Monday, October 1, 2018

A Tale Of Two Tweets

Relax, these are not my tweets this time. 

If you need this explained to you, you’re probably a Trump supporter.

Trump’s MAGAt stooge Kanye West tweeted: “this represents good and America becoming whole again.  We will no longer outsource to other countries. We build factories here in America and create jobs.  We will provide jobs for all who are free from prisons as we abolish the 13th amendment. Message sent with love"


All that sickening racist and fictional "Democrat Plantation" crap we hear from the angry white con-servatives seems to be projection from their black elephant in the room, on the "Republican Plantation" no less.

Chris “Captain America” Evans had a perfect response that addresses this kind of idiocy and ignorance that most Trump supporters share: “There’s nothing more maddening than debating someone who doesn’t know history, doesn’t read books, and frames their myopia as virtue. The level of unapologetic conjecture I’ve encountered lately isn’t just frustrating, it’s retrogressive, unprecedented and absolutely terrifying.”

“Deplorable” is also the apt term, Cap. 

And yes, Orwell also nailed it with "Ignorance is strength", as the dear, delicate, snowflake “victims” whine about the “Left” being intolerant of their views. 

That damn liberal intolerance is probably what keeps us America-hating Leftists from joining our Dear Leader in falling in love with Kim Jong Un.

I guess we'll never be as enlightened as Kanye and Dennis Rodman.



Jefferson's Guardian said...

"'There’s nothing more maddening than debating someone who doesn’t know history, doesn’t read books, and frames their myopia as virtue. The level of unapologetic conjecture I’ve encountered lately isn’t just frustrating, it’s retrogressive, unprecedented and absolutely terrifying.'" ~~ Chris “Captain America” Evans


It's the cross we, on the left, must bear.

Dave Dubya said...

While I'm out for a family gathering (Yes, shockingly, liberals have family values.) I'll use comment moderation to prevent troll dumping by those described by Evans.

If by some quirk, a Rightie leaves us something sensible, I'll post it when I get back.

See you later.

Jefferson's Guardian said...

Hope you have a great family get-together, Dave. Travel safely.

In the meantime, the heat is on Kavanaugh and the Gamers Of Politicizing. They'll get their boy, though, because the FBI investigation is a sham and a whitewash. This will be exposed after the purported serial-rapist is already on the bench.

If I'm not mistaken, he'll be only the second justice impeached.

Dave Dubya said...

In a functional democracy under rule of law, Sniffles Kavanaugh would be impeached for perjury, and there would BE NO majority held by the Party of Trump.

Along with their destruction of democracy, the Party of Trump are now essentially co-conspirators in obstruction of justice and abetting his crimes and misdemeanors.

They should be the ones locked up. They should all be impeached, but that is impossible.

And voting them out is almost impossible. Tragically only a super-majority of voters can vote them out of power. Trump's victim cards "Totally rigged" and "Not fair" are ironically his unwitting projection of our perspective.

When authoritarian white nationalists and corporatists hold power, and claim to be victims, others will suffer.

Jefferson's Guardian said...

Predictably, Trump and his Government Of Putin got what they wanted. And, of course, Trump lied when he said at the formal swearing-in that Kavanaugh's innocence was proven.

This country just took one giant step toward fascism; one huge leap toward obliterating basic human rights and pissing on democracy.

Thomas Jefferson was correct.

U.P. Tim said...

Trump can't apologize to Sniffles for me. I hope he rots and burns in Hell for his perjury and rape. He'll be impartial, my ass. Everything that might favor the little guy will be 5-4 from here on out. Many groups like the ACLU and unions etc. won't even have a fair shot with their cases. The Supreme Court isn't so supreme anymore.

Dave Dubya said...

It's a government of, by, and for the rich. They own Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court. Representative democracy, equality, voting rights, journalism and the truth are their enemies. They are winning the war, because they KNOW it is a war. It is a war of conquest and total power over democracy and the rule of law. They want to rule, not govern.

Corporate media and Democrats don't like to acknowledge this reality because they are in on the rigged game, and playing the scapegoats and losers is what still keeps them in the game. We are lucky some corporate media journalists report the facts and information, but they are still too intimidated to point to the obvious conclusion.

The watchdogs can only bark because the corporate Right has essentially de-fanged them.

They don't have to be losers, but they are too timid and too conservative. They lack the gumption and moral certitude to work exclusively for the people and against the corporate and far Right masters in power.

Democrats had better figure out who they want to work for soon, or they will be a permanent minority, and all media will be dominated by the Right.

Neo-feudalism, war, and quasi-fascism are the inevitable consequences of such a totalitarian power imbalance.

Will the country wake up before the war with Iran further cements their power, or will it come down to economic collapse?

This is the slow motion coup and resulting train wreck of a Republic happening before our eyes.

Only a great expansion of consciousness and conscience in the people can begin to reverse it. Then it will depend on what remains of the power of our vote, if we retain even that.

It's interesting that the evangelical fundamentalists' zeal for theocracy and "end times" has enabled the end times of democracy and freedom of, and from, religion.

God bless 'em. Wait until they figure out Trump is no savior. (I predict they'll still hate and blame liberals, though, gullible sheep they are.)

Jefferson's Guardian said...

