own interests… . The only information ever pushed on the Bidens in Ukraine has come from one source and one source only: Russia and Russian agents. The impeachment proceedings that bring us here now are predicated on false information spread by the Kremlin.  Congressman Pete Sessions, then Congressman Devin Nunes, Senator Ron Johnson and many others understood they were pushing a false narrative. The same goes for John Solomon, Sean Hannity and media personnel, particularly at Fox News. My original indictment linked me to an individual referred to as unindicted coconspirator . We know now this individual to be Congressman Pete Sessions who sits on this very committee.”

They are authoritarian true believers in dictatorship over democracy. They are white nationalists who want to dominate the majority of Americans and punish those they hate. Any and all means are justified in their anti-democratic criminal coup. January 6 was the beginning, not the end of their threat to our country. We can be certain they will commit more violence if Trump loses again. It is in their nature.

There are the die-hard extremists like Mike Flynn*, Roger Stone, Alex Jones, with their Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, gun nuts, and wacko militia types who think they're minute men. They have a media empire of soulless hacks, Putin lovers and racists poisoning the minds of millions of Americans with endless scapegoating, hate, and lies.

Being duped by Trump's lies and hate-mongering, or worse yet, knowing better and just cashing in, doesn't absolve them anymore that it would absolve "good Germans" who cheered for their Fuhrer's dictatorship, belligerent militarism, Holocaust, war, and police state. They were all "patriots" who believed loyalty to the Fuhrer was loyalty to their country.

And we now have Trump’s white supremacist dinner guest Nick Fuentes who said on November 9, 2022: “There are too many nonwhite people in the country… And it sucks, and it is what it is, but that’s why we need dictatorship…We need to take control of the media, take control of the government, and force the people to believe what we believe. Or force them to play by our rules and reshape the society.”

He told Jews to "get the fuck out of America": "You serve the devil. You serve Satan. ... I piss on your Talmud."

And Trump? “He (Fuentes) gets me.”

This is the dark and rancid core of the "Mega MAGA" cult. Fascism. It is their nature.

The inescapable bottom line is Trumpism is the refuge, identity, and de facto new term for white nationalism.   

The white nationalist Trumpists parrot neo-Nazi hate rhetoric by calling anyone who opposes Trump, or holds him accountable "communists", while they PRAISE Putin. Because Trump does. Their blind rage calls for vengeance, retribution, revenge, and even civil war, all because they BELIEVE in Trump's Big Lie. This is the final step before justifying violence against us. January 6 is CELEBRATED, and the thugs Trump praised with "We love you. You're very special" have become "hostages, martyrs and political prisoners" in their fascist cult. They are effectively Putin’s agents in his information/propaganda war to destabilize and subvert the US.

Therefore, I stand by this statement:

Insurrectionist, white nationalist, neo-Nazi Trumpists are domestic enemies of democracy and our constitutional republic. 


* Flynn recently met with fellow neo-Nazis at their paramilitary training facility called "88 Tactical". "H" is the eighth letter of the alphabet and "88" is neo-Nazi code for Heil Hitler.


Anonymous said...

I'd rather have a President who can complete a prison sentence than one who can't complete a sentence.

Dave Dubya said...

Thank you for your opinion, and your only allotted comment as Anonymous.

Instead of projecting and calling me a coward, all you need to do is identify yourself and respond without deflections or personal attacks to the content of my post.

If you need assistance in good faith discussion, try using this format as your guide:

Dave, I have to say you are stating falsehoods, or misunderstanding, by claiming (_____) and (_______). These verifiable facts and evidence (_____) and (____) suggest you are quite mistaken.

Or you could enlighten us with relevant verifiable information for us to consider.

Surely you think you have ALL the answers?

TB3 said...

The funny thing about hearing that phrase, or ones like it, from Trump's fans (because this is all sportsball to those folks), is that ignore the irony of wanting to "lock her up". Had they got their way, and considering how much gibberish and poor grammar come out of Trump's mouth, they'd have preferred Hillary.

There's no thought. Just slogan chanting and goalpost shifting/ignoring.

Les Carpenter said...

Truth... the great enemy of trump and his republican cult of ignorant sheeple.

Dave Dubya said...

No thought required, indeed. Thinking, like reality itself, has a well-known liberal bias. (Thank you, Stephen Colbert.)

As with CRT and DEI, the Trump Cult reacts as if science, literature, philosophy, the arts, journalism, public education and public healthcare are all a vast communist conspiracy.

