History will not judge us kindly if we as a nation fail to defend and promote democracy.
I am an old-fashioned American citizen who believes in our traditional values of freedom, truth, and justice. When I see our laws and government subverted and twisted into service of the undemocratic, powerful, corporate oligarchy, I must react with a patriotic defense of our values. I strongly oppose the ongoing destruction of what is left of American democracy and shall give voice to our common cause of freedom.
I invite you to share my thoughts. I also welcome your comments, be they contradictory, corrective, or complimentary. Only one comment and response will be allowed for anonymous trolls. Repeated, unidentified, and off-topic trolling will be deleted as spam.
This is a very significant date. In 2016, within hours of Donald Trump making his "Russia, if you're listening" speech, apparently several were.
On that very day, Russian military intelligence officers initiated a cyber-attack on the Democratic National Headquarters in Washington D.C.
Coincidence? The probability is miniscule, and so unlikely. Not only listening, they acted upon their agent's signal.
Remember this date, July 27, 2016. It will be exposed as the date a would-be American president committed treason against the United States of America.
We're witnessing the very first anti-president of the United States.
DD, JG, You should review your time line of JULY 26th 2016 being the start of a cyber-attack on the Democratic National Headquarters in Washington D.C. History does not support your belief.
"July 27, 2016 "Russian military intelligence officers initiated a cyber-attack on the Democratic National Headquarters in Washington D.C." JG
"In 2016, within hours of Donald Trump making his "Russia, if you're listening" speech, apparently several were." July 27, 2016. DD
"The Democratic National Committee cyber attacks took place in 2015 and 2016, in which computer hackers infiltrated the Democratic National Committee (DNC) computer network, leading to a data breach. Some cybersecurity experts, as well as the U.S. government, stated that the cyberespionage was the work of Russian intelligence agencies."
"Cyber attacks that successfully penetrated the DNC computing system began in 2015. Attacks by "Cozy Bear" began in the summer of 2015. Attacks by "Fancy Bear" began in April 2016. It was after the "Fancy Bear" group began their activities that the compromised system became apparent. The groups were presumed to have been spying on communications, stealing opposition research on Donald Trump, as well as reading all email and chats. Both were finally identified by CrowdStrike in May 2016." wikipedia
"Starting in MARCH 2016, the indictment alleges, a unit of Russia’s GRU military intelligence organization began sending emails to dozens of employees and volunteers in the Clinton campaign." https://www.lawfareblog.com
"October 29, 2014 White House to Washington Post: Hacker Breach "White House officials tell The Washington Post hackers breached the unclassified network of the Executive Office of the President sometime earlier in the month. Sources suspect Russian government sponsored hackers are behind the attack."
Summer 2015 Attackers infiltrate the DNC network Attackers use COZY BEAR to infiltrate the Democratic National Committee network undetected and CAMPS OUT FOR MORE THAN A YEAR spying on internal chats and emails.
April 2016 Hackers attack DNC again Hackers use FANCY BEAR in a second independent attack on the DNC network. The committee’s IT team notices something is wrong and alerts executives who call in Crowdstrike. Crowdstrike identifies two separate hacker groups in the system, FANCY BEAR and COZY BEAR.
June 14, 2016 Media begins reporting on DNC attack News organizations begin reporting on the DNC attack. The Kremlin denies Russian involvement. The DNC and Crowdstrike believe hackers stole the committee’s entire database of opposition research on Donald Trump but “no financial information or sensitive employee, donor or voter information was accessed by the Russian attackers.
June 15, 2016 Crowdstrike posts report on DNC hacks Crowdstrike posts Bears in the Midst: Intrusion into the Democratic National Committee, a detailed explanation of how it believes COZY BEAR and FANCY BEAR hacked the DNC. That same day, someone calling himself Guccifer 2.0 posts on a newly created Wordpress site that he alone is responsible for the hack. He releases what appears to be the stolen Trump opposition research as well as some additional documents and spreadsheets designed to disprove the DNC’s claim it hadn’t lost any sensitive information. Guccifer 2.0 says Wikileaks has the rest of his yield and will be publishing it shortly. Crowdstrike stands by its assessment that Russian operatives are responsible, and other security experts agree, calling Guccifer 2.0 an intentional Russian disinformation campaign." https://investigaterussia.org/
But what the heck, the truth never got in your way of a good story before.
MM, Thanks for all the efforts, but what does all of your copy and pasted efforts have to do with anything I said? Trump appealed to Russia to interfere in the election. Period. Even if they did't do so, they were still invited to on July 27, 2016. THAT is the point.
Interesting that you are throwing JG under the bus, he said "On that very day, Russian military intelligence officers initiated a cyber-attack on the Democratic National Headquarters in Washington D.C." Which I've shown with my "cut and Paste" with credits is wrong. BTW if I had just said you guys are wrong you would have wanted proof, I provide you proof and look what happens.
Trump was joking like Obama was with his 52 states and if you like your Dr comments,LOL.
Majormajor, I was incorrect in my estimate. I heard on a television broadcast that the dates were concurrent, a couple of different times, but chose not to follow it up because I didn't want to take the time.
The point that you fact-checked me, and cut-and-paste The whole timeline for at least a year or more, tells me you're in agreement that the Russians hacked our electoral system and that Donald Trump knew it also -- yet still refused to confront Putin about it while in Helsinki.
The best is yet to be!
Can you spell T.R.E.A.S.O.N.?
Here's a joke my wife told me this morning...
Question: What's long and red and hangs down between Vladimir Putin's legs?
Cut and past, how awful, makes hard to disprove though doesn't it now. LOL
"that Donald Trump knew it also" Wow, what kind of dream is that? Who else knew about it and did nothing?
BTW who was President when this took place, 2014-2015-2016 and what party did that President belong to and what did that President do to stop the Russians and what proof do you have that President Trump was aware of any of this?
"Russians hacked our electoral system" Proof How many votes did they change? Which President said it was impossible for anyone to do this?
"I was incorrect"...that's a positive start JG towards returning to reality and sanity, keep it up. As DD has said, "one day at a time."
Variation on an old joke that used be told about Bill Clinton and his favorite intern.
"'that Donald Trump knew it also' Wow, what kind of dream is that?" ~~ Majormajor
How typical of you. You took part of a larger sentence that I wrote and completely took it out of the context; the meaning as intended. Here it is once again: "...the whole timeline for at least a year or more, tells me you're in agreement that the Russians hacked our electoral system and that Donald Trump knew it also -- yet still refused to confront Putin about it while in Helsinki."
You ask, "What kind of dream is that?" I'll answer that for you: It's Trump's worst nightmare. It's what prompted his ridiculous "wouldn't for would" walk-back. Remember?
"...what proof do you have that President Trump was aware of any of this?" ~~ Majormajor
His own, hand-picked, intelligence advisors told him -- prior to his trip to Finland. Remember? Are you disputing this?
He was told this prior to putting his necktie between Putin's legs. Remember? ;-)
Of course...you already knew this. Didn't you?
"'I was incorrect'...that's a positive start..." ~~ Majormajor
Yes, once in the last eight years for me. I still have 7,999 more times before I catch up to you. LOLOL
Your whole existence is a monument to incorrectness.
Mueller's investigation is getting closer and closer. There have been 35 indictments to date, and as I've said, "the best is yet to be."
Trump's scared sh**less. He's doing everything he can to distract, but Mueller and his team of crackerjack prosecutors march on.
The noose is tightening. Trump's going to f**king flip when one of the next upcoming rounds of indictments name Donnie Jr. and Kushner. He'll be tearing paintings off the walls of the White House. ;-)
“For example, on or about July 27, 2016, the Conspirators attempted after hours to spearfish for the first time email accounts at a domain boasted by a third-party provider and used by Clinton’s personal office.” Earlier the day: https://ytcropper.com/cropped/-b5b4a3b447189d
That's the lame, content and fact-free defense people give that follow politics and government like it's a sport rather than with the importance and gravity it should be given.
Are you really pinning your hopes on the convection of Manafort to impeach President Trump? Crimes Manafort committed BEFORE the 2016 election or Trump announcing he was running for office?
Jerry, So the Trump joke did not cause the Russians to hack Clinton or the DNC before July 27th? As you can see from the above the Russian had been hacking the White House and the DNC as far back as 2014 when who was President?
"the case against Paul Manafort, Mr. Trump’s former campaign chief, will delve into Mr. Manafort’s personal finances largely before his work on the campaign."
Chuck, Paul Manafort is only one. There were 34 other indictments. I'm disappointed that Fox News doesn't cover these very significant details.
When the rule-of-law prevails, and Donald Trump is convicted of treasonous acts against the United States, will you back your president or support the Constitution? That's really the only two choices you have.
"34 other indictments" And the indictments are for what crimes? Collusion, nope. Obstruction, nope. Just what are the crimes these people committed that will lead to the charge of treason or impeachment?
I will always support the Constitution, the question is when it is shown that President Trump has done nothing wrong will you? I am convinced that if Mueller had anything on President Trump that could lead to impeachment he would have played by it now or Schiffe would have leaked it by now. All the Mueller investigation is doing now is causing division in the country and giving false hope to an already enraged left upset because Clinton lost.
Are any of the 34 indictments against President Trump?
Nope. You just hope that if the indictment goes to trial the accused to save their skin will say President sent Putin millions of dollars to help him win. Kind of like the last president sent millions in cash to Iran.
"The indictments only tell the charges." What, is this your answer to my question "And the indictments are for what crimes?" It's you JG who said there have been 34 indictments issued. So what are the charges? Collusion, Treason, Obstruction, come on man, there are THIRTY FOUR INDICTMENTS,,for WHAT. What are the crimes these indictments are charging was committed?
Do we know the charges against Manafort? YES Has his trial stated yet? NO.
"That truth will prevail." "The truth is there is no there there" P.Stzrok!
"He caters to his imbecilic base and the elitist corporatist, while crapping on everyone else." How very elitist, authoritarian of you to say those who disagree with you are the problem by calling them imbeciles. Who are you to call any one less than intelligent, what is the basis of your belief? Cause they idn't vote your way? That's crazy. This is the typical actions of the left who view themselves as the one who know best how others should live, think and act. Totalitarianism at it's best by the left.
Do you realize how derisive, how demeaning your comment is to 62,984,825 of your fellow American citizens? Yours is the arrogant of the left that is dividing America, and you have expressed it best with this little comment, "Now the revelations begin." You will hold out that the left didn't lose fairly till the day to die.
What are you, a reported for the Enquirer? Are you a fan of Giorgio A. Tsoukalos? Have you recorded all shows that have the phrase "Could it be" in it?
People really should be up in arms that the Mueller team was able to get a warrant on Carter Page based on oppo research and speculative newspaper articles and no direct evidence of any actual collusion which is required to get the warrant.
Where is all the liberal outrage over what the Left is doing to our legal system?
WASHINGTON — The trial of President Donald Trump’s onetime campaign chairman will open this week with tales of lavish spending, secret shell companies and millions of dollars of Ukrainian money flowing through offshore bank accounts and into the political consultant’s pocket. What’s likely to be missing: answers about whether the Trump campaign coordinated with the Kremlin during the 2016 presidential election, or really any mention of Russia at all. Paul Manafort’s financial crimes trial, the first arising from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, will center on his Ukrainian consulting work and only briefly touch on his involvement with the president’s campaign.
It starts tomorrow. But you already knew this, didn't you?
"Who are you to call any one less than intelligent, what is the basis of your belief? Cause they idn't vote your way?" ~~ Majormajor
The basis? There are two reasons, actually: (1) the imbeciles constantly, election after election, vote against their own economic self-interests, and (2) they backed Trump because he's a racist and a race-baiter, and once again, just as they always do when they vote against their own economic self-interest, they bought into Trump -- hook, line, and sinker.
One thing H. Clinton was right about, they're truly a deplorable lot.
By th way, Chuck, hardly anyone voted "my way".
"Do you realize how derisive, how demeaning your comment is to 62,984,825 of your fellow American citizens?" ~~ Majormajor
Do you realize how damaging and devisive Trump's racist, xenophobic, sexist, white-nationalist slurs and comments are to over 250,754,676 of your fellow Americans?
I did too. Of course I always do -- especially when Chuck starts frothing at the mouth and feeling so abused and misunderstood.
Chuck is Trump's own mini-me, and what Trump feels his mini-me feels also. Both are feeling cornered with no way out. The noose is tightening -- more and more with each passing day.
Chuck is so pissed -- he's probably biting the heads off the rattlesnakes on his property. LOL
"Turley added that "it’s not that the meeting will establish a crime of collusion, even if what Cohen is saying is true, but what it would mean is that Donald Trump Jr. would be in serious jeopardy of a criminal charge." What is the crime?
By Justin Wise
Not one response that addressed my posts, just more babel talk. Trump needs to be impeached because in your view he is "racist, xenophobic, sexist, white-nationalist". LOL Those are grounds for impeachment??
"they vote against their own economic self-interest" clearly you are aware of the economic growth and return to prosperity under President Trump, or you would not believe that.