"God bless 'em. Wait until they figure out Trump is no savior. (I predict they'll still hate and blame liberals, though, gullible sheep they are.)" ~~ Dave Dubya

Dave, people like evangelical literalists will always hate the progressive ideas of liberals. They can't stand critical analysis and thinking outside the box. Their straitjacketed view of the world, and universe at-large, never grew past the limited cognitive abilities of small children.

Here's a funny excerpt from one of the kings of evangelical groupthink -- and believe me, I hesitate to use any variation of the word "think":

"Asked if the president was a good moral example, Falwell said: 'Absolutely. Ever since I’ve known him, he’s been a good, moral person, a strong leader, a tough leader – and that’s what this country needs.'" ~~ Christian Leader Jerry Fallwell urges Trump support: 'He's a moral person', by Harriet Sherwood, The Guardian, October 9, 2018


Apparently racism, lying, and adultery are considered the "new morality" within Christian evangelical circles.

It dovetails well with "alternative facts". ;-)

Anonymous said...

You guys are silly.

Anonymous said...

Here's proof;

Al Gore Endorses A Penguin For Congress

WATCH: ABC reporter shocked when group of millennials say they won't vote in the midterms, don't care about Russia collusion conspiracy theories.

— Sourced Reports (@SourcedReports) October 9, 2018

Dave Dubya said...

They have always been holier-than-thou hypocrites. They share ignorance, resentment, hate and racism more than a love for their fellow human beings. They traded their souls to the Party of Trump for the promise of a white evangelical theocracy. What they get will be totalitarian corporatocracy, austerity and endless war. Not to mention a warming planet that will most certainly aggravate those horrors, adding new horrors yet to be seen.

Whether said by Sinclair Lewis, or by an unknown American prophet, this insight nails our destiny: "When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."

Alert progressives have long been able to see how this American brand of authoritarianism works.

In coverage of a speech by one James Waterman Wise Jr. in the February 5, 1936 edition of The Christian Century:

James Waterman Wise, Jr., in a recent address here before the liberal John Reed club said that Hearst and Coughlin are the two chief exponents of fascism in America. If fascism comes, he added, it will not be identified with any “shirt” movement, nor with an “insignia,” but it will probably be “wrapped up in the American flag and heralded as a plea for liberty and preservation of the constitution.”

The banner heralding the demise of American democracy flies a MAGA slogan, and it is cheered by a cult movement indoctrinated in ignorance, resentment, anger and hate.

All the tools of American con-servatism. Their fruits will be as fetid and corrupt as their crooked, authoritarian, sociopath leader. They will feed their greedy monster our freedoms and democracy, poisoning our fate and future.

Dave Dubya said...


You want silly?? How about Trump’s toilet-paper-on-the-shoe stunt? Hilarious! LOL!! You win again!

We know corporate masters, fascists and other authoritarians are delighted by the apathy of stupid young people. They don't want more people voting, for Mammon's sake! The far Right wins with apathy and low voter turnout. That's why they hate democracy.

And thanks for introducing us to the mascot of Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project “Earth for America” .

But still, Millenials are getting voter registration info at those sites. And did you hear Taylor Swift has thousands of new Tennessee millennial voters registering? We know you, Trump, and his party of evil are annoyed by more voters challenging their war on democracy.

Anonymous said...

Boy, have you ever drank the kool-aid Dave. I look at mammon (A.K.A. wealth) like you look at abortion, don't like it, then don't become wealthy.

Jefferson's Guardian said...

"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." ~~ Sinclair Lewis


"The banner heralding the demise of American democracy flies a MAGA slogan, and it is cheered by a cult movement indoctrinated in ignorance, resentment, anger and hate." ~~ Dave Dubya

Their narrative is always predictable. Slogans short enough to fit on bumper stickers always play well with the ignorant and stupid, and of course heralding the American flag while desecrating the land it represents always points out the irony in their false symbolism.

Now, they've turned to playing the victim. I guess the outrage of moral rational people against the condoning of child molestation and sexual assault is offensive toward the right.

Dave Dubya said...


I commend your attempt to form a comparison, but it lacks grounding in reason and logic. I don't like abortion and I don't like the corruption of wealth and greed. One is a personal issue, that is none of my business, and the other a public issue that is very much my business.

So you don't see mammon and its wealthy servants as Jesus did? Interesting. So you are not a Christian then?

You also see no connection between money and corruption? Interesting value$ you have there. At least you admit it.

And if you think anyone loves and reveres abortion like you love and revere wealth, that is YOUR delusional koolade.

Abortion has never suppressed democracy, or corrupted governments, or started wars like greed has.

Is this too deep for you?

No wonder you can't get past a bumper sticker mentality and false equivalence.

But we get it. Substituting simple ideological slogans for thought and reason provide your mental "safe place". That's why "Just blame liberals" and "Let the rich rule" are at the core of your ideology.


We know their only real "value$" are money and power, the same as with all authoritarians.

The Bible and flag have become their symbols of power, not of compassion for fellow humans, or the ideals of a democratic republic under the consent of the governed.

This is con-servatism. It can lead only to totalitarian intolerance, austerity, inequality, belligerent nationalism, and ultimately war. Always has, always, always will.

So, yes. Con-servatism is the enemy of democracy and therefore the real enemy of the people. This is why they need to project this onto liberals and our First Amendment's free press.