Intellectuals and educators scare them because the cultists are stubbornly incurious and helplessly unable to understand them.

No wonder they are so easily swayed by those who say, “I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few", and "I love the poorly educated".

For people who see themselves as such tough guys with all the answers, they are really frightened, delicate, and willfully ignorant creatures. Authoritarian leaders have long understood stoking resentment, fear, and anger with lies and scapegoating is the key to power.

Dave Dubya said...

Truth is meaningless to them. Radical Right "alternative facts" and the infallible holy words of their malevolent mendacious messiah are their gospel.

Les Carpenter said...

Power in the hands of authoritarians become a lethal weapon. To be used against ALL who dare to challenge them in any way.

Dave Dubya said...

Anonymous/Vern keeps disrespecting my request that he identify himself in his comments. He dismisses my offer of a simple method to disagree with me.

Is this so he can whine "censure" like a spoiled crybaby? Or more likely, because he has NOTHING to contribute but nasty personal attacks?

He's a coward, and like most authoritarian neo-Nazis he HATES the fact I have accurately described his malignant ilk.

Exhibit A:
\\ Blogger Dave Dubya said...

\\ Because bullshit like "alternative facts", "white victimhood", and "fake news" are essential features in the propaganda of the neo-Nazi party of Trump. We are under no obligation to repeat or publish their fascist lies.


Because censure... that's what Anti-Facists DO... oh, shit. :-))))))))))))))))))))))))000

Of COURSE we "censure" (Disapprove with strong criticism) their hateful lies and false accusations.

His idiotic poorly educated comment is an attempt to do just that, but he doesn't know it.

Bless his heart.

Dave Dubya said...

Trump says there is a lot of phony stuff in the Epstein files. What is he hiding?
Asking for a friend, and a democratic republic.

Dave Dubya said...

Trump tells FOX(R) he sabotaged the bipartisan deal to secure the border because “it made it much better for the opposing side”.

In other words, "To hell with the border and the country! What's in it for ME?"

Dave Dubya said...

Our neo-Nazi Anonymous troll tried to post a claim that a Black Panther founder endorses Trump.

Do you think he wants to know the truth? An evil MAGAt woman went to his nursing home without permission to interview the victim of dementia.


A former Black Panther member doesn't support former President Donald Trump despite a viral interview that's being shared across right-wing social media accounts, his grandson says.

Eric Jones said his grandfather David Hilliard, a founding Black Panther member, was the victim of "senior abuse" and wasn't fully aware of what was going on when he was interviewed by a woman named Carol D. Mitchell.

In the now-viral interview, Hilliard said he knew Trump when he was a college student in the 1960s.

"Trump is a person who's a decent man, and he supported the Black Panther Party," Hilliard reportedly said. "He was someone who gave us money."

“Trump’s a friend of African Americans, and I knew Trump from the 1960s in New York, where he comes from and he’s a friend to African Americans. He’s a decent man,” he continued. “I mean he’s not a racist. He’s not a racist, fascist, white man. He supported Black people.”

Hilliard's grandson spoke out against the interview as it gained traction online and was picked up by news outlets.

“He would absolutely not be aligned with any of Trump's politics,” Jones said of his grandfather, per What I'm Reading. “People should understand that he is not a supporter of, or affiliated with anything that Trump has done in this modern era.”

Jones noted that his grandfather lives in a senior community and has dementia.

“My grandfather doesn’t support Donald Trump,” Jones wrote on social media. “This is just senior abuse. This lady really is awful for doing this.”

“The lady who interviewed my grandfather did so without any permission. This was done to take advantage of my grandfather who suffers from dementia and create a fake narrative in which he endorses/supports Trump in today’s political climate,” he added.

Anonymous said...

I am not impressed by you long winded diatribe, but I agree with much of what you say.

Dave Dubya said...

Thank you for agreeing with much of what I say. It may be "long-winded" for you, but I like to provide facts and information to support my opinions.

Dave Miller said...

Dave, it's interesting that no one challenged the facts of your post.

I might rephrase your suggested retort like this...

Dear [insert idiot responder name here], in my post I claimed Trump lied when he claimed in a recent interview that he never said "Lock her up" referring to Hillary Clinton. I also posted several direct quotes from Candidate/President Trump where in fact he did say "Lock her up" to prove my point.

Please tell me where I am wrong.

