Thursday, February 29, 2024

Supreme Obstruction And Interference


So, my prediction on February 6 didn’t come true. I admit it was unrealistically optimistic, which is why I called it a bold prediction.

I wrote:

A federal appeals court decided Trump’s immunity claims would reject "the most fundamental check on executive power."

The rationality, wisdom and common sense of this decision are as valid and sound as any judgement could be.

Therefore, I'm going to make a bold prediction that reflects this temporary surge of optimism.

The Supreme Court will NOT take up this inane case. It has been decided rationally, thoroughly, and UNANIMOUSLY by the Appeals Court

Even Chief Justice Roberts should have the sense that taking up this nonsense would be tantamount to open defiance of our rule of law and interference on behalf of Trump in the upcoming election.

The Court is already trying to shake off the stain of corruption and bribery. If he wants the Court to regain any semblance of integrity, Roberts will deny Trump's absurd assertion any further dignity in front of the Supreme Court. I think he would make this clear to Trump's appointed justices and the corrupt Clarence Thomas, whose wife may yet see criminal charges for HER ELECTION INTERFERENCE.

There may be a good chance even these partisan cronies would think twice about saying, "Wait a minute. I think Trump SHOULD be above the law for the rest of his life".

After all, if that deranged notion is sound, then President Biden is free to legally order Seal Team 6 to just take Trump out. And maybe a Justice or two as well.


And so, the stolen and stacked Trump Supreme Court of the United States wasted valuable time to finally take up the absurd question of “presidential immunity”.

As if it had planned it all along, the stolen and stacked Trump Supreme Court conveniently timed and scheduled this case for the benefit of the criminal defendant Donald Trump.

As if it had planned it all along, the stolen and stacked Trump Supreme Court imposed a delay on Trump’s criminal trials that would also delay any verdict until after the election.

As if it had planned it all along, the stolen and stacked Trump Supreme Court decided to delay, hold up, hold back, make late, slow down, set back, bog down, hinder, hamper, impede, and OBSTRUCT JUSTICE!

If the Roberts court had planned all along to aid and abet Trump’s election interference crimes and attempted coup it would do EXACTLY what it is doing now.

The Roberts court essentially gave Trump a “stay out of jail free” card until after the election, or if he wins, a “stay out of jail free” card for eternity. The latter scenario would be a virtual coronation of Trump as king, or proclamation of dictator for life, free to do whatever he wants to stay in power.

The stolen and stacked Trump Supreme Court could have decided the issue BEFORE they bumped the inane question of Trump’s immunity from criminal prosecution back to the Court of Appeals. This alone indicated the Robert’s Court’s willingness to aid and abet Trump’s gaming of the justice system by forcing continuous delays.

They didn’t need to accept this tactic from Trump’s sleazy lawyers. There was no rational justification to re-open Trump's can of worms that was INTENDED to delay justice and allow him a chance to elevate himself ABOVE THE LAW. 

But they did. And it’s pretty damn hard to not suspect that this is partisan political OBSTRUCTION of justice by delay, and therefore INTERFERENCE in the upcoming election.

The court is effectively DENYING the public’s RIGHT to hear and see the evidence of Trump’s crimes BEFORE the election. The court is effectively DENYING the public’s RIGHT to hear the verdicts of the juries BEFORE the election.

Justice delayed for the American people is justice denied to the American people.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Set Me Straight

Trump fans often leave comments that express their deeply emotional reactions to events and topics I discuss, or don’t discuss. That’s fine. It surely makes them FEEL better to vent. However, it would be more helpful towards civil and good faith discussion and debate if they could form their thoughts around information and reasoning. We can all learn from shared knowledge if we allow it to pass through our emotional filters.


I WELCOME any information that would indicate I am mistaken, misinformed or flawed in my reasoning. Please set me straight

Here are some handy and simple forms to make it easier for Trump’s true believers and supporters:

Dave, I have to say you are stating falsehoods by claiming (_____) and (_______). These verifiable facts and evidence (_____) and (____) suggest you are quite mistaken.

Also, this:

Trump really won the 2020 election and here is the proof of massive voter fraud that "senile" Joe Biden brilliantly orchestrated to steal it: ___________.

And this:

Trump WILL make America great again, like it used to be before 2016, from the years_____ to  ____.