Anonymous said...

Like I said Dave, if you don't like wealth, don't acquire any. That's your call. Just like abortion, it's a choice you can make, but what right do you have to tell others what they can or can't do? That's authoritarianism. That's totalitarian intolerance.
That's liberal fascism.

Hate wealth, don't become wealthy, it's your call.

Anonymous said...


So a person's money is a public issue? How's that work for George Soros, Bill Gates, a liberal, Warren Buffett, who's also a liberal, Jeff Bezos, another liberal, uber-liberal Mark Zuckerberg, and Morris Pearl? Is their wealth the real enemy of the people?

Is your position that wealth is only evil if it belongs to a conservative? Do you agree with with Ronald Reagan when he said, "We’re the party that wants to see an America in which people can still get rich."? Or do you hate wealth so much that no one should be wealthy?

Should govt. restrict wealth? How do you define greed and how do you define wealth?

TB3 said...

"Is their wealth the real enemy of the people?"

No. Wealth is not the enemy of the people. Ignorance, lies and deception are. Revelling in these things and knowingly spreading it only help those who do not have our Nation's best interests in mind.

Wealth is a wonderful thing, made even more wonderful when that wealth is used to better the society that helped one achieve that wealth.

Dave Dubya said...


I’m a man. I cannot “choose abortion”.

So a person's money is a public issue? Here is my point you distorted, and needed to resort to deflection again.

“...corruption of wealth and greed... a public issue that is very much my business.”

So that’s a false characterization. Can’t you read? I happen to have enough money for all of my needs, recreations, interests, and comforts. I am not greedy. I am happy. I don't mind paying taxes for the public good. I don't expect you, or Trump, or your ideology, to understand this of course. Compassion is for chumps in your world.

Your authoritarian tactics are quite clear, you know.

As long as you insist on a bumper sticker mentality and false accusations you cannot proceed with rational discussion.

“what right do you have to tell others what they can or can't do?”

Your straw man is showing. I didn’t tell anyone what they can or can’t do. Telling women they must bear the child of a rapist, or one must stand for an anthem is your authoritarian ideology.

We have also established your position on these issues:

You disagree with Jesus on mammon. That is established. You don’t seem to care for His commandment to love your neighbor. That is established. We can presume you support Trump’s desecration of the Earth, which is God’s creation. You refuse to acknowledge money corrupts. That is established. Since you show no true Christian characteristics, we wonder what values you do have. Are you just a money-worshipping Trump-loving authoritarian follower, aka “good Republican”? You offer no reason to not be seen as such.

Liberals have values and we are not afraid to state them. We want jobs for every able person, with fair livable wages and worker rights. We value voter rights, public education, public health care, democracy and fair representation. We want equality under law and in society. We value compassion, honesty and decency toward others. We support our Constitutional free press, Constitutional free speech, and Constitutional taxes for the Constitutional general welfare, along with Constitutional regulation of commerce.

We know you don’t share these values.

So what are your values? Besides serving the elites and “Owning the libs”?

Anonymous said...

Dave, No but you can support those who run for office whop do support the right to abortion.

BTW, do liberals value the truth? Then why do they support Roe V Wade which was based on a lie from a woman about being raped? Is my neighbor an unborn child?

"money corrupts"? So that must mean the only non-corrupted people are those without money..

"You offer no reason to not be seen as such." You have no way to prove that as the truth, you assume it to be so because you disagree with me. You do not know who I give my wealth to, you do not know which non-profit organizations I volunteer for, you know nothing about me. But because I call your statements into question you ASSUME I am heartless and greedy.

Since you quote Jesus, didn't he say to render into Caesar what is his and unto God what is His? How do you know I don't do that? Do you do as Jesus commanded? What do you give to God?

I want jobs for every able person, with fair livable wages (who defines this) and worker rights (enforcement of current laws). We value LEGAL citizen voter rights, citizen public education, democracy and fair representation for citizens. We want equality under law. We value(?) compassion, honesty and decency toward others. (Like was shown Judge Kavanaugh, LOL?) I support our Constitutional free press, Constitutional free speech, and Constitutional taxes for the Constitutional general welfare, along with Constitutional regulation of commerce. But Dave, do you support the right of citizens to acquire wealth? Do you support private ownership?

Who do you serve Dave, the government, or God?

Anonymous said...


Does this mean if a person pays the taxes owed, and gives 10% if their income to God, per the instructions of Jesus, they are not greedy? And if they give more than 10% to God, and they are conservative millionaires are they still greedy?
Can a liberal millionaire be greedy if they avoid paying the taxes owned and don't give 10% of their income to God?

Dave Dubya said...


What does Trump "give to God"? Or to any human beings in need, or suffering? Do you believe Trump is Christian? Does he follow Jesus and pay his taxes willingly? Seems he's hiding an awful lot. Where are the tax returns he promised to show us?

"You offer no reason to not be seen as such." (a money-worshipping Trump-loving authoritarian follower, aka “good Republican”) You have no way to prove that as the truth,

From your words and deflection, you have still offered no reason to not be seen as such.

Does your God take cash or checks? Where did Jesus indicate “10% to God”? And where was it to go? Does sending money to millionaire TV preachers count as “giving to God”? Jesus told the rich man to sell his things and give to the poor. He said to pay taxes as well.