Carter Page met with a Russian intelligence operative named Victor Podobnyy, who was later charged by the US government alongside two others for acting as unregistered agents of a foreign government.
The court filing includes a colorful transcript of Podobnyy speaking with Sporyshev about trying to recruit Page.
“[Male-1] wrote that he is sorry, he went to Moscow and forgot to check his inbox, but he wants to meet when he gets back. I think he is an idiot and forgot who I am. ... He got hooked on Gazprom thinking that if they have a project, he could rise up,” Podobnyy said. “I also promised him a lot ... This is intelligence method to cheat, how else to work with foreigners? You promise a favor for a favor. You get the documents from him and tell him to go fuck himself.”
Page confirmed to BuzzFeed News on Monday that he is “Male-1” in the court filing and said he had been in contact with Podobnyy, who was working at the time at Moscow’s UN office in New York City under diplomatic cover, although he was really an SVR agent
"Trump needs to be impeached because in your view he is 'racist, xenophobic, sexist, white-nationalist'. LOL Those are grounds for impeachment??" ~~ Majormajor
As Ronald Reagan used to say, "There you go again!" Chuck, your contextomy never fails to amuse me.
You might want to go back and reread my comments, and how I was using them in reference to Trump's divisive and damaging comments.
"Giving materiel to Russian agents just MIGHT be a crime:" When is the trial, what are the charges?
"Sporyshev about trying to recruit Page." What did Page do wrong, he allowed someone to TRY to recruit him, that's a crime? Are you sure it wasn't past due library book fines?
What are the acts President Trump has committed while in office and while running for office that are impeachable? When is the crack, highly paid Mueller team going to do something other than indite people for things not related to President Trump, that took place back in 2014? Where is the evidence of collusion, of obstruction of justice?
Face it, the DNC ran a terrible candidate, who ran a terrible campaign, on the shirt tails of an Administration that said the days of great economic growth were over, that no one could just wave a wand and create jobs, that there was no American exceptionalism, against a candidate who out worked, out thought and said he would MAGA and won. Since in office Trump has keep his promises. And the left hates it because they must not want MAGA, hate those who they call imbeciles and despicable. Speaks volumes.
JG that hardly anyone voted "your way", why do you think your way is so out of the American mainstream? Could it be you are calling those who didn't vote your way imbeciles?
Page confirmed to BuzzFeed News on Monday .... DD shouldn't you be giving credit to the author of this statement made 4/3/2017 on an action that took place in 2013?
Guess you are going to have to delete yourself for C&P and not giving credit to the real author that you are taking credit for. ;)
NOTE: BUZZFEED Media Bias/Fact Check "Buzzfeed occasionally uses loaded words with a left bias in headlines/articles and has failed a fact check." Has a "left center bias".
"'they vote against their own economic self-interest' clearly you are aware of the economic growth and return to prosperity under President Trump..." ~~ Majormajor (aka "wool over his eyes" Chuck)
Actually, Chuck, "prosperity" was here all along. Yeah, sure, the unemployment rate continues to drop under Trump -- which started under Obama, who brought it out of the gutter after Bush. No great shakes.
But it's all relative, you realize. Here try this one on for size...
Did you know real wage growth was higher in Obama's last 18 months in office than it was during Trump's first 18 months in office? Yes, it's true.
The bottom line, Chuck, is adding more low-wage and slave-wage jobs to lower the unemployment rate, doesn't make America great again.
As Clara Pella asked, "Where's the beef?" That's easy...it went right into the portfolios of the wealthy and the corporations. The stupid bastards who voted him in, though, are now able to super-size their Wendy's order each week...
Trump's promises that will never be kept. Remember the "best and least expensive health care"?
“Everybody’s gotta be covered. This is an un-Republican thing for me to say … I am going to take care of everybody, I don’t care if it costs me votes or not."
"Draining the swamp." Pruitt, Devos, Zinke, etc. Putting corporate foxes in the regulatory role is the swampiest.
Taxing the rich:
SAVANNAH GUTHRIE, NBC: Do you believe in raising taxes on the wealthy?
DONALD TRUMP: I do. I do – including myself. I do.
“It’s going to cost me a fortune, which is actually true,” he said.
And how about all that infrastructure rebuilding? Anyone?
"Taxing the rich: SAVANNAH GUTHRIE, NBC: Do you believe in raising taxes on the wealthy? DONALD TRUMP: I do. I do – including myself. I do." ~~ Dave Dubya
Now the motherf#@ker wants to give away another $100 billion in tax cuts to the wealthy on their capital-gains -- on top of his, and the Republican's, obscene giveaway late last year.
It'll be their own little sweetheart deal so they can hedge against inflation.
"U.S. intelligence agencies indicate North Korea is building new missiles, officials told The Washington Post on Monday, weeks after President Trump declared the nation is 'no longer a Nuclear Treat'." ~~ The Hill, 7/30/2018
This was totally predictable and expected -- well, from rational and logically-thinking Americans. Not so by the imbeciles who continue to adore and support Donald Trump.
Just another day in the news featuring more revelations about the imbecile-in-chief and his "art-of-the-deal" diplomacy.
"Happy 'Russia If You're Listening Day'!" ~~ Dave Dubya
The United States of America's sovereignty has been compromised and infiltrated. Its borders were crossed and an adversary's military was responsible. This is factual -- not conjecture.
Yet, amazingly and inconceivably, the Trump administration not only condones this attack, it may very well have conspired to allow it to occur.
"Yet, amazingly and inconceivably, the Trump administration not only CONDONES this attack, it may very well have CONSPIRED to allow it to occur." Giorgio A. Tsoukalos A.K.A. JG
Three things the Left will never accept, no matter what.
1. FBI agent Peter Strzok, who displayed an intense dislike for Mr. Trump in text messages to his lover, started the investigation based on hearsay from an Australian diplomat who shared a drink in London with Trump campaign volunteer George Papadopoulos.
To date, after wiretaps and multiple interrogations, no Trump person has been charged for the reason the investigation started: Did the campaign coordinate with Moscow to interfere in the election?
The drink in London may have started the inquiry, but it was the Democratic Party-orchestrated dossier that would fuel it with an unsubstantiated tale of an “extensive conspiracy” between Mr. Trump and the Kremlin. Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Monday, July 30, 2018
2. But according to a new report from the Associated Press, they're (liberals and the left) likely to be disappointed as the trial will focus on Manafort's business dealings and lavish lifestyle, not collusion.
Katie Pavlich Jul 30, 2018
3. The driving force behind Trump's winning for America is his powerful patriotism. Patriotism is a virtue that our politicians talk about a lot, in utterly empty ways. Many Democrats think it is a vice. The left wing of the Democratic Party mistakes it for white nationalism. Trump lives American patriotism. It is the reason he ran for president and the reason he won. He knows we are a great country. Karin McQuillan July 31, 2018
"The driving force behind Trump's winning for America is his powerful patriotism." ~~ Karin McQuillan (whoever she is), as quoted by Majormajor (aka treason and racist sympathizer, Chuck)
Sure, Trump's patriotic -- in the same way as Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.
I'll go out on a limb and say this will be the first time we've had both a racist, and a treasonous president, living in the White House at the same time.
I did. I found nothing. Now. You made the statement without citatation. Care to provide that citation so I can no longer consider it information you pulled out of your, I'm going to say, ear? If not, it's just more fake news you're throwing at the wall.
"Three things the Left will never accept, no matter what." - MM
1) This is verifiably not true. 2) Why wouldn't "the left" accept this? I don't even know what point you are trying to make here. 3) This was a fantastic series of words strung together that absolutely means nothing. "The driving force behind Trump's winning for America is his powerful patriotism". A) Patriotism isn't something you can codify and call 'Weak' or 'Powerful'. This statement is objectively meaningless and simply meant to give you, MM, the warm and fuzzies for picking that particular team to back with your full, unwavering faith. B) What patriotism? The lipservice he gives the VFW? The NRA? Or the complete inaction or inability to keep in-check our international advasaries? What good is that "powerful patriotism" when N. Korea has continued its missile program despite our President's lackluster efforts?
Anyone who voted the way JG did would believe that we have a President who is "both a racist, and a treasonous president". That is how extremist he is.
MM, Why is it extremist to call a birther and Putin's Puppet siding against the US intel agencies and bi-partisan Senate committess racist and treasonous?
The long list of "Victim Cards" is hilarious.
202: Kathy Griffin beheads Trump. 203: Anti-Trump band decapitates Trump statue on stage
How about "Hillary" paraded in a cage? How about Trump threatening her with jail?
I am sorry, MM. I was looking for news sources, not random wordpress blogs. Breitbart isn't exactly credible, but I ventured over to Breitbart at the expense of my ad-blocker and malware defender. Even the list that Breitbart provides doesn't even back up your statement. We're counting Cory Booker saying supporters of Kavanaugh are "complicit in evil" as one of "over 538 attacks against Trump supporters"? Someone defacing an inanimate object with Trump's name on it is a violent attack on supporters? Offensive shirts advertised on a random facebook account? Spitting on a MAGA hat? A vandalized golf course sign?
Truly all that talk of Snowflakes by "The Right" was projection of their own inadaquacies and insecurities.
You know what's funny about the Breitbart list? They cite MSNBC did this or CNN said that and their citation isn't even to MSNBC or CNN. It's good thing they count on people like MM not bothering to go through that long list and actually checking for first hand, primary sources. You just take their word for it cause it feels right to you.
"Someone defacing an inanimate object with Trump's name on it is a violent attack on supporters? Offensive shirts advertised on a random facebook account? Spitting on a MAGA hat? A vandalized golf course sign?" ~~ TB3
Only 538 "attacks"?
Gee, we're slipping. ;-) Time to hit the streets...
Breitbart isn't exactly credible, but Vox, CNN, MSNBC and Buzzfeed are.
"Gee, we're slipping" JG
The dark side of a dangerous radical leftist elitist has been exposed as it seems JG supports the attacks on those who he politically disagrees with. Since, as he has admitted, most people didn't vote as he did, that would mean most Americans per his own words are imbeciles and subject to his attacks. Is he saying that people who didn't vote as he did are not voting in their best interests? How very egotistic of him. How very Stalin of him.
Did Dave or TB3 vote as JG did or are they also imbeciles? Should they be subject to physical attacks?
"The dark side of a dangerous radical leftist elitist has been exposed as it seems JG supports the attacks on those who he politically disagrees with." ~~ Majormajor (aka paranoid Chuck)
It "seems", but it isn't.
Just as it "seems" Donald Trump is a president for the working- and middle-classes, but he isn't; and likewise it "seems" you're a Christian, but you're not.
"Since, as he has admitted, most people didn't vote as he did, that would mean most Americans per his own words are imbeciles and subject to his attacks." ~~ Majormajor (aka "the guy in class who flunked basic Logic" Chuck)
No, your conclusion doesn't mean that at all. It only means that those who voted for Donald Trump are imbeciles -- and, by the way, most did not vote for Donald Trump.
Chuck, did you vote for Donald Trump? If so, draw your own conclusion.
"Is he saying that people who didn't vote as he did are not voting in their best interests?" ~~ Majormajor (aka comprehension-challenged Chuck)
No, "he's saying" that uneducated and low-information voters, like yourself, who continue voting for either major political party -- election cycle after election cycle, expecting a different result -- are only fooling themselves.
The only ones who are imbeciles are those who voted for Donald Trump -- and continue to support him after 18 months in office.
Chuck, do you continue to support the imbecile-in-chief? If so, please feel free to draw your own conclusions.
JG Deflecting onto Christianity I see, must be desperation time in your radical extreme dangerous leftist world.
"he's saying that uneducated and low-information voters, like yourself, who continue voting for either major political party". I wonder how Dave, TB3 and Jerry feel about being called "uneducated and low-information voters" by you JG if they didn't vote the way you did? I hope they all start to vote like you think they should as a vote your way is one less vote for a liberal Democrat.
I wonder if what you are posting JG qualifies under Dave's guidelines as "other hate speech"? Only Dave can say.
CNN reports and NBC confirms that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has just referred Tony Podesta along with a collection of other cases to New York federal prosecutors for potential prosecution for failing to register properly as a foreign agent.
The cases referred include Podesta and his work for the Podesta Group, as well as former Minnesota Republican Rep. Vin Weber and his work for Mercury Public Affairs, according to the report.
The report also said that the source named former Obama White House counsel Greg Craig, a former partner at law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom is also part of the inquiry.
“'Which is why the time has come for voter ID, like everything else,' Trump told the crowd [in Florida, on Tuesday]. 'You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card. You need ID.'" ~~ HuffPost, 7/31/2018
Really?! Hmm...not in Virginia. Chuck, do you require a photo-ID to buy groceries in Texas?
I know it's been a few years since I've bought groceries in Florida, but back then I was never required to produce a photo-ID. Never.
Is this what you love about Donald Trump, Chuck, the fact he -- as a billionaire -- is so out of touch with what regular working Americans do on a daily basis?
Of course you live in a distorted reality, also, Chuck, so maybe you don't see anything wrong with having out-of-touch billionaires pretending to be president.