Finally, this:

Trump is being persecuted by the "deep state', "racist" Black judges and prosecutors, and "communist" democrats by indicting him on "phony" charges. 

Here are the verifiable facts and evidence that exonerate him. 1. ____2. ____3. ____4. ___.

Thank you.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Kremlin Agents


Just in:

The former FBI informant charged with lying about the Bidens’ dealings in Ukraine told investigators after his arrest that Russian intelligence officials were involved in passing information to him about Hunter Biden, prosecutors said Tuesday in a new court filing, noting that the information was false.

Prosecutors also said Alexander Smirnov has been “actively peddling new lies that could impact US elections” after meeting with Russian spies late last year and that the fallout from his previous false bribery accusations about the Bidens “continue[s] to be felt to this day.”

Smirnov claims to have “extensive and extremely recent” contacts with foreign intelligence officials, prosecutors said in the filing.~ CNN

Imagine that.

As a follow up to my "Russian Threat" post I'll share this telling exchange I had after figuratively wading into a MAGA fever swamp blog.  Note how "Joe Conservative" reacted to the Cunningham tweet from that post. 


Joe Conservative:

Since Putin is FOR the de-NAZIFICATION of Ukraine. Does THAT mean that as an anti-Russia/ anti-Putinist that the you're for Ukraine's NAZIFICATION?

You're pro-Navalny, right? The guy who marches with the far-right and refers to Muslim's as cockroaches requiring extermination?


Dave Dubya:

Well, well, our Kremlin agent -FJ/Joe Con seems animated in his work today. 

Maybe he's inspired by Tucker Carlson's shameless humiliation in front of Putin. But that's OK. Tucker went out of his way to praise Russia a useful idiot.

Kremlin agent -FJ/Joe Con doesn’t have to bother pretending to be a journalist to serve Putin. He blurts it right out. If you’re against Putin, you’re pro-Nazi.

Who the hell is stupid enough to BUY that? (Present company excepted)

In the same slimy spirit of praising a tyrant who seeks to dominate Europe, Asia, and the Republican Party, Joe Con loyally promotes Putin's absurd "De-Nazification" cover for his war crimes 

"Since Putin is FOR the de-NAZIFICATION of Ukraine."

This is LITERALLY Putin’s war propaganda. 

And you wonder why I call him a Kremlin agent?


This dangerous "De-Nazification" bullshit IS PUTIN'S INFO WAR on Ukraine, the United States and Europe. It is very real and very pervasive.

Everyone who spreads this is wittingly or unwittingly a Kremlin agent.

Putin's tightening grip on Trump and the Republican Party is an immediate and lethal threat to our constitutional democratic republic. He is a threat to Europe and all democracies. 

We need to call out, challenge, and CONDEMN the propaganda and disinformation from Putin's Kremlin agents. All of them. Everywhere. In the House. In the Senate. In the media. In every community. In every family.  

We can do this without insulting them or calling them liars. We just let them know what they are saying is promoting Putin and his war.

Exhibit B:

While in Russia where he humiliated himself in a Putin interview, Kremlin agent Tucker Carlson gushed from a supermarket, “Seeing how much things cost and how people live will radicalize you against our leaders, that’s how I feel radicalized. We’re not making this up by the way, at all.”

According to Russia's state-run propaganda agency, over 60% of Russians spend half their salary on food. In the U.S., that number is roughly 11%, the highest it’s been since the 1980s but still much smaller than most poorer nations.

The average wage in Russia is the equivalent of $14,771.

Yeah, like he's only recently been radicalized. 


Note to my readers:

I WELCOME any information that would indicate I am mistaken, misinformed or flawed in my reasoning. Please set me straight. 

I understand this may be difficult for our fellow Americans and readers who believe and support Trump.

Here are some handy and simple forms to make it easier for them.

“Dave, I have to say you are stating falsehoods by claiming (_____) and (_______). These verifiable facts and evidence (_____) and (____) suggest you are quite mistaken.”

Also, this:

“Trump really won the 2020 election and here is the proof that Biden stole it: ___________.”

And this:

“Trump will make America great again like it was in the years between_____ and ____.”

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Russian Threat


CNN’s Jim Sciutto tweeted:

House Intel Committee Chair Mike Turner has made intelligence around a “serious national security threat” available to all members of Congress to review. Two sources familiar and a US official tell CNN the threat is related to Russia. - Multiple sources familiar with the intelligence characterized the intelligence as “very sensitive.”