I try to emulate His love and compassion for fellow humans, and show love and respect for God and His creation. I also understand you can’t serve Him and mammon. Do you understand that? Is this question too complicated, or do you not want to answer it for some reason?

I stated my values. You did not state yours.

So far you’ve proven me correct in just wanting to serve the elites and “Own the libs”, and deflect from Trump’s lies and hate. Is that the “Christian” thing to do?

TB3 said...

"I stated my values. You did not state yours."

Good luck. He seems to have a bunch of feelings about things. Maybe it's best to ask his compulsions? Like his compulsion to always ask questions and never answer them or his compulsion to initiate discussion but never actually participate in it. Or, better yet, ask why he only answers questions with other sort-of-but-not-quite-related questions.

Dave Dubya said...

You are right. Feelings fit bumper stickers more easily than thoughts, facts and ideas.

I "feel angry". I "feel resentment". I "feel victimized". I "feel liberals are commies". I "feel lock her up!", etc.

One thing he HAS answered is why he needs to deflect and distort. He doesn't "feel like communicating" honestly.

I think he's hung up on God v. Mammon. "God wants money" seems to be as far as he can go.

TB3 said...

Maybe he feels like Salvation is pay to play? We'll never know. Will deflect to C&Ping from a Rando Russian Twitterbot's statement about Dr. Ford being a secret alien conspiring to destroy the concept of Patriarchy or that Hillary is actually Bill Clinton and not cite InfoWars as the source.

Jefferson's Guardian said...

TB3, you're right on the money. (Pun not intended, but fits the scope of Timmy's wide array of limitations.)

I'm convinced Timmy is a Christian in name only, that he heard all he needed to do is commit to Jesus Christ and thus assured his salvation for all of eternity.

Pay to play, indeed. I guess he thinks this unwritten contract allows him to be a dickhead toward his fellow human beings.

As mushroom dickhead would say, "Sad".

Anonymous said...

Looks like it's deflection time for the liberals who post here. I DID post my values. Sorry you can't read or maybe comprehend. But then it is so much more fun to bash people who disagree with you, instead of honest dialog.

I'll try to make it simply for you, who do you serve, the government, or God? I'm not Trump, so why do you ask me questions about him? Deflection is why.

You 3 are sicko's who pontificate pseudo intellectual sophistry while sitting in your tight knit circle jerk. Have fun, it's short lived, and certainly a waste of productive time.

Jefferson's Guardian said...

"Anonymous", I'm convinced you have a Jesus-complex. TB3 is right, you only respond to questions unrelated to questions asked of you, and you speak in psudo-parables of nonsense and obscure and fragmented thoughts.

Do you wear robes, there on White Settlement in Fort Worth, and slip on a crown of thorns when feeling maligned and misunderstood?

As it was said about you on this very blog by another reader many posts ago, "you ain't right."

Dave Dubya said...

And off he goes...

Looks like it's deflection time for the liberals..

Hilarious projection and laugh for an opening! Can facts and reason be far behind? LOL!

I DID post my values. Another laugh! Funny 'cause it's true.

Everything is clear now. His values are "owning the libs" in service to his far Right ideology and to the Party of Trump.

I'll try to make it simply for you, who do you serve, the government, or God?

Why isn't mammon one of the choices? Or is that only an option for his side? Jesus was Right about hypocrites.

In our view, the government is of, by and for the people, and here to serve the people.

His view is the government should be owned by wealthy elites and it should protect only their wealth, as it exclusively serves the agenda of the rich. Representation is a commodity for the privileged and government is to be a tool of business.

You 3 are sicko's He wouldn't be an authoritarian personality without this tactic of casting an accusation intent to demean. (It's the hate, you see.)

I have to say I have more respect for those who "pontificate pseudo intellectual sophistry" over liars and and angry alt-Right white nationalists. We get far too much of the latter group poisoning our nation's soul.


You're going to have fun with his little love note to you. ;-)

Jefferson's Guardian said...

You're going to have fun with his little love note to you. ;-)" ~~ Dave Dubya

Always do, Dave. Can't wait to see what lines of indelible bulls**t our "Fort Worth Jesus" serves up for me.

Maybe he'll challenge me to a walk across the water without getting my sandals wet...or maybe to a kegger where he turns Kavanaugh's beer into wine. ;-)

Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be equally as priceless. If nothing else, and it's always nothing else, Timmy is sometimes good for a few laughs.

TB3 said...

"You 3 are sicko's who pontificate pseudo intellectual sophistry while sitting in your tight knit circle jerk. Have fun, it's short lived, and certainly a waste of productive time."

I'll ignore the insults, because that's the last resort of a person who has nothing else left to support themselves but vitriol and venom.

I'll, instead, take isue with 'waste of productive time' first. This is rich coming from someone of seems to spend an inordinate amount of time trolling through fake news articles, conspiracies and gets talking points from random, extremely biased blog posts and then regurgitating them unironically and unsourced. All in a "Productive(?)" effort to deflect and derail conversations that you are otherwise uninterested in participating in with good faith.

