Friday, May 24, 2024

Who They Are

How much neo-Nazi rhetoric do we need to hear from them before we can understand they ARE neo-Nazis? Everything they say is wrapped in lies, bigotry, racism, revenge, retribution and the evil desire to inflict suffering upon those they hate.

Trump's insurrectionist ally and fellow traitor Mike "Q" Flynn met with III %ers, J6ers, neo-Nazis & Q cult members at a neo-Nazi paramilitary training camp called “88 Tactical.”

H is the 8th letter of the alphabet. "88" is neo-Nazi code for the "HH", which represents "Heil Hitler". Look it up. It's a real thing. At his low-turnout Bronx rally Trump told FOX & Friends, "We're gonna win New York. And if we win New York, the election's over. We take over the country. We take over the country."

As Trump's shady lawyer Alina Habba put it: "No one is above the law" is a stupid little catchphrase."

Trump’s dinner guest Nick Fuentes told Jews to "get out fuck out of America...You serve the devil. You serve Satan. ... I piss on your Talmud."

Nick Fuentes on his podcast 11-9-22:

"There are too many nonwhite people in the country.

People like abortion. Hate it, but it’s true. And you can thank the Jewish media for that. Abortion’s popular, sodomy’s popular, you know, being gay is popular, being a feminist is popular, sex out of wedlock is popular. Contraception is—it's all popular. That’s not to say it’s good. That’s not to say I like that. Popular means the people support it. They do.

And it sucks, and it is what it is, but that’s why we need dictatorship."

Trump: “He (Fuentes) gets me.”

“Just a quick reminder for liberal Jews who voted to destroy America & Israel because you believed in false narratives! Let’s hope you learned from your mistake & make better choices moving forward! Happy New Year!”

“Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion”.

"We will Root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country…"

"They’re poisoning the blood of our country. That’s what they’ve done."

"Hitler did a lot of good things."

 This is the kind of talk that is really poisoning the blood of our country.

Enough is enough.

Some questions:

What do you call Nazi supporters? Nazis.

What do you call neo-Nazi supporters? Neo-Nazis

What do you call white nationalist neo-Nazi supporters? White nationalist neo-Nazis.

What do you call Black neo-Nazi supporters? Black neo-Nazis.

What do you call Catholic neo-Nazi supporters? Catholic neo-Nazis.

What do you call Jewish neo-Nazi supporters? Jewish neo-Nazis.

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” ~ Maya Angelou


The number1488 on their topographical map refers to the 14 words of white nationalism, "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”.

Any more questions?


Les Carpenter said...

Face it Dave, there is really very little, and most likely nothing, that will ever change the minds of the ego driven people conditioned by the beliefs of the rightwing ignoramus' of the MAGAverse and the gop.

Dave Dubya said...

Yes, the odds are overwhelming that if by now they haven't realized what Trumpism truly is they never will.

I'm afraid as long as there are stupid, ignorant, gullible, and arrogant white people who let their leaders trigger their anger, fear, and bigotry there will be white nationalism and neo-Nazi fascism in the US and Europe.

At the core it's the innate authoritarian personality of a quarter to a third of a given population.

Barring a severe asteroid hit or super volcano eruption, they will eventually facilitate the self extinction of the human race.

Maybe humanity needs to cross-breed the whiteness and "white fright" out of our species?

But even then, we'd have to deal with the authoritarian personalities that curse humankind.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of stupid, ignorant and gullible.. Don't Laugh: Here's How Joe Could Pull Off a 'Heroic' Escape from the Brutal 2024 Campaign

Dave Dubya said...


Thank you for your case in point of how stupid, ignorant and gullible a MAGA shill can get.

And thanks for demonstrating your shared neo-Nazi hate.

Actually, even if Joe loses the election, he now has a precedent to have his VP overturn it and then exercise his "presidential immunity" and have Trump shot for treason.

It's what Trump would want, amirite? Or is that immunity exclusively his, being a thug-praising dictator and all?

Anonymous said...

These kinds of things were said about Trump before he was elected president the first time. Yet the country did not turn fascist or get destroyed. We are still limping along. His words can be compared to fascism, but his actions do not compare to Nazi Germany.

Dave Dubya said...


Neo-Nazi America will not be identical to Nazi Germany.

Yes we said these things about him back in 2016 because we knew he was always a liar, conman, and racist authoritarian personality.

It's good that you can admit his words, filled with hate, scapegoating, demonization, racist false victimhood, etc. are fascistic. Words lead to actions.