I think you need to make it easier for the SRA Reading Comprehension Test Challenged readers who comment here.

Dave Dubya said...

What does it say that they STILL can't present a rational disagreement even when offered help?

No wonder all I get are deflections and neo-Nazi personal attacks. I welcome their hatred. That alone tells me I'm in the right and they are wrong.

They may not be right, but those white Christian nationalists are always REICH.

Trump is their messiah. Every word from him is gospel, so the cult has no alternative than to hate us.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The comment sections would be much better if the righties developed some semblance of wit. I think their greatest witicist was William Buckley and I only remember one thing he said I found funny. They can't give us any truth. At least entertain us.

Dave Dubya said...

I recall the vanishing sense of humor in Dennis Miller as he drifted Right.

There's no question about it. The radical Right have a lousy sense of humor. Not enough Jews in their cult, I guess.

Their idea of funny is in sticking it to the people they resent and hate. Jon Stewart called it a "gleeful cruelty".

Anonymous said...

\\ Blogger Dave Miller said...

\\ Dave, it's interesting that no one challenged the facts of your post.

Of course, cretin, because FACTS have meaning only inside BIGGER picture.

Propaganda manipulated facts to make some plausible narrative -- not worthy discussing. ;-P

\\What does it say that they STILL can't present a rational disagreement even when offered help?

You and likes of you?

Who hiding behind premoderation EACH TIME you have nothing to answer with?

What a cretin you are. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))

Thinking that if nobody else see it... it not happened? ;-P

\\No wonder all I get are deflections and neo-Nazi personal attacks. I welcome their hatred. That
alone tells me I'm in the right and they are wrong.

Hatred???? Do this type of emo -->> :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Mean "hatred". :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

You are funny, cretin. :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

But... continue-continue, cretin. ;-P

Dave Dubya said...


And there he goes again, evading every point in the post with deflections and ad hominem attacks.

And he wonders why his garbage doesn't get posted.

I'd be interested if he explained "FACTS have meaning only inside BIGGER picture", and how that relates to the facts given here.

But that would mean he would have to actually address my points, wouldn't it?

Maybe the FACT that he's a troll with nothing of value to add fits into his bigger picture?

Dave Dubya said...

As a courtesy to Anonymous who can't read the entire post or comment thread, I'll add this one more time:

Instead of projecting and calling me a coward, all you need to do is identify yourself and respond without deflections or personal attacks to the content of my post.

Anonymous said...

\\I'd be interested if he explained "FACTS have meaning only inside BIGGER picture", and how that relates to the facts given here.

Fact is -- political battle of grand scale in USA today.

Battle... that going by rules as described in Mark Twain's "How I runed for Governor".

More then 100 years passed -- nothing changed.

All everything -- that is just propaganda babbling.

Truth is -- politicians fight and die by rule "anything goes".

Is that clear??? Or I need to explain it more in-depth? For such a cretin (inserted intentionally, so you'd have excuse to not disclose this comment)? ;-P

Shaw Kenawe said...


That same "Anonymous" has been trying to get past Comment Moderation on my blog.

I just delete it.

It appears to be an iteration of the group persona who comes to my blog.

PS. Trump is a pathological liar. When he claims he never said "Lock her up!", he's lying. Again.

trump's cultists eagerly eat up his misinformation, disinformation, and lying lies.

Dave Dubya said...

Anonymous responded with disconnected assertions that conclude:

"More then 100 years passed -- nothing changed."

Human nature in general may not have changed but technology and laws have changed. Voting rights have changed. Women's reproductive rights have changed.

Facts matter in big AND small "pictures". Facts matter in personal and public lives.

Facts are quantifiable and established, and facts are also denied by liars.

CLIMATE is changing. Sea levels are rising, etc.

Dave Dubya said...

I have to delete most of their deflections and personal attacks too.

Anonymous said...

\\Human nature in general may not have changed but technology and laws have changed. Voting rights have changed. Women's reproductive rights have changed.


Like women was NOT influencing their husbands on that -- how to vote. ;-P

\\Facts matter in big AND small "pictures". Facts matter in personal and public lives.



ONLY when it is TRUE facts AKA reference to some really happening in the World things.

And not just some babbling of "listen to me, I'm expert"s.

Dave Dubya said...


Your personal attacks and deflections prove another fact. YOU are an asshole.

\\Facts matter in big AND small "pictures". Facts matter in personal and public lives.