So now we learn that Health & Human Services warned of the dangers of separating children from parents at the border, yet the Trump Administration chose to ignore the warning.
To date, There are still 700 children who have not been reunited with their parents.
This is state-sanctioned child abuse. Trump should be indicted for this crime.
I wonder how AG Sessions's so-called "Religious Liberty Task Force" dovetails this with his intention to force Christianity down everybody's throat?
Notice how President Trump doesn't really say anything substantial. Just says enough to give MM and others warm and fuzzy feelings. Like a drug for the ego and why Trump is defended so hard. They don't want the have to deal with the withdrawals that reality brings.
No, I never noticed that. Have you noticed how I never quote President Trump?
What I have noticed is how blind you are to the actions of the radical dangerous left and how they are now resorting to hysterical violence in their hatred for the fact that America is doing better under Trump in 2 years than it did in Obama's 8 years. And Hillary lost and Bernie was cheated out of the nomination.
"Private payrolls boom in July, increasing by 219,000 vs 185,000 estimate: ADP Jobs in the U.S. increased by 219,000 in July, while economists polled by Reuters expected a gain of 185,000. July's job gains were the best since February, when 241,000 jobs were added. spending," Meanwhile, the goods-producing sector saw payrolls increase by 42,000, led by a 23,000 gain in manufacturing jobs and 17,000 additions in construction.
"The labor market is on a roll with no signs of a slowdown in sight," said Ahu Yildirmaz, vice president and co-head of the ADP Research Institute. "Nearly every industry posted strong gains and small business hiring picked up." CNBC
The question is are you going to follow the left's orders and ignore this or give Obama the credit? That is what I have noticed.
"What I have noticed is how blind you are to the actions of the radical dangerous left and how they are now resorting to hysterical violence in their hatred for the fact that America is doing better under Trump in 2 years than it did in Obama's 8 years. And Hillary lost and Bernie was cheated out of the nomination. "
I am sure Unicorns and Bigfoot reside in your fantasy land as well. You noticed that about me, did you? That I'm blind? Is it the same kind of blindness you suffer from when provided counter examples or context to just about every ridiculous claim that your parrot?
Speaking of parroting? What's with the non sequitor cut and pasting of ADP data?
"The question is are you going to follow the left's orders and ignore this or give Obama the credit?"
What orders? Why do you put yourself inside this fantasy land? You sound deranged.
"What's sad is you are so far out of the main stream of American political thought..." ~~ Majormajor (aka bewildered Chuck)
You forget, Chuck you're the one who sides with a man pretending to be president. You're the one who supports a known racist, and who appears to be a Russian agent and conspirator.
Not me.
You're the one who believes in a demagogue over the rule of law. Not me.
You might want to reconsider who the one is who's "far out of the American mainstream".
"And yet, you never wonder why so few Americans voted as you do." ~~ Majormajor
You're right, Chuck, I "never wonder why so few Americans" voted third-party as I did. I don't have to "wonder". I know why.
No, Chuck, and as I've made very very clear, only those who voted forandcontinue to support this dumbass are, well...what was the term I used? Oh yeah, they're imbeciles.
Chuck, you voted for Trump, didn't you? You also continue to support the racist treasonous fool, don't you?
Do you know what that means? ;-)
Give it up, Chuck. It's sure looking like you're backing an agent of and conspirator with Vladimir Putin. I'm fairly certain that's a capital offense punishable by execution.
Do you sympathize with enemies of the United States of America? If you continue backing Trump, that's exactly what you'll be.
"Let’s be clear: Most people have never heard of QAnon, or Q — and that includes most of Donald Trump’s supporters. But there are those who do believe in QAnon — that Trump and Mueller are actually working together to arrest Democrats and Obama officials (who are all also pedophiles and cannibals), that everything is actually under control.
QAnon provides a soothing balm, telling believers that the only people who really know what’s going on are the believers — and the president." ~~ Vox, Jane Coaston, 8/1/2018
Chuck, are you a QAnon conspiracy theorist? Is "Q" your "soothing balm"?
Is "Q" related to the "left's orders" that are consuming the nation?...and as you related to TB3? Is it the source of your "warm and fuzzy feelings"? (It's not the opioids?)
Chuck, can you pick up "Q", your "soothing balm", at any drugstore? ;-)
Are you a radical leftist? Who did you vote for that very few people voted for? Is anyone who didn't vote as you did an imbecile? If not why not? Did all your "friends" vote in their best interests as you did? Define what is in "your" best interest.
Do you spend your day @ work looking for something as stupid as "QAnon" which until you posted here I'd never heard of? Does your boss know what you are doing?
What were President Trumps 7.75 lies yesterday? Is VOX your sole source of news or do you read Splinter News as well? Is VOX right wing or left wing? Do your friends TB3 and Dave know of your love of conspiracy theory's like 911 was an inside job and now Qanon? Do they believe as you do? If not are they imbeciles?
Ok DD you got me, Mueller isn't hunting for witches. A Werewolf maybe? LOL
Like I said, I never heard of Q until today so I really have no dog in that fight. Roseanne told Hannity on his show that she didn't know Valerie Jarrett was black. Honestly, I was never sure of Jarrett's race and never really cared. So I can see Barr's point. Regardless, Barr is paying the price for her comments as she should.
I find Barr a mixed up person, on the one hand in July 2009 she posed as Adolf Hitler in a feature for the satirical Jewish publication 'Heeb magazine', called "That Oven Feelin'". Not funny in my view. Then she goes after George Zimmerman for killing T. Martin in her tweets, yet in March of this year, she tweets David Hogg gave a Nazi salute in a march. I doubt her boat is tied up tight to the dock. Barr liking Q makes me even more wary of it/him/she/them.
Say, how about an update on you backyard foxes?
I have a roadrunner living on our property which may explain why there are no longer any rattlesnakes here. Happy for that!
Come on Dave, you have supported trusted and believed a liar. Be honest.
Here's something I'd like your take on.
NY Times newest editorial board member has some very racist tweets in her history (https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/aug/2/ny-times-newest-editorial-board-member-doesnt-seem/) Is this someone you can support?
"Define what is in 'your' best interest." ~~ Majormajor
That which is in the best interest for all people, of course -- not just a small elite.
"Does your boss know what you are doing?" ~~ Majormajor
You mean right now? ;-) I sure hope not! LOLOL
"What were President Trumps 7.75 lies yesterday?" ~~ Majormajor
There are two things wrong with your question: (1) You don't understand what an arithmetic average is, and (2) You definitely have reading comprehension challenges.
Hence...you believe Trump is a genius.
"Do your friends TB3 and Dave know of your love of conspiracy theory's [sp] like 911 was an inside job and now Qanon?"
I hardly call my thoughts regarding what occurred on 911 as "love", no more than I consider my thoughts on global warming as "love" or my thoughts about Trump's treasonous activity as "love".
It's just basic knowledge about physics and science.
Evidence proves steel-frame buildings do not fall into their footprints due to, basically, normal office fires. Until that day, none ever did. Since that day, none have either. On that day, three did. Three.
They had help.
My "conspiracy theory" is backed by basic scientific principles -- the United States government's "conspiracy theory" isn't.
As far as QAnon, I wasn't familiar with it until Trump's campaign rally in Tampa on Tuesday. The place was crawling with Trimpies with "Q" signs. I just assumed you knew all about it.
"Do [TB3 and Dave Dubya] believe as you do?" ~~ Majormajor
Chuck, I really don't know. I've never had a conversation with TB3 about it, since I never was acquainted with TB3 until a few months ago on T. Paine's blog.
Dave knows where I stand on this. He should, since I went 'round and 'round on this subject with another rightwinger who went by the moniker of free0352 -- or something similar -- on Dave's blog a few years ago.
Free0352 was the consummate military know-it-all. He was a flunky infantryman who thought this qualified him as an expert on geopolitics.
I guess I should offer Sarah's explanation of context before poor MM needs to play more victim cards:
“While it was intended as satire, I deeply regret that I mimicked the language of my harassers,” she wrote. “These comments were not aimed at a general audience, because general audiences do not engage in harassment campaigns. I can understand how hurtful these posts are out of context, and would not do it again.”
Tell that to Roseanne Barr. She apologized, remember? She intended it for a joke, remember? Tell that to Sean Newcomb, Trea Turner, Josh Hader they were in high school when they made their comments.
"If it were not for 'Dumba** F***ing Black People', there would be no Democrat Party."
"If it applies to Dumba** F***ing of all races, it's not racist. If applied consistently and selectively to one race or minorities it could be racist." DD As I've said before, the left has it's own standards for what is racism, and the fact that you and JG are not offended by her tweets and readily accept her excuses, just highlights it even more.
BTW, what white male has ever tweeted they "got joy from being cruel to old black men"? Her explanation is she is just "mimicking the language of my harassers", who is harassing her? She seems to have left that out.
Dave Dubya I guess your final solution is to take the vote away from white males. Thanks for the clarification guys, you have make it clear to all who read this that you two "are some fine people".
"Her explanation is she is just 'mimicking the language of my harassers', who is harassing her? She seems to have left that out." ~~ Majormajor (aka snowflake Chuck)
I never heard of this woman until you and Dave mentioned her. I didn't intentionally research her but came across an article when going through the RT site looking for something else.
Oh, yeah, the tweets sent to her were vile and racist. Nothing was left out, as you incorrectly claim.
Chuck, don't forget...
"What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening." -- Donald Trump
Donald Trump is the first pretend-president of the United States.
A. The liberal media are pushing for a quiet coup to get President Trump removed from office. Right after President Trump made a few admittedly goofy comments in his summit with President Putin, many newspapers immediately labeled him a "traitor" and openly encouraged his Cabinet to resign to push him out of office. The media constantly try to undermine the presidency by claiming that Trump is a traitor or a puppet, without a shred of evidence. The media are seeking to undermine and remove a branch of government they disagree with.
B. When Obama used nonexistent "discretion" to stop enforcing our immigration laws, the media hailed him as compassionate.
C. When President Trump decided to enforce existing immigration laws, he was criticized as a "hardliner" who hates Hispanics.
D. When Trump withdrew from a nonexistent treaty with Iran, which was never submitted for confirmation, Trump was called a war-monger.
E. The media generally insist that laws exist where none applies (such as abortion and redefining marriage and now for the "transgendered") and insist that constitutional rights for the Second, Tenth, and (for their enemies only) the First Amendments be abridged.
II. The media whips up hatred among classes, races, religions, and exactly two sexes.
A. The media constantly publish stories showing that white people are racist. In the past 48 hours alone, the New York Times has published stories showing that white people are racist in hotels and at public swimming pools. It's like "Green Eggs and Ham." Are they also racist on a train? Are they also racist on a plane? Nearly every day, the media write an article that reads, "White people are racist in [kind of place or circumstance]." This repeated emphasis whips up racial resentment and encourages violence against white people.
B. Not a day goes by without some gleeful account of how the non-white population of America is increasing, eagerly looking forward to the day when whites are in the minority. This "in your face, white people!" mentality stirs up understandable resentment among white Americans.
C. We are constantly told by the media to hate the rich, that if they have a lot of money, they must not have earned it legitimately, that "their" money should be "our" money. The resentment built up by this kind of storyline encourages lawmakers to enact theft by higher taxation.
D. Muslims are constantly told that white people hate them and discount any reasons why white people might legitimately fear them. This encourages Muslims to be angry and commit acts of violence – though to be fair, some of them don't need much encouragement to begin with.
E. Women are constantly told that most men are rapists or harassers who don't respect them. Women are encouraged to turn against men and see rape in every dorm room and every janitor closet.
F. A tiny, tiny portion of the population who are mentally ill insist on playing Peeping Tom in girls' bathrooms and dominating women's sports. Instead of calling for this fractional number to get mental help, the media portray people who stand up for women's rights as bigots.
G. We are repeatedly told that the police are racist. As a result, fewer people cooperate with the police, and sometimes a crazy person assassinates a policeman.
The results of this incitement are easy to see if you live in a far-left place like Oakland, Berkeley, or San Francisco, but all over America, this poison infects the body politic and encourages violence and lawlessness. Just ask the members of the Trump administration who have been harassed in public places or even outside their own homes. When Jim Acosta of CNN whined about being labeled an enemy of the people, Sarah Sanders reminded him that media incitement had required her to get a Secret Service bodyguard because unlike Acosta, she actually has been threatened in public.
The liberal media take no responsibility when they falsely shout "Fire!" in a crowded movie theater. Instead, they see threats in every corner whenever someone speaks against them. I don't agree with Trump on everything he does, but it's refreshing, for once, to have a president unlike George W. Bush who doesn't passively let himself be used as a punching bag by the liberal media and fights back.
"July employment numbers show that another +157,000 Americans voted in their best self interests."
This... is not how voting works? You reference the July employment numbers (wait, no mention of the ADP numbers you previously mentioned being way better and that July is viewed as somewhat a disappointment? No?) and then, somehow, think this has anything what-so-ever to how people voted a year and a half ago?