Second; "pontificate pseudo intellectual sophistry"? Big, out-of-character words. Actually, you actually pulling out this phrase is the very definition of pontificating pseudo-intellectual sophistry. I want to imagine you used this phrase, certainly because you saw it used somewhere else you frequent, unironically as well. You are projecting and I challenge you to provide examples where the conversation here has veered into "pontificate pseudo intellectual sophistry". Who am I kidding? You stopped reading after the word 'ignore'. You'll, instead, make a "productive" comment insulting JG again.

Dave Dubya said...

He's sharing his "values" again.

Well Jefferson you have sure proved with everyone of your posts, that you can't fix stupid.

This fact-free semi-literate demonstration of anger and hate would be a typical accusation from a low-information Trump fan.

"It's a beautiful thing, the Destruction of words," is a key point from "1984".

The Right's war on facts in their post-truth world requires an Orwellian destruction of language. Alternative facts have triumphed over reality.

Anonymous said...


Why won't you vote for this man, he's black guy?

I’m a West Point grad & Iraq vet w/ 2 masters
My dad: Vietnam vet & entrepreneur
His dad: mason
His dad: sharecropper
His dad: slave.
Mooching? My family never asked for free stuff, just a fair shot. We can’t allow the American Dream to be crushed by you, @Stabenow & Socialism
— John James (@JohnJamesMI) October 9, 2018

Sounds like he shares your belief in good ole American values.

Anonymous said...

"I'll ignore the insults, because that's the last resort of a person who has nothing else left to support themselves but vitriol and venom."

Dave you must do something about Jefferson's posts. Even TB3 is complaining about them.

TB3 said...

I was wrong. Random non sequitor that has nothing to do with anything. I'm terrible at playing Internet Troll Bingo.

Dave Dubya said...

Why not vote for him? Because he is an ignorant Right-wing Authoritarian personality. We have enough of them already. They are way over-represented, and dragging our country down to a being a client state of Putin.

Putin owns Trump just like you want to own libs.

You never answered why I can't serve mammon. You gave me only two choices, after all. Is it because I am more Christian than you? Maybe that explains it.

He's just employing his Authoritarian Tactics. We can add the ever popular non sequitor to Blame, False Accusations, Fallacies, Projection, Whataboutism, and Obfuscation, in following The Authoritarian Rules:


Nothing new at all.

Jefferson's Guardian said...

"Why won't you vote for this man, he's black guy?" ~~ Anonymous (otherwise known, to the world, as Timothy Trueblood)

Timmy, do you think Dave votes based upon someone's race -- or for that matter, gender or creed?


You're the only racist who frequents this blog.

I believe Dave was very clear about what he values, which I might add - despite several requests - you haven't.

Anonymous said...

Say guys, which of you won your circle jerk?

I DO own you liberals, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Explains it all.

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left."

Ecclesiastes 10:2

Anonymous said...

"Dave was very clear about what he values, which I might add - despite several requests - you haven't." I believe you can not read or comprehend. So here it is, AGAIN.

"BTW, do liberals value the truth? Then why do they support Roe V Wade which was based on a lie from a woman about being raped? Is my neighbor an unborn child?

"money corrupts"? So that must mean the only non-corrupted people are those without money..

"You offer no reason to not be seen as such." You have no way to prove that as the truth, you assume it to be so because you disagree with me. You do not know who I give my wealth to, you do not know which non-profit organizations I volunteer for, you know nothing about me. But because I call your statements into question you ASSUME I am heartless and greedy.

Since you quote Jesus, didn't he say to render into Caesar what is his and unto God what is His? How do you know I don't do that? Do you do as Jesus commanded? What do you give to God?

I want jobs for every able person, with fair livable wages (who defines this) and worker rights (enforcement of current laws). We value LEGAL citizen voter rights, citizen public education, democracy and fair representation for citizens. We want equality under law. We value(?) compassion, honesty and decency toward others. (Like was shown Judge Kavanaugh, LOL?) I support our Constitutional free press, Constitutional free speech, and Constitutional taxes for the Constitutional general welfare, along with Constitutional regulation of commerce. But Dave, do you support the right of citizens to acquire wealth? Do you support private ownership?

Who do you serve Dave, the government, or God?

Jefferson's Guardian said...

Oh, excuse me, Timmy, I didn't realize your critique of Dave's values was your stated epistle. Interesting...sort of.

Let me tick them off and try to decipher:

1. " liberals value the truth?" I believe we've all made that abundantly clear. What your reference to Roe v. Wade has to do with the truth, I haven't a clue.

It's established law. Get over it.

2. "Money"

Interesting "value", and very shallow.

3. Jesus and/or God certainly have a strange and perverted view of Jesus's message. I'm not even a follower, and I know his directions much better than you. As your orange and true messiah would say, "sad".

4. The acquisition of wealth

There's that shallow desire for money, again. Two out of your first four values are money and the accumulation of wealth.

5. Private ownership

In what form, and at whose expense? You'll need to elaborate on this one.

So I see five values, Timmy, four really -- only three if I lump money, wealth and private ownership together.

It doesn't even remotely resemble the very benevolent and humanistic values Dave provided. His are what make an open society and civilization possible. Yours are, not surprising to me, totally lacking that altruistic quality.

Jefferson's Guardian said...

Correction: It's that damn Trump double negitive thing. Lat sentence should be:

Yours are not -- not surprising to me -- totally lacking that altruistic quality.

Three of your five values are very Trumpist, though. I'll hand that to ya'!

TB3 said...