Our checks and balances limited his actions, but didn't stop him from inciting a violent mob to overturn an election. Checks and balances didn't stop him from organizing fake electors to defraud the country in his attempt to steal the election.

In fact he undermined our checks and balances by appointing extremists into our judiciary branch. Now we have an entire party corrupted into serving and defending HIM, not the country. We have corrupt judges and Supreme Court justices obstructing the prosecution of his crimes.

This is the foundation of fascism. And our checks and balances WILL fail because he corrupted our legislative and judicial branches.

And we CAN compare his actions to early Nazi Germany. Hitler's putsch was in 1923 and Trump's was on 1-6-21.

His corrupt Justices are not only shielding him from criminal accountability, they are also actively subverting our voting rights, freedoms and democracy by abetting racist gerrymandering and the elimination of women's reproductive freedom.

Banning abortion IS exactly what Nazi Germany did.

On October 10, 1936 Heinrich Himmler created the Reich Central Office for Combating Homosexuality and Abortion, or Special Office (II S), a sub-department of Executive Department II of the Gestapo.

The far Right’s primary Big Lie is “liberal media” in their war on journalism. Journalism has always been seen as a threat to totalitarians and authoritarians.

The German Nazis used the term “Lügenpresse”, or lying press, in their campaign to undermine journalism and a free press. Now American fascists cry “liberal media” and “fake news” when the truth threatens their agenda.

Read the radical Right Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 to see their intentions to purge our government of anyone not loyal to Trump.

Trump's fascist crony Steve Bannon declared, "The evening after we've won, the accountability project's going to start, it's going to be thorough this time. Democrats are going to be in prison, because that's where they deserve to be. Yes, prison."

Here are a couple articles on that fascist plan:

What Is Project 2025 And Why Is It So Dangerous?

Project 2025: Democratic Doomsday

The issue here is not Nazi Germany. That should be our warning and lesson. The issue now is neo-Nazis taking power in the US.

Dave Miller said...

Anon stated... "His words can be compared to fascism, but his actions do not compare to Nazi Germany.

Here's 40 year Pastor of Moody Bible Church Erwin Lutzer, a Trump supporter, speaking about Germany under Hitler in his MAGA supporting book, "We Will Not Be Silenced"...

"Germans were given reason to hate the Jews, to hate democracy and to hate anyone who disagreed with them." [Pg 135]

"Jews were described as treasonous, vermin and subhuman." [Pg 135]

"Hitler knew that people would set aside reason in favor of an irrational national pride [Volk], the culmination of which brought about World War II".

William Shrier in his History of the Third Reich said this speaking of Hitler's supporters...

"I would meet with the most outlandish assertions from seemingly educated persons. It was obvious that they were parroting some piece of nonsense they had heard on the radio or read in the newspapers."

Do these quotes, one from a great historian of Hitler's rise and the other a prominent Trump supporter from the religious right?

What actions do you need to see? What might convince you to take a second look?

You tell us...

Dave Dubya said...

Hitler knew what he was doing when he declared, "I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so."

In the eyes of the gullible, this made Hitler a man of God. That was all he needed to add to his lies, pretensions of victimization, scapegoating, and demonization of Jews and dissenters. It worked for him as it does for Trump.

A book of Hitler's speeches is the only book known to have been read by Trump. It was his operator manual all the way to the White House and through his criminal behavior that ensued.

Anonymous parroted the radical Right Federalist BS "Democrats Promise Coordinated Assault On SCOTUS If They Don’t Get Their Way".

Assault is a crime. It's what Trump's MAGAts did to our Capitol Police.

Democrats are finally beginning to hold the corrupt, pro-Trump red hats on the Supreme Court accountable for violating basic standards of ethics.

THEY HAVE NO RULES and prove it by their CONTINUTING corrupt behavior.

This is how they became defenders, or even partners, of Trump.

Trump truly poisons and corrupts EVERYONE and EVERYTHING he touches, including our White House, Congress, courts, and democracy.

Anonymous said...

There is no Holocaust. There are no concentration camps. There are not mullions of people being shot in the streets. He as already been president once, and none of this happened. You said all this before he was elected the first time. You have a severe case of "chicken little."

Dave Dubya said...

Your disdain for good faith discussion is obvious. You are a liar as well. You can't quote me or anyone else for saying in 2016 there would be a holocaust, concentration camps and "mullions" of people being shot in the streets. Never said it.

You also obviously DIDN'T read ANYTHING written here!

So what DID I just say in THIS thread?


Read the radical Right Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 to see their intentions to purge our government of anyone not loyal to Trump.