Re: Your regurgitated Ed Straker Article:
You really, really, need to be more analytical towards what you ready. In nothing you C&Ped, did Ed Straker cite anything to back up his assertions. I) Where? Nothing in A - E support this statement. A) What flipping paper in the generic "many newspapers" claim labeled the President a traitor? B) Obama used discretion to priortize violent offenders over non-violent and productive members of our society. C) He was criticized as more than a "hardliner", actually. And it's because he wasn't enforcing existing laws, he was instituting a policy that wasn't technically against the law. D) And...? I think he was called a warmonger long before that Iran business. E) This is a non-statement. The blathering of a person who thinks women's rights and non-hetero orientations are icky. Also someone who doesn't actually care about the Constitution or what it says. II) Nothing listed A-G actually backs up this assertion. A) But are they true stories? Maybe people should stop being racist and stories would stop making the news? This dude is legit whining that people are being told about racism? Boohoo. Maybe society should, instead, see these published stories and tell their racist brothers and sisters to knock it off? B) This is absolute projection. I challenge anyone to find me a mainstream publication "gleefully" bragging about the minority population increasing. Holy Cow the projection. C) When and where does this ever occur? Oh, right. Ed Straker doesn't actually provide examples. This was solely written to inflate the "conversative" bubble. D) When and where does this ever occur? I'll check the Nightly News tonight and double-check. Maybe Lester Holt throws that in at the very end after their fluff segment. E) No. Just... no. This doesn't happen. Without examples of citation, just saying it doesn't make it true. F) This is just insulting. G) We are not repeatedly told that the police are racist. I challenge anyone to prove me wrong and Ed Straker right.
"When Jim Acosta of CNN whined about being labeled an enemy of the people, Sarah Sanders reminded him that media incitement had required her to get a Secret Service bodyguard because unlike Acosta, she actually has been threatened in public."
Actually, she was asked to leave a restaurant after her entire meal had been comped. You are free to say many things in our country. You, however, are not free from the consequences of saying those things.
"The liberal media take no responsibility when they falsely shout "Fire!" in a crowded movie theater."
More projection. Remember when the Conservatives changed their tune about 2nd Amendment Solutions after Gabby Giffords was shot in the freaking face by an easily influenced mind? No? Right. Get back to me when the "Liberal Media" actually starts using that kind of rhetoric. That whole article you seem to agree with was simply the ramblings of someone scared with a lot of aspects of the world around him.
TB3, I challenge anyone to prove me wrong and Ed Straker right.
And that will keep Straker's lunacy out of the discussion. MM certainly cannot prove anything he readily believes from his Right-wing authoritarian propagandists.
It really is all about their beliefs, and they are based on feelings. Anger and resentment must be fed regularly.
People like MM cannot see Trump's calling the press the enemy of the people and "terrible horrible people" as threatening. That's how much they care for the First Amendment, and for people who seek facts and dare dissent.
MM, Once again you are warned about dumping your CRAP articles. You know what happens if you do it again. And we do too. You will be a crybaby.
And hooray for low Hispanic unemployment! Trending since the Obama years, of course.
"And hooray for low Hispanic unemployment! Trending since the Obama years, of course."
Don't you know there's no such thing as a trend. This is just spin to credit Obama for Trump's good news. Don't you know with every President everything hits that magic reset button? That's why we suddenly give two cares about the U-3 Unemployment Rate now.
TB3, What was I thinking?? Thanks for straightening me out.
I finally just remembered all the polls and figures were FAKE before Trump took office.
That's something else he fixed. He's the "Only One". In fact this is how I should think of him, and call him, from now on. Just to remind me of the Good News of our National Savior.
You weren't. And since I proved you wrong, or at least whatever my definition of wrong is, this invalidates every single point you have ever made or ever will make.
Now I will proceed to cut and paste a random article without any context or content:
"From RandomScaredHypocit.blogspot.net
I'm afraid of everything and everyone around me. Gay People and "Trans" People are peeking at little girls in bathrooms while Liberals give them all of my money to encourage ANTIFA, BLM, and #MeToo to "Cuck" everyone into Hillary's Email Soros Deep State Pizzagate. They do this with their Alinsky-Globalist-You're-the-real-nazi tactics. Is it really so bad that I want to pretend to live in a world that never existed where there were no gay people, no such thing as transexuals, women knew their place, black/brown/whatever color people were second class citizens and happy about it because 'MERICA? Maybe I just need to come to terms with the fact people are more aware of these things that have always existed and live my life with empathy for others and using the morals I pretend to believe in and practice? Screw that, It's the Liberals/Leftists/Globalists/Feminists/Minorities/Media that's the problem! DON'T FORCE SELF REFLECTION AND RECONSIDERATION OF MY BIASES ON ME. IGNORANCE IS BLISS. GUNS AND BLUBBER! MAGA! DON'T TREAD ON ME!"
This... is not how voting works?" Tell that to JG.
Leftist claims that Trump supporters are racist, not so much.
Highs light of research:
1. A Columbia University sociologist (Musa al-Gharbi) recently published a study showing that much of the academic research into President Trump’s voters is marred by prejudicial designs, distorted data, and outright misrepresentations.
2. Musa al-Gharbi points out, for instance, that one data set used in a Washington Post article to accuse Trump voters of racist motivations actually shows that Trump voters were less racist than those who voted for Mitt Romney.
al-Gharbi admitted that he was motivated to research this topic “in part to help Trump's opposition do better next round.” This uncharitable misrepresentation of data is one of many ways that Trump voters are marred by researchers, al-Gharbi says, asserting that the “evidence suggests that the role of race has been widely overblown and misunderstood with respect to Trump’s victory.”
"Gabby Giffords was shot in the freaking face by an easily influenced mind?" You forgot to add the shooter espoused conspiracy theories about the 9/11 attacks as does JG. Which some would say explains his easily influenced mind. Oddly enough the congressional baseball shooting gunman James T. Hodgkinson had filled his social media accounts with political rhetoric against Donald Trump and Republicans. He expressed support for Democrat Bernie Sanders, even making Sanders his cover photo. Did he also possess an "easily influenced mind"?
"This... is not how voting works?" Tell that to JG."
Why? I was responding to something you said.
"1. A Columbia University sociologist (Musa al-Gharbi) recently published a study showing that much of the academic research into President Trump’s voters is marred by prejudicial designs, distorted data, and outright misrepresentations."
I am interested in reading more about this study. Where did you find this study?
"2. Musa al-Gharbi points out, for instance, that one data set used in a Washington Post article to accuse Trump voters of racist motivations actually shows that Trump voters were less racist than those who voted for Mitt Romney."
I am really interested in this study now.
"al-Gharbi admitted that he was motivated to research this topic “in part to help Trump's opposition do better next round.” "
So let me get this straight. Research into Trump Voters is marred by bias and distortions, but the person who conducted this study admits to doing it because of bias? Now I really, really, want to read more about this study.
"Did he also possess an "easily influenced mind"?"
Yes. I would also describe that individual as deranged. Now, what does asking this question have to do with... oh, right. Deflecting. Nevermind the fact that you're using this as a counter example, except you're countering an example I used where Conservatives literally advocated using "Second Amendment Solutions". No such example of outright violence advocacy can be pinpointed for Hodkinson.
Come TB3, I gave you the source at third line of the post. This isn't the first time you have asked this when the answer was right before your eyes. What gives?
JG If everybody gets college free education, what will the value of the education be? It is not free if someone else is paying for it.
MM deflecting to the "not racist card" is a routine defense mechanism. No real racist would vote for an honest birther like Trump.
And there's no way MM's linked site is biased. The “news team” are from Blaze Radio Network, The Daily Caller , Digital Grassroots Director for Marco Rubio, Washington Examiner, The Drudge Report, Americans for Prosperity Foundation, "president of the pro-life club on her campus", Fox News Radio, digital volunteer for the Dr. Ben Carson presidential campaign, Youth Director for Ed Gillespie's gubernatorial bid.
The "Senior Campus Correspondent" declared it "actually shows that Trump voters were less racist than those who voted for Mitt Romney".
Actually, al-Gharbi said this:
“According to Wood’s own data, whites who voted for Trump are perhaps less racist than those who voted for Romney,” al-Gharbi explains, adding that “not only were they less authoritarian than Romney voters, but less racist too!”
From “perhaps” to certainty, in the blink of an eye! Very impartial and considered.
After playing the Victim Card, al-Gharbi shows us how unbiased he is.
“But I also take umbrage at the villainization of Trump supporters,” he added, noting that he “grew up in a conservative, religious, military community in Arizona along the United States and Mexico Border.”
He could have have saved a lot of trouble and simply noted that a few fringe-type Blacks voted for Trump. That should be more than enough proof that no racists voted for him.
At Wednesday's event, dubbed “Meeting with Inner City Pastors,” many of the pastors who attended expressed sympathetic views toward Trump, with one pastor -- the Rev. Darrell Scott, of Cleveland -- calling Trump “the most pro-black president we’ve had in our lifetime.” The Rev. Phillip Goudeaux of Calvary Christian Center in Sacramento, Calif., and the Rev. John Gray, head of Relentless Church in Greenville, S.C., came under fire from critics who say Trump's policies have harmed the black community. Scott slammed former President Barack Obama for not trying to “prove something to our community” because “he got a pass.”
These black pastors get it, they see how much the lives of their church members have improved under President Trump. They have seen members of their church no longer needing food stamps because they are no long unemployed. They know how much the left is lying about President Trump. They know how the left plays the race card. They aren't fooled by the fake news of the NYT.
That doesn't surprise me JG one bit. Your rarely believe an positive news about President Trump, or conservatives or white men. It will not be covered by VOX, MSNBC, CNN or any of your other "reliable" sources. You now have joined the ranks of TB3 in not having the ability to use Google.
It seems Kushner gathered all twelve pro-Trump Black clergymen to grovel in the presence of "The Only One".
The Servile Sycophants were full of praise for their Orange Savior.
I’m Travis Hayes, and I’m the CFO of Relentless Church in Greenville, South Carolina. I’m honored to be here among — in the presence of greatness.
Imagine the embarrassment this dolt is to the Black community.
MM hilariously projects "lying spin" after he smears more lipstick on his pig:
They have seen members of their church no longer needing food stamps because they are no long unemployed. (But they didn’t see it plainly trending under Obama. Hmm)
They know how much the left is lying about President Trump. (No lies cited. Trump’s lies are documented in the thousands.)
They know how the left plays the race card. (No example cited. MM is doing all he can to distort the low approval of Trump from Blacks.)
They aren't fooled by the fake news of the NYT. (No. They are fooled by Trump the pathological liar.)
Typical DD response to the truth. His head explodes with nonsense
Rasmussen: Black approval rating of Trump now at 29% Last year it was 15%
Aug 10, 2017 The latest Zogby Analytics survey gave President Trump a 45 percent approval rating, driven by big gains among Hispanics, union households and voters in the West. Trump approval rebounds to 45%, surges among Hispanics, union homes, men...
Is Obama due the credit for this Dave? LOL
"It seems Kushner gathered all twelve pro-Trump Black clergymen to grovel in the presence of "The Only One"" Source or see it on CNN?
Calling a black man a dolt liking a writer who hates whites, men, and cops. Dave, I think you have become a racist.
This is a very significant date. In 2016, within hours of Donald Trump making his "Russia, if you're listening" speech, apparently several were.
On that very day, Russian military intelligence officers initiated a cyber-attack on the Democratic National Headquarters in Washington D.C.
Coincidence? The probability is miniscule, and so unlikely. Not only listening, they acted upon their agent's signal.
Remember this date, July 27, 2016. It will be exposed as the date a would-be American president committed treason against the United States of America.
We're witnessing the very first anti-president of the United States.
"Russia If You're Listening Day" and "Putin's Puppet Day" have stained the month of July, and diminished Independence Day to the level of Flag Day.
The Government Of Putin has made America a global laughing stock.
Yes, agreed, the Government Of Putin has really put a stain on the month of July.
You should review your time line of JULY 26th 2016 being the start of a cyber-attack on the Democratic National Headquarters in Washington D.C. History does not support your belief.
"July 27, 2016 "Russian military intelligence officers initiated a cyber-attack on the Democratic National Headquarters in Washington D.C." JG
"In 2016, within hours of Donald Trump making his "Russia, if you're listening" speech, apparently several were." July 27, 2016. DD
"The Democratic National Committee cyber attacks took place in 2015 and 2016, in which computer hackers infiltrated the Democratic National Committee (DNC) computer network, leading to a data breach. Some cybersecurity experts, as well as the U.S. government, stated that the cyberespionage was the work of Russian intelligence agencies."
"Cyber attacks that successfully penetrated the DNC computing system began in 2015. Attacks by "Cozy Bear" began in the summer of 2015. Attacks by "Fancy Bear" began in April 2016. It was after the "Fancy Bear" group began their activities that the compromised system became apparent. The groups were presumed to have been spying on communications, stealing opposition research on Donald Trump, as well as reading all email and chats. Both were finally identified by CrowdStrike in May 2016."
