Saturday, April 10, 2021

A Lesson from Don the Con

 From the New York Times: 

Supporters of Donald Trump who thought they were sending a single donation were charged over and over by his campaign operation.

A Times investigation found that the charges were part of an intentional scheme to boost revenue to Mr. Trump’s struggling presidential campaign. Recurring online donations were set up by default, and a fine-print disclaimer and opt-out language became increasingly hard to find.

Demands for refunds spiked, and complaints to banks and credit card companies soared. The magnitude of the money involved is staggering for politics: All told, the Trump campaign and the Republican Party raised $1.2 billion with WinRed, a for-profit donation processing service, and refunded roughly 10 percent of it.

In effect, the overcharges were an interest-free loan — eventually paid off with some of the tens of millions of dollars Mr. Trump raised after the election under the guise of pursuing his unfounded claims of election fraud.

Don the Con can’t help himself. He is what he is. And they are what they are.

How unfortunate. 

But wait. Maybe there's a lesson here...

I believe I have finally discovered true Republican "value$" and am inspired to send an appeal to my fellow patriots and to their patriotism.

Perhaps this will move them to expand their party and power.


To my Fellow Patriots, 

America needs more Republicans. 

You know this, and I know this. 

What do we do about it? It begins with you and me.

Inspired by Donald Trump, I am very close to joining your patriotic party. I have learned the Republican Party is the party the founders envisioned to protect America from the evils of fake news and socialism. 

Socialism must be crushed and Capitalism must be defended. 

You know this, and I know this.

In this knowledge, I appeal to you, my fellow true and faithful Americans, to allow me to join your sacred cause to protect and defend Capitalism, just like the Constitution tells us. 

You know this, and I know this. 

I am honored to offer my contribution to our struggle to preserve freedom. I'm announcing my conversion to Republican Value$, Capitalism, and the Free Market.

But freedom isn't free. Socialists are stealing our freedom AND the election!

$top the $teal!

We must stand shoulder to shoulder, and pay the cost for freedom, and to serve Capitalism. It's in the Bill of Rights!

Donald Trump's Value$ are American Value$. And he told us to $top the $teal!

You know this, and I know this.

It begins here and now. For your modest consideration, I pledge my loyalty and service to making America even greater.

I'm now accepting donations towards my campaign to become a Republican. If enough good Republicans send me $500 donations every week for the next year, I will vote for a Republican county drain commissioner.

Buh-lieve me.

If you love freedom, (and I know you do,) send those checks today.

$top the $teal!



Ed said...

There's not enough money in the world for me to ever vote Republican. After seeing the venomous hatred for Bill Clinton, seeing W start an unnecessary war in Iraq, seeing how Obama was treated and then seeing Trump elected, I wouldn't vote for a Republican for dog catcher even if it was my best friend. Republicans are traitors and have fully ruined their brand.

Dave Dubya said...

I totally agree. My Don the Con Scam is also based on a lie, of course. I would never vote for an authoritarian neo-fascist.

But like Don the Con, I'd be happy to take their money.

Republican "Value$".