Earlier Wednesday, Turner sent his Congressional colleagues a letter saying the urgent matter is “with regard to a destabilizing foreign military capability.”

Speaker Johnson appears to be urging some calm: “We are going to work together to address this matter, as we do all sensitive matters that are classified.…. But we just want to assure everyone steady hands are at the wheel. We're working on it — and there's no need for alarm.”


Um, no matter what Putin’s puppet’s House Puppet says, I would suspect the opposite to be true. 

I suspect the current threat is about Russian missile/submarine capabilities, or perhaps it’s cyber-security or other espionage. (Update: It's an anti-satellite weapon.)

But there is a far more immediate cause for alarm. 

The ongoing threat by Trump and his minions in his Party of Putin is still a clear and present danger to the republic and to global peace and democracy.

Trump and Republican Party of Putin ARE the greatest domestic threat within the United States.

This tweet by Bryan Cunningham, Executive Director of the Cybersecurity Policy & Research Institute makes it chillingly clear.


MEGA MAGA DON'T BE GASLIT! (Bear With Me to the end). As a career, non-partisan, intelligence professional, I actually don't know whether Trump, Speaker Johnson, and some of the MAGA bootlicking Senators are ACTUALLY recruited assets of Putin's Intelligence Services, but what I know FOR CERTAIN is that they could no more be doing Putin's bidding if they WERE directly under Russian intelligence control. Ask ANY serious intelligence professional what KGB Putin would want of high-ranking USG spies and they would say...

1. Get the US out of NATO.

2. Invite Russia to invade Western Europe.

3. Stoke and amplify all divisions in America, along racial, ethnic, & religious fissures (i.e., make us hate each other).

4. Undermine Americans' trust in all of our institutions: FBI, CIA, DOJ, the Courts and our heroic Military.


Are you starting to get it yet New Putin Simps? The "Art of the Deal"-maker and his bootlickers are GIVING EVERYTHING TO PUTIN FOR FREE. Great deal, eh? We ARE being invaded-not by immigrants but by Putin's propaganda, fueled by MAGA. And REMEMBER: As bad as illegal immigration is, they don't have nukes. Putin does.



Thank you, Brian. I couldn't have said it better.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Imaginary Immunity

A federal appeals court decided Trump’s immunity claims would reject "the most fundamental check on executive power."

"We cannot accept former President Trump’s claim that a President has unbounded authority to commit crimes that would neutralize the most fundamental check on executive power — the recognition and implementation of election results. Nor can we sanction his apparent contention that the Executive has carte blanche to violate the rights of individual citizens to vote and to have their votes count."

In addition, they said that Trump's stance "would collapse our system of separated powers by placing the President beyond the reach of all three Branches."

"Presidential immunity against federal indictment would mean that, as to the President, the Congress could not legislate, the Executive could not prosecute and the Judiciary could not review.”

“Former President Trump’s alleged efforts to remain in power despite losing the 2020 election were, if proven, an unprecedented assault on the structure of our government. He allegedly injected himself into a process in which the President has no role — the counting and certifying of the Electoral College votes — thereby undermining constitutionally established procedures and the will of the Congress.”

The rationality, wisdom and common sense of this decision are as valid and sound as any judgement could be.

Therefore, I'm going to make a bold prediction that reflects this temporary surge of optimism.

The Supreme Court will NOT take up this inane case. It has been decided rationally, thoroughly, and UNANIMOUSLY by the Appeals Court 

Even Chief Justice Roberts should have the sense that taking up this nonsense would be tantamount to open defiance of our rule of law and interference on behalf of Trump in the upcoming election.

The Court is already trying to shake off the stain of corruption and bribery. If he wants the Court to regain any semblance of integrity, Roberts will deny Trump's absurd assertion any further dignity in front of the Supreme Court. I think he would make this clear to Trump's appointed justices and the corrupt Clarence Thomas, whose wife may yet see criminal charges for HER ELECTION INTERFERENCE.

There may be a good chance even these partisan cronies would think twice about saying, "Wait a minute. I think Trump SHOULD be above the law for the rest of his life".

After all, if that deranged notion is sound, then President Biden is free to legally order Seal Team 6 to just take Trump out. And maybe a Justice or two as well.