"Starting in MARCH 2016, the indictment alleges, a unit of Russia’s GRU military intelligence organization began sending emails to dozens of employees and volunteers in the Clinton campaign."
"October 29, 2014
White House to Washington Post: Hacker Breach
"White House officials tell The Washington Post hackers breached the unclassified network of the Executive Office of the President sometime earlier in the month. Sources suspect Russian government sponsored hackers are behind the attack."
Summer 2015
Attackers infiltrate the DNC network
Attackers use COZY BEAR to infiltrate the Democratic National Committee network undetected and CAMPS OUT FOR MORE THAN A YEAR spying on internal chats and emails.
April 2016
Hackers attack DNC again
Hackers use FANCY BEAR in a second independent attack on the DNC network. The committee’s IT team notices something is wrong and alerts executives who call in Crowdstrike. Crowdstrike identifies two separate hacker groups in the system, FANCY BEAR and COZY BEAR.
June 14, 2016
Media begins reporting on DNC attack
News organizations begin reporting on the DNC attack. The Kremlin denies Russian involvement. The DNC and Crowdstrike believe hackers stole the committee’s entire database of opposition research on Donald Trump but “no financial information or sensitive employee, donor or voter information was accessed by the Russian attackers.
June 15, 2016
Crowdstrike posts report on DNC hacks
Crowdstrike posts Bears in the Midst: Intrusion into the Democratic National Committee, a detailed explanation of how it believes COZY BEAR and FANCY BEAR hacked the DNC. That same day, someone calling himself Guccifer 2.0 posts on a newly created Wordpress site that he alone is responsible for the hack. He releases what appears to be the stolen Trump opposition research as well as some additional documents and spreadsheets designed to disprove the DNC’s claim it hadn’t lost any sensitive information. Guccifer 2.0 says Wikileaks has the rest of his yield and will be publishing it shortly. Crowdstrike stands by its assessment that Russian operatives are responsible, and other security experts agree, calling Guccifer 2.0 an intentional Russian disinformation campaign."
But what the heck, the truth never got in your way of a good story before.
Thanks for all the efforts, but what does all of your copy and pasted efforts have to do with anything I said? Trump appealed to Russia to interfere in the election. Period. Even if they did't do so, they were still invited to on July 27, 2016. THAT is the point.
Interesting that you are throwing JG under the bus, he said "On that very day, Russian military intelligence officers initiated a cyber-attack on the Democratic National Headquarters in Washington D.C." Which I've shown with my "cut and Paste" with credits is wrong. BTW if I had just said you guys are wrong you would have wanted proof, I provide you proof and look what happens.
Trump was joking like Obama was with his 52 states and if you like your Dr comments,LOL.
Majormajor, I was incorrect in my estimate. I heard on a television broadcast that the dates were concurrent, a couple of different times, but chose not to follow it up because I didn't want to take the time.
The point that you fact-checked me, and cut-and-paste The whole timeline for at least a year or more, tells me you're in agreement that the Russians hacked our electoral system and that Donald Trump knew it also -- yet still refused to confront Putin about it while in Helsinki.
The best is yet to be!
Can you spell T.R.E.A.S.O.N.?
Here's a joke my wife told me this morning...
Question: What's long and red and hangs down between Vladimir Putin's legs?
Answer: Donald Trump's necktie. ;-)
Cut and past, how awful, makes hard to disprove though doesn't it now. LOL
"that Donald Trump knew it also" Wow, what kind of dream is that? Who else knew about it and did nothing?
BTW who was President when this took place, 2014-2015-2016 and what party did that President belong to and what did that President do to stop the Russians and what proof do you have that President Trump was aware of any of this?
"Russians hacked our electoral system"
How many votes did they change?
Which President said it was impossible for anyone to do this?
"I was incorrect"...that's a positive start JG towards returning to reality and sanity, keep it up. As DD has said, "one day at a time."
Variation on an old joke that used be told about Bill Clinton and his favorite intern.
"'that Donald Trump knew it also' Wow, what kind of dream is that?" ~~ Majormajor
How typical of you. You took part of a larger sentence that I wrote and completely took it out of the context; the meaning as intended. Here it is once again: "...the whole timeline for at least a year or more, tells me you're in agreement that the Russians hacked our electoral system and that Donald Trump knew it also -- yet still refused to confront Putin about it while in Helsinki."
You ask, "What kind of dream is that?" I'll answer that for you: It's Trump's worst nightmare. It's what prompted his ridiculous "wouldn't for would" walk-back. Remember?
"...what proof do you have that President Trump was aware of any of this?" ~~ Majormajor
His own, hand-picked, intelligence advisors told him -- prior to his trip to Finland. Remember? Are you disputing this?
He was told this prior to putting his necktie between Putin's legs. Remember? ;-)
Of course...you already knew this. Didn't you?
"'I was incorrect'...that's a positive start..." ~~ Majormajor
Yes, once in the last eight years for me. I still have 7,999 more times before I catch up to you. LOLOL
Your whole existence is a monument to incorrectness.
Chuck, can you spell T.R.E.A.S.O.N.?
Mueller's investigation is getting closer and closer. There have been 35 indictments to date, and as I've said, "the best is yet to be."
Trump's scared sh**less. He's doing everything he can to distract, but Mueller and his team of crackerjack prosecutors march on.
The noose is tightening. Trump's going to f**king flip when one of the next upcoming rounds of indictments name Donnie Jr. and Kushner. He'll be tearing paintings off the walls of the White House. ;-)
Once that happens, he's next.
Here is what happened on July 27, 2017.
“For example, on or about July 27, 2016, the Conspirators attempted after hours to spearfish for the first time email accounts at a domain boasted by a third-party provider and used by Clinton’s personal office.” Earlier the day:
Source for quote: Mueller’s Indictment.
"There have been 35 indictments to date, and as I've said, "the best is yet to be.""
For what? Nothing burger.
Nothing burger. Is that what they feed Manafort in jail?
That's the lame, content and fact-free defense people give that follow politics and government like it's a sport rather than with the importance and gravity it should be given.
Are you really pinning your hopes on the convection of Manafort to impeach President Trump? Crimes Manafort committed BEFORE the 2016 election or Trump announcing he was running for office?
So the Trump joke did not cause the Russians to hack Clinton or the DNC before July 27th? As you can see from the above the Russian had been hacking the White House and the DNC as far back as 2014 when who was President?
"the case against Paul Manafort, Mr. Trump’s former campaign chief, will delve into Mr. Manafort’s personal finances largely before his work on the campaign."
Aruna Viswanatha
Chuck, Paul Manafort is only one. There were 34 other indictments. I'm disappointed that Fox News doesn't cover these very significant details.
When the rule-of-law prevails, and Donald Trump is convicted of treasonous acts against the United States, will you back your president or support the Constitution? That's really the only two choices you have.
Which one?
"34 other indictments" And the indictments are for what crimes?
Collusion, nope.
Obstruction, nope.
Just what are the crimes these people committed that will lead to the charge of treason or impeachment?
I will always support the Constitution, the question is when it is shown that President Trump has done nothing wrong will you? I am convinced that if Mueller had anything on President Trump that could lead to impeachment he would have played by it now or Schiffe would have leaked it by now. All the Mueller investigation is doing now is causing division in the country and giving false hope to an already enraged left upset because Clinton lost.
"And the indictments are for what crimes? Collusion, nope. Obstruction, nope." ~~ Majormajor
Collusion? Not known yet. Obstruction of justice? Not known yet, either.
We'll have to wait and see.
"Just what are the crimes these people committed that will lead to the charge of treason or impeachment?" ~~ Majormajor
That's what we'll have to wait to find out. The indictments only tell the charges. Now the revelations begin.
"I will always support the Constitution, the question is when it is shown that President Trump has done nothing wrong will you?" ~~ Majormajor
When a resolution is reached, of course. Not a moment before.
"All the Mueller investigation is doing now is causing division in the country..." ~~ Majormajor
The only ones divided are those who despise democracy and the rule of law. Otherwise, the rest seek justice and hope that truth will prevail.
Ironically, it's only Donald Trump dividing the nation. He caters to his imbecilic base and the elitist corporatists, while crapping on everyone else.
Are any of the 34 indictments against President Trump?
Nope. You just hope that if the indictment goes to trial the accused to save their skin will say President sent Putin millions of dollars to help him win. Kind of like the last president sent millions in cash to Iran.
"The indictments only tell the charges."
What, is this your answer to my question "And the indictments are for what crimes?" It's you JG who said there have been 34 indictments issued. So what are the charges? Collusion, Treason, Obstruction, come on man, there are THIRTY FOUR INDICTMENTS,,for WHAT. What are the crimes these indictments are charging was committed?
Do we know the charges against Manafort? YES
Has his trial stated yet? NO.
"That truth will prevail." "The truth is there is no there there" P.Stzrok!
"He caters to his imbecilic base and the elitist corporatist, while crapping on everyone else."
How very elitist, authoritarian of you to say those who disagree with you are the problem by calling them imbeciles. Who are you to call any one less than intelligent, what is the basis of your belief? Cause they idn't vote your way? That's crazy.
This is the typical actions of the left who view themselves as the one who know best how others should live, think and act. Totalitarianism at it's best by the left.
Do you realize how derisive, how demeaning your comment is to 62,984,825 of your fellow American citizens? Yours is the arrogant of the left that is dividing America, and you have expressed it best with this little comment, "Now the revelations begin." You will hold out that the left didn't lose fairly till the day to die.
What are you, a reported for the Enquirer? Are you a fan of Giorgio A. Tsoukalos? Have you recorded all shows that have the phrase "Could it be" in it?
People really should be up in arms that the Mueller team was able to get a warrant on Carter Page based on oppo research and speculative newspaper articles and no direct evidence of any actual collusion which is required to get the warrant.
Where is all the liberal outrage over what the Left is doing to our legal system?
WASHINGTON — The trial of President Donald Trump’s onetime campaign chairman will open this week with tales of lavish spending, secret shell companies and millions of dollars of Ukrainian money flowing through offshore bank accounts and into the political consultant’s pocket. What’s likely to be missing: answers about whether the Trump campaign coordinated with the Kremlin during the 2016 presidential election, or really any mention of Russia at all. Paul Manafort’s financial crimes trial, the first arising from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, will center on his Ukrainian consulting work and only briefly touch on his involvement with the president’s campaign.
Associated Press, by Eric Tucker and Chad Day
"Are any of the 34 indictments against President Trump?" ~~ Majormajor
You haven't comprehended anything I said, have you? (By the way, that's 35 -- not 34.)
"The best is yet to be!" Remember?
They're coming. Be patient.
"Has [Paul Manafort's] trial stated yet? NO." ~~ Majormajor
It starts tomorrow. But you already knew this, didn't you?
"Who are you to call any one less than intelligent, what is the basis of your belief? Cause they idn't vote your way?" ~~ Majormajor
The basis? There are two reasons, actually: (1) the imbeciles constantly, election after election, vote against their own economic self-interests, and (2) they backed Trump because he's a racist and a race-baiter, and once again, just as they always do when they vote against their own economic self-interest, they bought into Trump --
hook, line, and sinker.
One thing H. Clinton was right about, they're truly a deplorable lot.
By th way, Chuck, hardly anyone voted "my way".
"Do you realize how derisive, how demeaning your comment is to 62,984,825 of your fellow American citizens?" ~~ Majormajor
Do you realize how damaging and devisive Trump's racist, xenophobic, sexist, white-nationalist slurs and comments are to over 250,754,676 of your fellow Americans?
"Do you realize how derisive, how demeaning your comment is to 62,984,825 of your fellow American citizens?" ~~ Majormajor
I laughed out loud when I read this. This sounds like something a snowflake would say.
Re: Chuck's citing of the Associated Press article, by Eric Tucker and Chad Day.
So, Chuck, how am I to determine whether an article is considered by your president and you to be "fake news"?
"I laughed out loud when I read this." ~~ TB3
I did too. Of course I always do --
especially when Chuck starts frothing at the mouth and feeling so abused and misunderstood.
Chuck is Trump's own mini-me, and what Trump feels his mini-me feels also. Both are feeling cornered with no way out. The noose is tightening -- more and more with each passing day.
Chuck is so pissed -- he's probably biting the heads off the rattlesnakes on his property. LOL
Where is all the liberal outrage over what the Left is doing to our legal system?
Nowhere, because it is nothing more than far Right propaganda.
Carter Page was in contact with Russian agents. Thus, the original FISA warrant.
Why would someone mislead and lie about this? Do the Pawns of Putin's Puppet love Putin more than America? Seems so.
"Turley added that "it’s not that the meeting will establish a crime of collusion, even if what Cohen is saying is true, but what it would mean is that Donald Trump Jr. would be in serious jeopardy of a criminal charge." What is the crime?
By Justin Wise
Not one response that addressed my posts, just more babel talk. Trump needs to be impeached because in your view he is "racist, xenophobic, sexist, white-nationalist". LOL Those are grounds for impeachment??
"they vote against their own economic self-interest" clearly you are aware of the economic growth and return to prosperity under President Trump, or you would not believe that.