Since MM is selecting books of the Bible out of context, I invite him to continue on to Ecclesiastes 10:4 - 6, and 10:12

Dave Dubya said...

If he is insinuating “God is a Republican”, then he committed blasphemy, as well as showing the ignorance of a fool.

Says it all.

I don't have his new American translation for rubes and hillbillies, but I do have this version of Ecclesiastes:

4 If the spirit of the ruler rise up against thee, leave not thy place; for yielding pacifieth great offences.
5 There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, as an error which proceedeth from the ruler:
6 Folly is set in great dignity, and the rich sit in low place....
12 The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious; but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself.

No wonder he had to go Old Testament, since He's obviously hung up on God v. Mammon.

Jesus knows the greed and hate in his heart.

And so do we.

Anonymous said...

The Darwin Awards are not kind to this liberal generation. As we all have seen by their mob mentality and their hate and anger at losing power. Their hysterical mob actions since the 2016 election and the Kavanaugh hearings highlight the failure of their plan to become relevant and return to power.

The left has nothing to offer the American voter except higher taxes, more regulation, less liberty, poverty, and class envy. They believed the use of personal attack on those they hate would garner them the support of the middle of the political spectrum. It hasn't any more than their drive to shut up anyone who they oppose or disagrees with them has. Anymore than the labeling of those they hate as a racist has. The mob actions of the left today is steadily alienating them from mainstream America. They are being owned. This was their Plan A.

The problem is the left's Plan A has failed, and they have no Plan B. This is why the left is becoming more enraged, more hateful and dangerous. Coming to this blog and reading the posts from the Mob of Three proves this to be true. They have nothing to offer accept a return to the Carter economy disguised as "fairness" in that all will suffer equally.

America is saying to them, thanks but no thanks.

TB3 said...

When he posts these kinds of comments, I'm just imagining someone monologuing at an empty chair.

It's too bad no one occupies that chair to give him odd looks and to let him know that there's no such thing as a 'Plan A' or a 'Plan B'. "The Left" isn't some organized group as people he listens to claims it to be or that the "Mainstream America" that resides in his head stops there. It's an apparition. It exists only in his mind as a coping mechanism against the world that seems to be changing around them.

"The left has nothing to offer the American voter except higher taxes, more regulation, less liberty, poverty, and class envy."

Words with no backing in reality. Why do you guys live in such fear? It must get tiring.

Anonymous said...

"The Left" isn't some organized group as people" Not True.

An end to Trump tax cuts promised by Democrat leaders if they are returned to power. Look it up Mob Member #3.

TB3 said...

""The Left" isn't some organized group as people" Not True. "

Well that's a convincing argument.

"An end to Trump tax cuts promised by Democrat leaders if they are returned to power. Look it up Mob Member #3."

Look what up? What are you blathering about?

Anonymous said...

The left's promise that if put into power the left will undo the Trump Tax cuts. Sorry it went over your head, again.

Leftist organizations can be found by using Google, if you dare to look it up, or you can remain ignorant. Your normal state of being. ;)

Dave Dubya said...


You know what they do at mob rallies. They get angry, attack reporters, and chant, "Lock her up!"

He thinks liberals had "power". What a maroon.

If liberals ever had power we'd have health care for all Americans, and Wall Street banks would be broken up and nationalized with their housing bubble masters in jail, with Dick Cheney and George Bush for torture crimes and lying us into war.

"America is saying..." Right. We know what he means by "America". Trump fans. AKA the MINORITY. LOL!

So Kanye is mentally ill. That explains a lot. But what about the rest of the cult? Neo-NAZIS, White supremacists, Klansmen, and most evangelicals. All authoritarians, racists, or low-information rubes. And plenty of other sociopaths and mentally ill sorts as well. Which one is our Trumpist? Authoritarian for certain. He wants to "own libs". Like slaves, perhaps?

It doesn't appear he even knows what a "Darwin Award" means either.

The Darwin Awards are a tongue-in-cheek honor, originating in Usenet newsgroup discussions around 1985. They recognize individuals who have supposedly contributed to human evolution by selecting themselves out of the gene pool via death or sterilization by their own actions.

If we consider contributing to the death of common decency, death of the truth, and the death of democracy, the cons get the award every time.

Jefferson's Guardian said...

I think Timmy Trueblood's upset with me. He refuses to answer my questions from 7:10 EDT this morning.

Gee, Timmy, would you prefer that I call you "Vern"? ;-)

TB3 said...

"The left's promise that if put into power the left will undo the Trump Tax cuts. Sorry it went over your head, again. "

You are conflating Democrats with "The Left". The Democratic Party, despite what you seem to think, isn't "The Left". Also... of course they're promising to undo the tax cuts. I do not see how that has anything to do with anything or why you responded to me with that. Was that youre response to my saying 'Why do you guys live in such fear?'. You live in fear of the Democrats keeping you from keeping an extra few cents an hour? I am sorry to hear that. I figured once everyone came to realize the tax cuts would blow a $1.5 Trillion hole in the budget, fiscally responsible Republican/"Independents" would come around to the fact that the tax cuts weren't a good idea.

"It doesn't appear he even knows what a "Darwin Award" means either." -- DD

I wouldn't expect him to. "Christians" have problems with Darwin, afterall. I found it odd he was invoked at all. Odd, but not surprising. MM does a lot of things that are odd. Like tell me to google 'leftist organizations' when I'm trying to figure out what he means when he says 'Look it up Mob Member #3'.