I accept your concession.

ONLY when it is TRUE facts AKA reference to some really happening in the World things.

Like measurable record high temperatures, disappearing glaciers, and rising sea levels.

And not just some babbling of "listen to me, I'm expert"s.

Such as yourself.

As I said above:

If you need assistance in good faith discussion, try using this format as your guide:

Dave, I have to say you are stating falsehoods, or misunderstanding, by claiming (_____) and (_______). These verifiable facts and evidence (_____) and (____) suggest you are quite mistaken.

Or you could enlighten us with relevant verifiable information for us to consider.

Surely you think you have ALL the answers?

If you refuse to discuss Trumpism, the topic of the post, I am justified in denying your distractions, deflections and personal attacks. We get it. Trolls love seeking attention. So do toddlers. That doesn't mean they add to good faith discussion.

Feel free to start your own blog and say whatever you want about anything, or just more of YOUR "babbling of "listen to me, I'm expert"s".

Just the Facts! said...

Place Your Bets: What Will Be in Biden's Pre-Debate Chemical Cocktail?

Dave Dubya said...

Funny how "Dr. Feelgood" Ronnie Jackson's open Trump White House pharmacy doesn't bother you.

"Step right up! Get yer Morphine, Fentanyl, Hydrocodone, Tylenol 3, Ambien, Ativan, Tramadol, Provigil, Sonata, Ketamine, Diazepam, Lorazepam… and whatever else you need to cover your shame and Trump's lies from bothering your conscience".

Your malevolent mendacious messiah also fled to Florida to dodge his his probation hearing in NYC that requires a drug test from all convicts. Hmmm. Curious minds want to know...

Just what IS it that makes Trump sniff so loudly during debates?

Place your bets.

Being Right said...

Lefties are really losing it, as seen in the fundraising success President Trump had recently in my home state California. California has the potential to turn the election over to Donald Trump IF THE LEFTIES DON'T CHEAT BY RIGGING THE ELECTION. California residents who are citizens and registered voters now have the responsibility to make sure the left wing extremist election thieves have their plans foiled.

PS This Goofball Lefty Dave Dubya,has a fixation on Hitler makes one wonder don't it!

Georgie Floydie, Puddin, and Pie said...

Imagine that an pathological liar Asshole like Dave Dubya calling someone else an "Asshole"?.

Dave Dubya said...

Being Right,
Thank you for your opinion. Can you give us a few names of the "lefties losing it"?

I expect that might be as difficult as showing us evidence that Trump was cheated in 2020. (Especially since HE incited, and spent hours watching, a violent mob trying to overturn the election.)

Feel free to show your evidence that could stand under examination in a court of law.

Until you do, here are the official results of the 2020 election, no matter how you FEEL.

Trump lost, lied, and criminally tried to steal the election.

By ALL counts, recounts, certifications, Trump’s DOJ, Trump’s Homeland Security, audits and 60 courts:

Biden 51.3%
81,283,501 Popular votes
306 Electoral Votes
Trump 46.8%
74,223,975 Popular votes
232 Electoral Votes

If you're convinced I am incorrect or unreasonable, feel free to enlighten me with this handy form:

Dave, I have to say you are stating falsehoods, or misunderstanding, by claiming (_____) and (_______). These verifiable facts and evidence (_____) and (____) suggest you are quite mistaken.

If Trump hadn't incited his J6 Putsch as Hitler did in 1923, I wouldn't need to compare them.

If Trump didn't welcome dinner guests like Nick Fuentes, I wouldn't need to compare them.

Nick Fuentes on his podcast 11-9-22:
"There are too many nonwhite people in the country...

And it sucks, and it is what it is, but that’s why we need dictatorship. [Guffaws] That’s ironically why we need to get rid of all that.

We need to take control of the media, take control of the government, and force the people to believe what we believe. Or force them to play by our rules, and reshape the society. Because right now, you look across the board, and you put on a referendum whether we want to live in a gay country or non-gay country, a feminist country or a non-feminist country, abortion land, no abortions—you’re gonna be disappointed in the results.

And this:
Fuentes told Jews to "get the fuck out of America": "You serve the devil. You serve Satan. ... I piss on your Talmud."

Trump: “He (Fuentes) gets me.”

If Trump didn't sound like Hitler, I wouldn't need to compare them.