"Carter Page was in contact with Russian agents"
Based on what evidence?
If he was, what is the crime he committed?
Giving materiel to Russian agents just might be a crime:
Carter Page met with a Russian intelligence operative named Victor Podobnyy, who was later charged by the US government alongside two others for acting as unregistered agents of a foreign government.
The court filing includes a colorful transcript of Podobnyy speaking with Sporyshev about trying to recruit Page.
“[Male-1] wrote that he is sorry, he went to Moscow and forgot to check his inbox, but he wants to meet when he gets back. I think he is an idiot and forgot who I am. ... He got hooked on Gazprom thinking that if they have a project, he could rise up,” Podobnyy said. “I also promised him a lot ... This is intelligence method to cheat, how else to work with foreigners? You promise a favor for a favor. You get the documents from him and tell him to go fuck himself.”
Page confirmed to BuzzFeed News on Monday that he is “Male-1” in the court filing and said he had been in contact with Podobnyy, who was working at the time at Moscow’s UN office in New York City under diplomatic cover, although he was really an SVR agent
"Trump needs to be impeached because in your view he is 'racist, xenophobic, sexist, white-nationalist'. LOL Those are grounds for impeachment??" ~~ Majormajor
As Ronald Reagan used to say, "There you go again!" Chuck, your contextomy never fails to amuse me.
You might want to go back and reread my comments, and how I was using them in reference to Trump's divisive and damaging comments.
Nice try, though...
"Giving materiel to Russian agents just MIGHT be a crime:" When is the trial, what are the charges?
"Sporyshev about trying to recruit Page." What did Page do wrong, he allowed someone to TRY to recruit him, that's a crime? Are you sure it wasn't past due library book fines?
What are the acts President Trump has committed while in office and while running for office that are impeachable? When is the crack, highly paid Mueller team going to do something other than indite people for things not related to President Trump, that took place back in 2014? Where is the evidence of collusion, of obstruction of justice?
Face it, the DNC ran a terrible candidate, who ran a terrible campaign, on the shirt tails of an Administration that said the days of great economic growth were over, that no one could just wave a wand and create jobs, that there was no American exceptionalism, against a candidate who out worked, out thought and said he would MAGA and won. Since in office Trump has keep his promises. And the left hates it because they must not want MAGA, hate those who they call imbeciles and despicable. Speaks volumes.
JG that hardly anyone voted "your way", why do you think your way is so out of the American mainstream? Could it be you are calling those who didn't vote your way imbeciles?
Page confirmed to BuzzFeed News on Monday .... DD shouldn't you be giving credit to the author of this statement made 4/3/2017 on an action that took place in 2013?
Guess you are going to have to delete yourself for C&P and not giving credit to the real author that you are taking credit for. ;)
NOTE: BUZZFEED Media Bias/Fact Check
"Buzzfeed occasionally uses loaded words with a left bias in headlines/articles and has failed a fact check." Has a "left center bias".
"'they vote against their own economic self-interest' clearly you are aware of the economic growth and return to prosperity under President Trump..." ~~ Majormajor (aka "wool over his eyes" Chuck)
Actually, Chuck, "prosperity" was here all along. Yeah, sure, the unemployment rate continues to drop under Trump -- which started under Obama, who brought it out of the gutter after Bush. No great shakes.
But it's all relative, you realize. Here try this one on for size...
Did you know real wage growth was higher in Obama's last 18 months in office than it was during Trump's first 18 months in office? Yes, it's true.
The bottom line, Chuck, is adding more low-wage and slave-wage jobs to lower the unemployment rate, doesn't make America great again.
As Clara Pella asked, "Where's the beef?" That's easy...it went right into the portfolios of the wealthy and the corporations. The stupid bastards who voted him in, though, are now able to super-size their Wendy's order each week...
...but only with their employee discount.
Trump's promises that will never be kept. Remember the "best and least expensive health care"?
“Everybody’s gotta be covered. This is an un-Republican thing for me to say … I am going to take care of everybody, I don’t care if it costs me votes or not."
"Draining the swamp." Pruitt, Devos, Zinke, etc. Putting corporate foxes in the regulatory role is the swampiest.
Taxing the rich:
SAVANNAH GUTHRIE, NBC: Do you believe in raising taxes on the wealthy?
DONALD TRUMP: I do. I do – including myself. I do.
“It’s going to cost me a fortune, which is actually true,” he said.
And how about all that infrastructure rebuilding? Anyone?
All true, Dave, all so true. Of course the Trump imbeciles will never know -- their propaganda brand of choice doesn't cover these.
Never forget: "What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening." -- Donald Trump
Yeah, well, sadly it is.
Ignoring the promises Trump has kept in just 2 years, typical.
Do you know there have been over 538 violent attacks against Trump supporters since the 2016 election season?
Could it be on purpose?
Could it be a totally made up statistic?
"Do you know there have been over 538 violent attacks against Trump supporters since the 2016 election season?" ~~ Majormajor
Do you know there have been over 250,754,676 attacks against rational and logically-thinking Americans since the election of Donald Trump?
The 2016 election season? TB3, you were right. It's sport to them...
"Taxing the rich: SAVANNAH GUTHRIE, NBC: Do you believe in raising taxes on the wealthy? DONALD TRUMP: I do. I do – including myself. I do." ~~ Dave Dubya
Now the motherf#@ker wants to give away another $100 billion in tax cuts to the wealthy on their capital-gains -- on top of his, and the Republican's, obscene giveaway late last year.
It'll be their own little sweetheart deal so they can hedge against inflation.
He'll bypass Congress on this one.
"U.S. intelligence agencies indicate North Korea is building new missiles, officials told The Washington Post on Monday, weeks after President Trump declared the nation is 'no longer a Nuclear Treat'." ~~ The Hill, 7/30/2018
This was totally predictable and expected -- well, from rational and logically-thinking Americans. Not so by the imbeciles who continue to adore and support Donald Trump.
Just another day in the news featuring more revelations about the imbecile-in-chief and his "art-of-the-deal" diplomacy.
Make America Grate Again...
"Happy 'Russia If You're Listening Day'!" ~~ Dave Dubya
The United States of America's sovereignty has been compromised and infiltrated. Its borders were crossed and an adversary's military was responsible. This is factual -- not conjecture.
Yet, amazingly and inconceivably, the Trump administration not only condones this attack, it may very well have conspired to allow it to occur.
Can you spell T.R.E.A.S.O.N.?
I can.
Google it.
"Yet, amazingly and inconceivably, the Trump administration not only CONDONES this attack, it may very well have CONSPIRED to allow it to occur."
Giorgio A. Tsoukalos A.K.A. JG
Three things the Left will never accept, no matter what.
1. FBI agent Peter Strzok, who displayed an intense dislike for Mr. Trump in text messages to his lover, started the investigation based on hearsay from an Australian diplomat who shared a drink in London with Trump campaign volunteer George Papadopoulos.
To date, after wiretaps and multiple interrogations, no Trump person has been charged for the reason the investigation started: Did the campaign coordinate with Moscow to interfere in the election?
The drink in London may have started the inquiry, but it was the Democratic Party-orchestrated dossier that would fuel it with an unsubstantiated tale of an “extensive conspiracy” between Mr. Trump and the Kremlin.
Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Monday, July 30, 2018
2. But according to a new report from the Associated Press, they're (liberals and the left) likely to be disappointed as the trial will focus on Manafort's business dealings and lavish lifestyle, not collusion.
Katie Pavlich Jul 30, 2018
3. The driving force behind Trump's winning for America is his powerful patriotism. Patriotism is a virtue that our politicians talk about a lot, in utterly empty ways. Many Democrats think it is a vice. The left wing of the Democratic Party mistakes it for white nationalism. Trump lives American patriotism. It is the reason he ran for president and the reason he won. He knows we are a great country.
Karin McQuillan July 31, 2018
LOL. "Trump's patriotism" was on full display with Putin in Helsinki.
"The driving force behind Trump's winning for America is his powerful patriotism." ~~ Karin McQuillan (whoever she is), as quoted by Majormajor (aka treason and racist sympathizer, Chuck)
Sure, Trump's patriotic -- in the same way as Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.
I'll go out on a limb and say this will be the first time we've had both a racist, and a treasonous president, living in the White House at the same time.
Don't you agree, Chuck?
"Google it." - MM
I did. I found nothing. Now. You made the statement without citatation. Care to provide that citation so I can no longer consider it information you pulled out of your, I'm going to say, ear? If not, it's just more fake news you're throwing at the wall.
"Three things the Left will never accept, no matter what." - MM
1) This is verifiably not true.
2) Why wouldn't "the left" accept this? I don't even know what point you are trying to make here.
3) This was a fantastic series of words strung together that absolutely means nothing. "The driving force behind Trump's winning for America is his powerful patriotism". A) Patriotism isn't something you can codify and call 'Weak' or 'Powerful'. This statement is objectively meaningless and simply meant to give you, MM, the warm and fuzzies for picking that particular team to back with your full, unwavering faith. B) What patriotism? The lipservice he gives the VFW? The NRA? Or the complete inaction or inability to keep in-check our international advasaries? What good is that "powerful patriotism" when N. Korea has continued its missile program despite our President's lackluster efforts?
Could it be you don't know how to use Google?
Anyone who voted the way JG did would believe that we have a President who is
"both a racist, and a treasonous president". That is how extremist he is.
MM, Why is it extremist to call a birther and Putin's Puppet siding against the US intel agencies and bi-partisan Senate committess racist and treasonous?
The long list of "Victim Cards" is hilarious.
202: Kathy Griffin beheads Trump.
203: Anti-Trump band decapitates Trump statue on stage
How about "Hillary" paraded in a cage? How about Trump threatening her with jail?
"Same thing"?
I am sorry, MM. I was looking for news sources, not random wordpress blogs. Breitbart isn't exactly credible, but I ventured over to Breitbart at the expense of my ad-blocker and malware defender. Even the list that Breitbart provides doesn't even back up your statement. We're counting Cory Booker saying supporters of Kavanaugh are "complicit in evil" as one of "over 538 attacks against Trump supporters"? Someone defacing an inanimate object with Trump's name on it is a violent attack on supporters? Offensive shirts advertised on a random facebook account? Spitting on a MAGA hat? A vandalized golf course sign?
Truly all that talk of Snowflakes by "The Right" was projection of their own inadaquacies and insecurities.
You know what's funny about the Breitbart list? They cite MSNBC did this or CNN said that and their citation isn't even to MSNBC or CNN. It's good thing they count on people like MM not bothering to go through that long list and actually checking for first hand, primary sources. You just take their word for it cause it feels right to you.
"...are 'complicit in evil' as one of 'over 538 attacks against Trump supporters'?" ~~ TB3
I recall Chuck claiming there were "538 violent attacks against Trump supporters".
Yet another lie from the treason and racist sympathizer -- which is not surprising from someone who is also a fake Christian.
"Someone defacing an inanimate object with Trump's name on it is a violent attack on supporters? Offensive shirts advertised on a random facebook account? Spitting on a MAGA hat? A vandalized golf course sign?" ~~ TB3
Only 538 "attacks"?
Gee, we're slipping. ;-) Time to hit the streets...
Breitbart isn't exactly credible, but Vox, CNN, MSNBC and Buzzfeed are.
"Gee, we're slipping" JG
The dark side of a dangerous radical leftist elitist has been exposed as it seems JG supports the attacks on those who he politically disagrees with. Since, as he has admitted, most people didn't vote as he did, that would mean most Americans per his own words are imbeciles and subject to his attacks. Is he saying that people who didn't vote as he did are not voting in their best interests? How very egotistic of him. How very Stalin of him.
Did Dave or TB3 vote as JG did or are they also imbeciles? Should they be subject to physical attacks?
"The dark side of a dangerous radical leftist elitist has been exposed as it seems JG supports the attacks on those who he politically disagrees with." ~~ Majormajor (aka paranoid Chuck)
It "seems", but it isn't.
Just as it "seems" Donald Trump is a president for the working- and middle-classes, but he isn't; and likewise it "seems" you're a Christian, but you're not.
"Since, as he has admitted, most people didn't vote as he did, that would mean most Americans per his own words are imbeciles and subject to his attacks." ~~ Majormajor (aka "the guy in class who flunked basic Logic" Chuck)
No, your conclusion doesn't mean that at all. It only means that those who voted for Donald Trump are imbeciles -- and, by the way, most did not vote for Donald Trump.
Chuck, did you vote for Donald Trump? If so, draw your own conclusion.
"Is he saying that people who didn't vote as he did are not voting in their best interests?" ~~ Majormajor (aka comprehension-challenged Chuck)
No, "he's saying" that uneducated and low-information voters, like yourself, who continue voting for either major political party -- election cycle after election cycle, expecting a different result -- are only fooling themselves.
The only ones who are imbeciles are those who voted for Donald Trump -- and continue to support him after 18 months in office.
Chuck, do you continue to support the imbecile-in-chief? If so, please feel free to draw your own conclusions.