Anonymous said...

"I believe the Black community can do without hand outs.
I believe the left has strapped us to our past to prevent us from our future.
And I won't stop fighting until all Black Americans see that.

I'm not far right, I'm free!"

Candace Owens
Turning Point USA

A Free Black Woman who is dangerous and must be shut up and returned to the plantation of the left. She owns the left.

Jefferson's Guardian said...

Uh oh, Timmy's come unhinged! Stand back everyone!

Too many opioids again...

TB3 said...

"So the left is in favor of the Trump tax cuts? Eye roll."

Oh, that's right. I forgot. You have a fundamental issue with understanding words directed at you. That or you are intentionally obtuse.

Dave Dubya said...

We can add "intentionally obtuse" to the Authoritarian Rules and Tactics. It is another form of deflection.

Where's the hillbilly opiod addict saying poor hillbillies don't need handouts? The mystery continues.

youtube "evidence" again? LOL!

Notice how that was edited? His preceding comment was cut. He shouldn't have touched her, though. The cons cannot say this about their leaders, for some reason. IOKIYAR.

Only a closed minded snowflake would think that man threatened to rape the authoritarian liar of a woman. Some way to treat a veteran, isn't it? No "Thank you for your service"? Just more accusations and lies. Typical hate.

Any intelligent observer can see the guy was referring to Kavanaugh having the "right" to do what he wanted with women. Same as Trump and Roy Moore.

But dishonest cons don't EVER want anyone to know the whole story, do they?

They are enemies of truth and democracy. All they "own" is their hate and lies.

He certainly doesn't own a mind that can form and convey reasonable thoughts in writing.

I guess he's too busy "owning libs".

Dave Dubya said...

We learned from his third grade teacher that White Nationalist Trump crony Stephen Miller used to eat glue.


Maybe this is what makes them so hateful and dead of compassion.

MM must have sucked down a few bottles too. It would explain a lot.

Anonymous said...

"When Democrats lose the House, it's because of mythical unilateral gerrymandering or mythical mass voter suppression. When they lose the Senate, it's because the system suddenly became an antiquated relic of the 1700s. When they lose the Supreme Court, there is a "legitimacy crisis." When they lost the 2000 election, it was because it had been stolen by the Supreme Court. When they lost in 2004, George W. Bush had rigged the election in Ohio. When they lost in 2016, omnipotent Russians and the unfair Electoral College had snatched the office from its preordained owner.

And every legislative action that fails to comport with liberal thinking is to them an apocalyptic event and the end of "democracy."
(Or the YouTube was edited, LOL)

If all of this were true, the question would be: Why aren't more people joining a mob? If your government is stealing your country, why wouldn't you embrace boorishness or even violence?"

David Harsanyi

Do true, just read the MOB's posts on this blog alone to see these claims. That is why Candace Owens or any Conservative Black is a threat to the left. THEY ARE FREE.

Jefferson's Guardian said...

"That or you are intentionally obtuse." ~~ TB3

TB3, I tend to think Timmy's stupidity comes very naturally. He really doesn't have to work at it.

Anonymous said...

Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams: Democrats' "blue wave" in November would be comprised of those who are "documented and undocumented"

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) October 12, 2018

This was the woman Eric Holder was stumping for when he said to kick people.

Jefferson's Guardian said...

"Copy & paste Timmy" is at it again!

Timmy, are you able to piece together two or more coherent sentences using your own words?...your own thoughts?

C'mon, Timmy! We know you can do it!

Jefferson's Guardian said...

"...or any Conservative Black is a threat to the left." ~~ Anonymous (aka Timothy Trueblood, or "Vern")

Dave, are conservative blacks a threat to you? How 'bout you, TB3? Are you threatened?

For the record, I'm not threatened one bit.

Timmy, we'll wait for their answers to see whether you're on to something.

TB3 said...

No. Why would I be?

Jefferson's Guardian said...

Under the proposal introduced by the interior secretary, Ryan Zinke, in August, the administration is looking to close 80% of the sidewalks surrounding the White House, and has suggested that it could charge “event management” costs, for demonstrations. ~~ Trump Administration planning crackdown on demonstrations outside of White House, by Luke O'Neil, The Guardian, October 12, 2018

Another blatant attack on our Constitutional right of free speech and assembly, by this fascist wannabe dictator.

We need to remove him from office as soon as possible.

Jefferson's Guardian said...

"No. Why would I be?" ~~ TB3

Agreed, why would you be? There's no need to be -- no matter how anybody's politics or race may fall.

See, Timmy, here are two people you label as leftists who feel no threat what so ever.

I guess you were wrong.

Anonymous said...


You have so lost it.

TB3 said...

He has lost it for citing the title of an article he c&p a blurb from? Hug.

TB3 said...

... huh.

Anonymous said...

TB3 you are 100% correct, Jeff just C&P The Guardian. He has lost it and has for sometime.

In other news: Pelosi, House Democrats block veterans’ health care bill.

Jefferson's Guardian said...

If there were a Satan, it would become incarnate in someone like Donald Trump. It would be someone who espouses money over justice, hate over love and compassion, division over unity, racism over diversity, and one-race supremacy over multiculturalism.