Trump's fascist crony Steve Bannon declared, "The evening after we've won, the accountability project's going to start, it's going to be thorough this time. Democrats are going to be in prison, because that's where they deserve to be. Yes, prison."

Here are a couple articles on that fascist plan:

What Is Project 2025 And Why Is It So Dangerous?

Project 2025: Democratic Doomsday

The issue here is not Nazi Germany. That should be our warning and lesson. The issue now is neo-Nazis taking power in the US.

You have a severe case of dismissive rudeness, dishonesty and delusional beliefs. It's called Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Just like every EVERY NEO-NAZI.

If you disagree with me, here's how you can dispute what I say. Just fill in the blanks:

Dave, I have to say you are stating falsehoods, or a misunderstanding, by claiming (_____) and (_______). These verifiable facts and evidence (_____) and (____) suggest you are quite mistaken.

And while you're at it, please let us know how Trump will make America great again, like it used to be before 2016, from the years_____ to ____.

Is this too difficult for you? Does your brain fizzle at this simple task?

When it comes to good faith reasonable discussion, you have a severe case of "chicken shit".

Anonymous said...

I never said you were stating falsehoods just drawing the wrong conclusions.

Les Carpenter said...

As we continue to read the comments from the trump MAGAverse of ignorance and delusions it is becoming more and more difficult to hold out hope for a continuation of our democratic republic. If, god forbid, trump and the now neo-Nazi republican party again gains full control of the federal government the only thing left to fall will be the US military and you can bet trump and the neo-Nazis have infiltrated the ranks there as well.

Once the military falls in line we're on the road to a government like North Korea or Putin's Russia. Every MAGA bots dream apparently.

Dave Dubya said...

Can you please enlighten us on the correct conclusions? I don't understand why you'd keep those to yourself.

Democracy cannot function without an informed electorate. The Right learned long ago how to demolish a republic. Poison the well of information. The "liberal media" was their first Big Lie. Murdoch and Limbaugh pioneered radical Right propaganda broadcasting. Then Putin joined forces with them. This was the gift that keeps on giving us far right, crooked, and unethical politicians. Hate. lies, and misinformation have taken hold of enough Americans to destabilize our elections and federal government.

Corporate media won't save the republic, nor will the military or executive, judicial and legislative branches.

I fear the only way out is through the chaos and destruction of our republic. Authoritarians don't relinquish power, or get voted out, until their damage has been done.

What comes out on the other side will depend on how we the people decide between a fascist tyranny or a semblance of democracy.

The founders failed to realize how the electoral college and undemocratic Senate could bring us down. Neither are compatible with a representative republic guided by the majority consent of the governed. They couldn't imagine a Justice Department official interfering just before an election, saying one candidate was being investigated. They also couldn't imagine a racist Senate Majority leader would abdicate his Constitutional duty to advise and consent a Black president's Supreme Court nominee.

So here we are, at the brink.

Anonymous said...

YOU always tell us the right conclusions. You are always right about everything. And anyone who disagrees with you, you insult, you call names, you block from your blog. You prove yourself a low intellect, mean, angry person constantly.

Dave Dubya said...

In other words you have NOTHING of substance to add and need to resort to ad hominem attacks.

Thanks for the projection.

Anonymous said...

Brevity is the sign of intelligence. You have never been brief about anything ever in your life.

Dave Dubya said...

An intelligent person knows the phrase is, "Brevity is the soul of wit". From Polonius, in act 2, scene 2 of Hamlet.

Don't blame me for your ADHD and semi-literacy. Ah, but blaming others for your faults is the Trumpist MO all the way, isn't it?

You Trumpists keep showing us poor, pathetic, willfully ignorant, hateful, whiny, thin-skinned, lying, emotionally immature, small-minded, neo-Nazi fake victims are the real snowflakes.

Here are the words of your Orange Fuhrer echoing the original Fuhrer:

We will Root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country…
They’re poisoning the blood of our country. That’s what they’ve done.
Just a quick reminder for liberal Jews who voted to destroy America and Israel because you believed false narratives!
Let's hope you learned from your mistake and make better choices moving forward!
Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion.
Would you rather have the Black president or the white president?
I think they want the white guy.
Hitler did a lot of good things.
- Donald Trump

Now be a good little cultist and send your Orange Fuhrer MORE money!
He'll save you one day.
He'll PUNISH people you HATE.
He would never lie.
Ein Volk. Ein Reich. Ein Fuhrer!

Make America White Again.

Use your name next time, Vern, or don't expect any more of your BS to be posted here. That is, IF you have the modicum of moral courage and good faith to do even that.