"Breitbart isn't exactly credible, but Vox, CNN, MSNBC and Buzzfeed are."
I am glad we can agree on something.
A tweet from "God":
"Today the US Government announced the creation of a ‘religious liberty task force.’
The prophecy is complete:
'When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.'" ~~ God #GoodGodAbove, 3:40 PM - Jul 30, 2018
Correction: for those of you who want to contact God, I mistakenly errored when giving her address. It's actually @TheGoodGodAbove
Tweet her. She's pretty cool!
Deflecting onto Christianity I see, must be desperation time in your radical extreme dangerous leftist world.
"he's saying that uneducated and low-information voters, like yourself, who continue voting for either major political party". I wonder how Dave, TB3 and Jerry feel about being called "uneducated and low-information voters" by you JG if they didn't vote the way you did? I hope they all start to vote like you think they should as a vote your way is one less vote for a liberal Democrat.
I wonder if what you are posting JG qualifies under Dave's guidelines as "other hate speech"? Only Dave can say.
CNN reports and NBC confirms that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has just referred Tony Podesta along with a collection of other cases to New York federal prosecutors for potential prosecution for failing to register properly as a foreign agent.
The cases referred include Podesta and his work for the Podesta Group, as well as former Minnesota Republican Rep. Vin Weber and his work for Mercury Public Affairs, according to the report.
The report also said that the source named former Obama White House counsel Greg Craig, a former partner at law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom is also part of the inquiry.
MM:Breitbart isn't exactly credible, but Vox, CNN, MSNBC and Buzzfeed are.
When the man's right, the man's right.
Or will there be a "correction". Breitbart isn't exactly (in)credible, but Vox, CNN, MSNBC and Buzzfeed are.
Breitbart is exactly credible, but Vox, CNN, MSNBC and Buzzfeed are not.
We can agree to agree on reality.
To quote Adam Savage "I reject your reality and replace it with mine".
"To quote Adam Savage 'I reject your reality and replace it with mine'." ~~ Majormajor
That's exactly what got us into this mess in the first place.
Chuck, as I've maintained all along, you live in a distorted and deranged reality -- an extension of your other fairytale existence, actually.
Those opioids must have a hallucinogen effect. Do you think, Chuck? ;-)
“'Which is why the time has come for voter ID, like everything else,' Trump told the crowd [in Florida, on Tuesday]. 'You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card. You need ID.'" ~~ HuffPost, 7/31/2018
Really?! Hmm...not in Virginia. Chuck, do you require a photo-ID to buy groceries in Texas?
I know it's been a few years since I've bought groceries in Florida, but back then I was never required to produce a photo-ID. Never.
Is this what you love about Donald Trump, Chuck, the fact he -- as a billionaire -- is so out of touch with what regular working Americans do on a daily basis?
Of course you live in a distorted reality, also, Chuck, so maybe you don't see anything wrong with having out-of-touch billionaires pretending to be president.
So now we learn that Health & Human Services warned of the dangers of separating children from parents at the border, yet the Trump Administration chose to ignore the warning.
To date, There are still 700 children who have not been reunited with their parents.
This is state-sanctioned child abuse. Trump should be indicted for this crime.
I wonder how AG Sessions's so-called "Religious Liberty Task Force" dovetails this with his intention to force Christianity down everybody's throat?
"What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening." -- Donald Trump
Watching video from Trump's campaign rally in Tampa last night validates my claim that imbeciles truly do make up Trump's deplorable base.
In the early 1930s, imbecile Germans also rallied around Hitler's lies and distortions and false promises to "make Germany great again".
We know how that turned out.
History rhymes.
Notice how President Trump doesn't really say anything substantial. Just says enough to give MM and others warm and fuzzy feelings. Like a drug for the ego and why Trump is defended so hard. They don't want the have to deal with the withdrawals that reality brings.
Projection - the unconscious transfer of one's own desires or emotions to another person.
See also: The defense mechanism being demonstrated by Majormajor throughout this and other comment sections.
No, I never noticed that. Have you noticed how I never quote President Trump?
What I have noticed is how blind you are to the actions of the radical dangerous left and how they are now resorting to hysterical violence in their hatred for the fact that America is doing better under Trump in 2 years than it did in Obama's 8 years. And Hillary lost and Bernie was cheated out of the nomination.
"Private payrolls boom in July, increasing by 219,000 vs 185,000 estimate: ADP
Jobs in the U.S. increased by 219,000 in July, while economists polled by Reuters expected a gain of 185,000.
July's job gains were the best since February, when 241,000 jobs were added.
Meanwhile, the goods-producing sector saw payrolls increase by 42,000, led by a 23,000 gain in manufacturing jobs and 17,000 additions in construction.
"The labor market is on a roll with no signs of a slowdown in sight," said Ahu Yildirmaz, vice president and co-head of the ADP Research Institute. "Nearly every industry posted strong gains and small business hiring picked up."
The question is are you going to follow the left's orders and ignore this or give Obama the credit?
That is what I have noticed.
"What I have noticed is how blind you are to the actions of the radical dangerous left and how they are now resorting to hysterical violence in their hatred for the fact that America is doing better under Trump in 2 years than it did in Obama's 8 years. And Hillary lost and Bernie was cheated out of the nomination. "
I am sure Unicorns and Bigfoot reside in your fantasy land as well. You noticed that about me, did you? That I'm blind? Is it the same kind of blindness you suffer from when provided counter examples or context to just about every ridiculous claim that your parrot?
Speaking of parroting? What's with the non sequitor cut and pasting of ADP data?
"The question is are you going to follow the left's orders and ignore this or give Obama the credit?"
What orders? Why do you put yourself inside this fantasy land? You sound deranged.
"I am sure Unicorns and Bigfoot reside in your fantasy land as well."
Speaking for yourself I'm sure.
Yes. Indeed. Reading comprehension and an inability to respond to what's directed at you. I nearly forgot.
"What's sad is you are so far out of the main stream of American political thought..." ~~ Majormajor (aka bewildered Chuck)
You forget, Chuck you're the one who sides with a man pretending to be president. You're the one who supports a known racist, and who appears to be a Russian agent and conspirator.
Not me.
You're the one who believes in a demagogue over the rule of law. Not me.
You might want to reconsider who the one is who's "far out of the American mainstream".
"And yet, you never wonder why so few Americans voted as you do." ~~ Majormajor
You're right, Chuck, I "never wonder why so few Americans" voted third-party as I did. I don't have to "wonder". I know why.
No, Chuck, and as I've made very very clear, only those who voted for and continue to support this dumbass are, well...what was the term I used? Oh yeah, they're imbeciles.
Chuck, you voted for Trump, didn't you? You also continue to support the racist treasonous fool, don't you?
Do you know what that means? ;-)
Give it up, Chuck. It's sure looking like you're backing an agent of and conspirator with Vladimir Putin. I'm fairly certain that's a capital offense punishable by execution.
Do you sympathize with enemies of the United States of America? If you continue backing Trump, that's exactly what you'll be.
Is that what you want?
Chuck, are you a Q-anon conspiracy theorist?
Is this why you're so hung up on Trump?
The liar-in-chief has been in office for 558 days and in that time has made 4,229 false or misleading claims --
averaging 7.58 per day.
Chuck, he's approaching your record of 7.75 per day. ;-)
"Let’s be clear: Most people have never heard of QAnon, or Q — and that includes most of Donald Trump’s supporters. But there are those who do believe in QAnon — that Trump and Mueller are actually working together to arrest Democrats and Obama officials (who are all also pedophiles and cannibals), that everything is actually under control.
QAnon provides a soothing balm, telling believers that the only people who really know what’s going on are the believers — and the president." ~~ Vox, Jane Coaston, 8/1/2018
Chuck, are you a QAnon conspiracy theorist? Is "Q" your "soothing balm"?
Is "Q" related to the "left's orders" that are consuming the nation?...and as you related to TB3? Is it the source of your "warm and fuzzy feelings"? (It's not the opioids?)
Chuck, can you pick up "Q", your "soothing balm", at any drugstore? ;-)
Are you a radical leftist? Who did you vote for that very few people voted for? Is anyone who didn't vote as you did an imbecile? If not why not? Did all your "friends" vote in their best interests as you did? Define what is in "your" best interest.
Do you spend your day @ work looking for something as stupid as "QAnon" which until you posted here I'd never heard of? Does your boss know what you are doing?
What were President Trumps 7.75 lies yesterday?
Is VOX your sole source of news or do you read Splinter News as well?
Is VOX right wing or left wing?
Do your friends TB3 and Dave know of your love of conspiracy theory's like 911 was an inside job and now Qanon? Do they believe as you do? If not are they imbeciles?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Thank you for the NPR link. Roseanne Barr likes Q, so that would tell us something.
Did Trump say "witch hunt" yesterday? That counts as a lie. You've been given links to the longest list of lies ever compiled.
No wonder you don't like to quote Trump, eh? LOL!
Ok DD you got me, Mueller isn't hunting for witches. A Werewolf maybe?
Like I said, I never heard of Q until today so I really have no dog in that fight.
Roseanne told Hannity on his show that she didn't know Valerie Jarrett was black. Honestly, I was never sure of Jarrett's race and never really cared. So I can see Barr's point. Regardless, Barr is paying the price for her comments as she should.
I find Barr a mixed up person, on the one hand in July 2009 she posed as Adolf Hitler in a feature for the satirical Jewish publication 'Heeb magazine', called "That Oven Feelin'". Not funny in my view. Then she goes after George Zimmerman for killing T. Martin in her tweets, yet in March of this year, she tweets David Hogg gave a Nazi salute in a march. I doubt her boat is tied up tight to the dock.
Barr liking Q makes me even more wary of it/him/she/them.
Say, how about an update on you backyard foxes?
I have a roadrunner living on our property which may explain why there are no longer any rattlesnakes here. Happy for that!
Roseanne is an unstable person. What is your excuse for trusting and believing a liar?
The fox litter has grown and moved on to find their way in the world.
We know they are gone because the turkeys are back. They are helpful at raking leaves from the fence, looking for worms and such.
Come on Dave, you have supported trusted and believed a liar.
Be honest.
Here's something I'd like your take on.
NY Times newest editorial board member has some very racist tweets in her history
(https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/aug/2/ny-times-newest-editorial-board-member-doesnt-seem/) Is this someone you can support?
Ok Dave, thanks for being honest.
You have set the standard with that approval.
"Define what is in 'your' best interest." ~~ Majormajor
That which is in the best interest for all people, of course -- not just a small elite.
"Does your boss know what you are doing?" ~~ Majormajor
You mean right now? ;-) I sure hope not! LOLOL
"What were President Trumps 7.75 lies yesterday?" ~~ Majormajor
There are two things wrong with your question: (1) You don't understand what an arithmetic average is, and (2) You definitely have reading comprehension challenges.
Hence...you believe Trump is a genius.
"Do your friends TB3 and Dave know of your love of conspiracy theory's [sp] like 911 was an inside job and now Qanon?"
I hardly call my thoughts regarding what occurred on 911 as "love", no more than I consider my thoughts on global warming as "love" or my thoughts about Trump's treasonous activity as "love".
It's just basic knowledge about physics and science.
Evidence proves steel-frame buildings do not fall into their footprints due to, basically, normal office fires. Until that day, none ever did. Since that day, none have either. On that day, three did. Three.
They had help.
My "conspiracy theory" is backed by basic scientific principles -- the United States government's "conspiracy theory" isn't.
As far as QAnon, I wasn't familiar with it until Trump's campaign rally in Tampa on Tuesday. The place was crawling with Trimpies with "Q" signs. I just assumed you knew all about it.
"Do [TB3 and Dave Dubya] believe as you do?" ~~ Majormajor
Chuck, I really don't know. I've never had a conversation with TB3 about it, since I never was acquainted with TB3 until a few months ago on T. Paine's blog.
Dave knows where I stand on this. He should, since I went 'round and 'round on this subject with another rightwinger who went by the moniker of free0352 -- or something similar -- on Dave's blog a few years ago.
Free0352 was the consummate military know-it-all. He was a flunky infantryman who thought this qualified him as an expert on geopolitics.
"If not are they imbeciles?" ~~ Majormajor
Of course not -- they're not Trumpies. ;-)
Thanks. She's a firecracker. Not afraid of political correctness.
More, please.
I guess I should offer Sarah's explanation of context before poor MM needs to play more victim cards:
“While it was intended as satire, I deeply regret that I mimicked the language of my harassers,” she wrote. “These comments were not aimed at a general audience, because general audiences do not engage in harassment campaigns. I can understand how hurtful these posts are out of context, and would not do it again.”
Tell that to Roseanne Barr. She apologized, remember? She intended it for a joke, remember? Tell that to Sean Newcomb, Trea Turner, Josh Hader they were in high school when they made their comments.
"If it were not for 'Dumba** F***ing Black People', there would be no Democrat Party."
"If it applies to Dumba** F***ing of all races, it's not racist. If applied consistently and selectively to one race or minorities it could be racist." DD
As I've said before, the left has it's own standards for what is racism, and the fact that you and JG are not offended by her tweets and readily accept her excuses, just highlights it even more.