It's a wonder to me how any self-proclaming Christian could, even in their weakest moment, follow and support someone of the likes of Donald Trump.

I'm not a Christian, but it seems antithetical to the beliefs of those claiming to follow the sermons, words and instructions of Jesus of Nazareth. Doesn't it?

Maybe my understanding of the core beliefs of Christianity is lacking, but if I were seeking to find truth and justice and compassion, and stumbled upon a Christian touting the so-called morality and virtues of someone like Donald Trump, I'd keep on seaching. I'd be forced to ask myself, "Is this Christianity? Really?"

Jefferson's Guardian said...

"Now the leader of the Party of Satan wants to call us a mob, 'because there is no truth in him'." ~~ Dave Dubya

Dave, if there were a Satan I suspect its recruiting methods would look similar to Saul's. Just as Saul divided and conquered, so did Adolf Hitler --
and so has Donald Trump embarked on the same strategy.

I would imagine most Chritians would equate Adolf Hitler with the incarnate Satan, wouldn't you? I wonder why they don't see the same patterns and tactics employed by Donald Trump as being the same?

TB3 said...

"In other news: Pelosi, House Democrats block veterans’ health care bill"

Pray tell, which bill is this exactly? I will wait.

Dave Dubya said...

Trump is the closest thing to the Antichrist yet. Loyal authoritarians follow Trump in his "wicked deception" and "strong delusion".

The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
 2 Thessalonians 2:9–12

Anonymous said...

The “Me Too” movement says “believe all women” but the “Black Lives Matter” crowd says that whites are rapacious racists just waiting for any moment to send blacks to prison.

Well, logic says they can’t both be right, but it also says that they can both be WRONG.

TB3. Google it.

Dave. What law has President Trump broken while in office? Waiting.

Jefferson. Get help, there is something not quite right about you. Call (703) 231-7991 for an appointment.

TB3 said...

"TB3. Google it."

I did. I found partisan articles saying the party without any actual power to stop or block legislation blocked or stopped legislation from 7 months ago and non-partisan articles indicating that there was a bipartisan bill to accomplish the same thing, but was ignored or fought by the Trump Administration.

You said "in other news", news isn't something from 7 months ago. But, ok. Another terrible attempt at shifting the conversation and not addressing the myriad of things addressed to you or following up on any of the things you previously brought up to derail conversation.

" “Black Lives Matter” crowd says that whites are rapacious racists just waiting for any moment to send blacks to prison."

Actally BLM does not say that. People ignorant of the movement and/or uncaring of what they advocate say that about them.

Dave Dubya said...

What law has President Trump broken while in office? Waiting.

Yes, we are waiting for justice to take its course. In addition to violations of the Constitution's Emoluments Clause, Obstruction of justice is most obvious.

In addition to breaking these laws, he has broken all norms of decency and honor. He is breaking our independent judiciary and breaking the checks and balances of our republic. He is breaking democracy itself. He is breaking our nations standing in the world. He is breaking our international cooperation and agreements on climate change and the Iran deal.

And he has broken families apart.

None of this corruption and malevolence was wanted by a majority of American voters.

The “Me Too” movement says “believe all women” but the “Black Lives Matter” crowd says that whites are rapacious racists just waiting for any moment to send blacks to prison.

Well, logic says
... these statements are not true, unless evidence supports them. No evidence was cited.

As TB3 noted, BLM does not say that. The same with #metoo. "Listen to all women" is not "believe all women".

"Well logic says" these are authoritarian false accusations intended to demean, distort, and dismiss.


People ignorant of the movement and/or uncaring of what they advocate say that about them.

So true. "Well logic says" this could apply to someone here.

Shall we ask our owner? If only he would answer...sigh....

Anonymous said...

But no crime has been committed except he won the 2016 election and is keeping the promises he made as a candidate. And what was said to need a "magic wand" to accomplish is getting done without that wand.

Showing the stupidity of the left's policy's is a crime in the mind of they leftist MOB.
The left has no plan to offer America except to undo President Trump's Making America Great Again. The left wants to return to the suffering of the Carter economy where all were equally miserable. That is their desire. The left's focus is to remove President Trump from office before the 2020 elections because they know they can not defeat him then. That is all they offer the voters in 2016. It will not be enough, so watch their MOB rage after they election. It will make the left's MOB events to date look like a Sunday School picnic.

As David Harsanyi said ""When Democrats lose the House, it's because of mythical unilateral gerrymandering or mythical mass voter suppression. When they lose the Senate, it's because the system suddenly became an antiquated relic of the 1700s. When they lose the Supreme Court, there is a "legitimacy crisis." When they lost the 2000 election, it was because it had been stolen by the Supreme Court. When they lost in 2004, George W. Bush had rigged the election in Ohio. When they lost in 2016, omnipotent Russians and the unfair Electoral College had snatched the office from its preordained owner.

And every legislative action that fails to comport with liberal thinking is to them an apocalyptic event and the end of "democracy."

If all of this were true, the question would be: Why aren't more people joining a mob? If your government is stealing your country, why wouldn't you embrace boorishness or even violence?"

And the left has no rebuttal. The left has no hand. The left IS being owned. Their plan A has failed.

TB3 said...

Nice story, MM.