Here's Trump echoing the same hate rhetoric as Hitler:

We will Root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country…
They’re poisoning the blood of our country. That’s what they’ve done.
Just a quick reminder for liberal Jews who voted to destroy America and Israel because you believed false narratives!
Let's hope you learned from your mistake and make better choices moving forward!
Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion.
Would you rather have the Black president or the white president? I think they want the white guy.
Hitler did a lot of good things.
- Donald Trump

And Trump admitted he would be a dictator on day one.

Are you still wondering why I compare them?

Dave Dubya said...

Hey, Georgie,

Takes one to know one, amirite?

The fact you are unable to cite any lie to support your false accusation tells us who the real asshole is.

Just the Facts! said...

Dave Has a problem with "Rooting out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country".

Wonder why?

Dave Dubya said...

Fact 1: JTF supports Trump's neo-Nazi hate rhetoric.

Fact 2: Trump is the real fascist who echoes Hitler. JTF is one of his lying hateful cult followers, therefore a fascist as well.

Fact 3: Trump is a pathological liar. The hate rhetoric is directly from Hitler's playbook. And JTF cannot name ONE Democrat who actually fits those terms by their real definitions.

Fact 4: Trump is talking about everyone who disagrees with him or holds him accountable. None of them are Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs. He's also a fraud, convicted felon, and known racist who projects HIS racism towards every Black prosecutor and judge, calling them a "racist" just for doing their job and following the rule of law.

Fact 5: Trump sent a mob of violent thugs to the Capitol to terrorize Congress, beat cops bloody, and overturn our election. 100% neo-Nazi thug behavior.

Facts 6,7,8: Trump not only hoped they would succeed as he passively WATCHED them for HOURS on TV, he then PRAISED his THUGS with, "You're very special. We love you". Later he calls them "hostages" and vows to pardon his criminal thugs.

IF neo-Nazi white nationalist JTF had a trace of of honesty and integrity, he would at least attempt to identify those "Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs".

Nothing. Crickets and deflections only.

Plus, Jesus knows he's a liar filled with hate. He turns his back on the commandments of his former Savior and serves the hate and racism of his malevolent mendacious messiah and the neo-Nazi Party of Trump. Trump is your guy if you're a servant of mammon as well.

Is he still wondering? He can't say, can he? He isn't capable of good faith discussion.

Dave Dubya said...

I should thank JTF for his dishonest deflection and Trump-worship as another example of Trumpism.

Will he answer any of MY questions? Hell no!

Why does he serve Trump's hate and lies over the commandments of Jesus? (Hint: Read my posts.)

I'll gladly post his good faith response. LOL!!

Just the Facts! said...

As expected Dave deflects and dodges and lies again...Demands from me something he can not give himself...As expected he changes the rules AGAIN.
Hint. Publish my posts.

Dave Dubya said...

OK, Vern. As a token of my gratitude for your generous display of the ugly face of Trumpism, I'll give you a rational response to your pathologically false accusations. Like your malevolent mendacious messiah, you compulsively spew bad faith bullshit. Your years of practice have paid off. You've reached your deep low of 100% bullshit.

I don't expect Vern to read this far, so it is addressed to the interested reader.

Vern's projection is at the heart of Trumpism, as it is with every lying bully and sociopath.

Projection #1: :"As expected Dave deflects and dodges and lies again..." LOL! I'm Still waiting for him to cite the alleged lie. Waiting for over a DECADE, in fact. He even failed to fill in the simple format I kindly provided.

Projection #2: "Demands from me something he can not give himself..."
Yes, Vern is always pushing deflections and demanding answers to any question he pulls from his ass. He's just a troll being a troll.

LIE: "As expected he changes the rules AGAIN."
What rules? I've always filtered out bad faith, off-topic, and ad hominem insults. If anything I generously allow more space than he deserves. But, hey, at least Vern finally cooperated by using his blogger ID. :-)

Demand of the day: "Hint. Publish my posts."
Above we see THREE of his comments that spewed the LEAST of his bad faith, off-topic, and ad hominem insults. And they were only relevant to the topic because it exemplifies the bad faith, ugly, and dishonest nature of authoritarian personalities who bend their knee to a convicted felon like Trump.


Ya still with us? Do you want to show me how clueless I am? Call me out on a lie? You want to own all the libs here?

One more time:

Dave, I have to say you are stating falsehoods, or misunderstanding, by claiming (_____) and (_______). These verifiable facts and evidence (_____) and (____) suggest you are quite mistaken.