BTW, what white male has ever tweeted they "got joy from being cruel to old black men"? Her explanation is she is just "mimicking the language of my harassers", who is harassing her? She seems to have left that out.
Dave Dubya I guess your final solution is to take the vote away from white males.
Thanks for the clarification guys, you have make it clear to all who read this that you two "are some fine people".
"Dave Dubya I guess your final solution is to take the vote away from white males."
"Her explanation is she is just 'mimicking the language of my harassers', who is harassing her? She seems to have left that out." ~~ Majormajor (aka snowflake Chuck)
I never heard of this woman until you and Dave mentioned her. I didn't intentionally research her but came across an article when going through the RT site looking for something else.
Oh, yeah, the tweets sent to her were vile and racist. Nothing was left out, as you incorrectly claim.
Chuck, don't forget...
"What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening." -- Donald Trump
Donald Trump is the first pretend-president of the United States.
👍🏼 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Except it isn't free if somebody else pays for it.
Ed Straker
"I. The media encourage violation of the law
A. The liberal media are pushing for a quiet coup to get President Trump removed from office. Right after President Trump made a few admittedly goofy comments in his summit with President Putin, many newspapers immediately labeled him a "traitor" and openly encouraged his Cabinet to resign to push him out of office. The media constantly try to undermine the presidency by claiming that Trump is a traitor or a puppet, without a shred of evidence. The media are seeking to undermine and remove a branch of government they disagree with.
B. When Obama used nonexistent "discretion" to stop enforcing our immigration laws, the media hailed him as compassionate.
C. When President Trump decided to enforce existing immigration laws, he was criticized as a "hardliner" who hates Hispanics.
D. When Trump withdrew from a nonexistent treaty with Iran, which was never submitted for confirmation, Trump was called a war-monger.
E. The media generally insist that laws exist where none applies (such as abortion and redefining marriage and now for the "transgendered") and insist that constitutional rights for the Second, Tenth, and (for their enemies only) the First Amendments be abridged.
part 2
II. The media whips up hatred among classes, races, religions, and exactly two sexes.
A. The media constantly publish stories showing that white people are racist. In the past 48 hours alone, the New York Times has published stories showing that white people are racist in hotels and at public swimming pools. It's like "Green Eggs and Ham." Are they also racist on a train? Are they also racist on a plane? Nearly every day, the media write an article that reads, "White people are racist in [kind of place or circumstance]." This repeated emphasis whips up racial resentment and encourages violence against white people.
B. Not a day goes by without some gleeful account of how the non-white population of America is increasing, eagerly looking forward to the day when whites are in the minority. This "in your face, white people!" mentality stirs up understandable resentment among white Americans.
C. We are constantly told by the media to hate the rich, that if they have a lot of money, they must not have earned it legitimately, that "their" money should be "our" money. The resentment built up by this kind of storyline encourages lawmakers to enact theft by higher taxation.
D. Muslims are constantly told that white people hate them and discount any reasons why white people might legitimately fear them. This encourages Muslims to be angry and commit acts of violence – though to be fair, some of them don't need much encouragement to begin with.
E. Women are constantly told that most men are rapists or harassers who don't respect them. Women are encouraged to turn against men and see rape in every dorm room and every janitor closet.
F. A tiny, tiny portion of the population who are mentally ill insist on playing Peeping Tom in girls' bathrooms and dominating women's sports. Instead of calling for this fractional number to get mental help, the media portray people who stand up for women's rights as bigots.
G. We are repeatedly told that the police are racist. As a result, fewer people cooperate with the police, and sometimes a crazy person assassinates a policeman.
The results of this incitement are easy to see if you live in a far-left place like Oakland, Berkeley, or San Francisco, but all over America, this poison infects the body politic and encourages violence and lawlessness. Just ask the members of the Trump administration who have been harassed in public places or even outside their own homes. When Jim Acosta of CNN whined about being labeled an enemy of the people, Sarah Sanders reminded him that media incitement had required her to get a Secret Service bodyguard because unlike Acosta, she actually has been threatened in public.
The liberal media take no responsibility when they falsely shout "Fire!" in a crowded movie theater. Instead, they see threats in every corner whenever someone speaks against them. I don't agree with Trump on everything he does, but it's refreshing, for once, to have a president unlike George W. Bush who doesn't passively let himself be used as a punching bag by the liberal media and fights back.
July employment numbers show that another +157,000 Americans voted in their best self interests.
Hispanic unemployment record low...
Leftist spin to soon follow.
"July employment numbers show that another +157,000 Americans voted in their best self interests."
This... is not how voting works? You reference the July employment numbers (wait, no mention of the ADP numbers you previously mentioned being way better and that July is viewed as somewhat a disappointment? No?) and then, somehow, think this has anything what-so-ever to how people voted a year and a half ago?
Re: Your regurgitated Ed Straker Article:
You really, really, need to be more analytical towards what you ready. In nothing you C&Ped, did Ed Straker cite anything to back up his assertions. I) Where? Nothing in A - E support this statement. A) What flipping paper in the generic "many newspapers" claim labeled the President a traitor? B) Obama used discretion to priortize violent offenders over non-violent and productive members of our society. C) He was criticized as more than a "hardliner", actually. And it's because he wasn't enforcing existing laws, he was instituting a policy that wasn't technically against the law. D) And...? I think he was called a warmonger long before that Iran business. E) This is a non-statement. The blathering of a person who thinks women's rights and non-hetero orientations are icky. Also someone who doesn't actually care about the Constitution or what it says. II) Nothing listed A-G actually backs up this assertion. A) But are they true stories? Maybe people should stop being racist and stories would stop making the news? This dude is legit whining that people are being told about racism? Boohoo. Maybe society should, instead, see these published stories and tell their racist brothers and sisters to knock it off? B) This is absolute projection. I challenge anyone to find me a mainstream publication "gleefully" bragging about the minority population increasing. Holy Cow the projection. C) When and where does this ever occur? Oh, right. Ed Straker doesn't actually provide examples. This was solely written to inflate the "conversative" bubble. D) When and where does this ever occur? I'll check the Nightly News tonight and double-check. Maybe Lester Holt throws that in at the very end after their fluff segment. E) No. Just... no. This doesn't happen. Without examples of citation, just saying it doesn't make it true. F) This is just insulting. G) We are not repeatedly told that the police are racist. I challenge anyone to prove me wrong and Ed Straker right.
"When Jim Acosta of CNN whined about being labeled an enemy of the people, Sarah Sanders reminded him that media incitement had required her to get a Secret Service bodyguard because unlike Acosta, she actually has been threatened in public."
Actually, she was asked to leave a restaurant after her entire meal had been comped. You are free to say many things in our country. You, however, are not free from the consequences of saying those things.
"The liberal media take no responsibility when they falsely shout "Fire!" in a crowded movie theater."
More projection. Remember when the Conservatives changed their tune about 2nd Amendment Solutions after Gabby Giffords was shot in the freaking face by an easily influenced mind? No? Right. Get back to me when the "Liberal Media" actually starts using that kind of rhetoric. That whole article you seem to agree with was simply the ramblings of someone scared with a lot of aspects of the world around him.
I challenge anyone to prove me wrong and Ed Straker right.
And that will keep Straker's lunacy out of the discussion. MM certainly cannot prove anything he readily believes from his Right-wing authoritarian propagandists.
It really is all about their beliefs, and they are based on feelings. Anger and resentment must be fed regularly.
People like MM cannot see Trump's calling the press the enemy of the people and "terrible horrible people" as threatening. That's how much they care for the First Amendment, and for people who seek facts and dare dissent.
Once again you are warned about dumping your CRAP articles. You know what happens if you do it again. And we do too. You will be a crybaby.
And hooray for low Hispanic unemployment! Trending since the Obama years, of course.
"And hooray for low Hispanic unemployment! Trending since the Obama years, of course."
Don't you know there's no such thing as a trend. This is just spin to credit Obama for Trump's good news. Don't you know with every President everything hits that magic reset button? That's why we suddenly give two cares about the U-3 Unemployment Rate now.
What was I thinking?? Thanks for straightening me out.
I finally just remembered all the polls and figures were FAKE before Trump took office.
That's something else he fixed. He's the "Only One". In fact this is how I should think of him, and call him, from now on. Just to remind me of the Good News of our National Savior.
"What was I thinking??"
You weren't. And since I proved you wrong, or at least whatever my definition of wrong is, this invalidates every single point you have ever made or ever will make.
Now I will proceed to cut and paste a random article without any context or content:
"From RandomScaredHypocit.blogspot.net
I'm afraid of everything and everyone around me. Gay People and "Trans" People are peeking at little girls in bathrooms while Liberals give them all of my money to encourage ANTIFA, BLM, and #MeToo to "Cuck" everyone into Hillary's Email Soros Deep State Pizzagate. They do this with their Alinsky-Globalist-You're-the-real-nazi tactics. Is it really so bad that I want to pretend to live in a world that never existed where there were no gay people, no such thing as transexuals, women knew their place, black/brown/whatever color people were second class citizens and happy about it because 'MERICA? Maybe I just need to come to terms with the fact people are more aware of these things that have always existed and live my life with empathy for others and using the morals I pretend to believe in and practice? Screw that, It's the Liberals/Leftists/Globalists/Feminists/Minorities/Media that's the problem! DON'T FORCE SELF REFLECTION AND RECONSIDERATION OF MY BIASES ON ME. IGNORANCE IS BLISS. GUNS AND BLUBBER! MAGA! DON'T TREAD ON ME!"
This... is not how voting works?" Tell that to JG.
Leftist claims that Trump supporters are racist, not so much.
Highs light of research:
1. A Columbia University sociologist (Musa al-Gharbi) recently published a study showing that much of the academic research into President Trump’s voters is marred by prejudicial designs, distorted data, and outright misrepresentations.
2. Musa al-Gharbi points out, for instance, that one data set used in a Washington Post article to accuse Trump voters of racist motivations actually shows that Trump voters were less racist than those who voted for Mitt Romney.
al-Gharbi admitted that he was motivated to research this topic “in part to help Trump's opposition do better next round.” This uncharitable misrepresentation of data is one of many ways that Trump voters are marred by researchers, al-Gharbi says, asserting that the “evidence suggests that the role of race has been widely overblown and misunderstood with respect to Trump’s victory.”
"Gabby Giffords was shot in the freaking face by an easily influenced mind?" You forgot to add the shooter espoused conspiracy theories about the 9/11 attacks as does JG. Which some would say explains his easily influenced mind.
Oddly enough the congressional baseball shooting gunman James T. Hodgkinson had filled his social media accounts with political rhetoric against Donald Trump and Republicans. He expressed support for Democrat Bernie Sanders, even making Sanders his cover photo. Did he also possess an "easily influenced mind"?
"This... is not how voting works?" Tell that to JG."
Why? I was responding to something you said.
"1. A Columbia University sociologist (Musa al-Gharbi) recently published a study showing that much of the academic research into President Trump’s voters is marred by prejudicial designs, distorted data, and outright misrepresentations."
I am interested in reading more about this study. Where did you find this study?
"2. Musa al-Gharbi points out, for instance, that one data set used in a Washington Post article to accuse Trump voters of racist motivations actually shows that Trump voters were less racist than those who voted for Mitt Romney."
I am really interested in this study now.
"al-Gharbi admitted that he was motivated to research this topic “in part to help Trump's opposition do better next round.” "
So let me get this straight. Research into Trump Voters is marred by bias and distortions, but the person who conducted this study admits to doing it because of bias? Now I really, really, want to read more about this study.
"Did he also possess an "easily influenced mind"?"
Yes. I would also describe that individual as deranged. Now, what does asking this question have to do with... oh, right. Deflecting. Nevermind the fact that you're using this as a counter example, except you're countering an example I used where Conservatives literally advocated using "Second Amendment Solutions". No such example of outright violence advocacy can be pinpointed for Hodkinson.
"Except it isn't free if somebody else pays for it." ~~ Majormajor
We're "paying for it" by not paying for it.
Our democracy is at risk. You, and the masses of uneducated and low-information others, are the proof in the pudding.
Come TB3, I gave you the source at third line of the post. This isn't the first time you have asked this when the answer was right before your eyes. What gives?
If everybody gets college free education, what will the value of the education be? It is not free if someone else is paying for it.
MM deflecting to the "not racist card" is a routine defense mechanism. No real racist would vote for an honest birther like Trump.
And there's no way MM's linked site is biased. The “news team” are from Blaze Radio Network, The Daily Caller , Digital Grassroots Director for Marco Rubio, Washington Examiner, The Drudge Report, Americans for Prosperity Foundation, "president of the pro-life club on her campus", Fox News Radio, digital volunteer for the Dr. Ben Carson presidential campaign, Youth Director for Ed Gillespie's gubernatorial bid.
The "Senior Campus Correspondent" declared it "actually shows that Trump voters were less racist than those who voted for Mitt Romney".
Actually, al-Gharbi said this:
“According to Wood’s own data, whites who voted for Trump are perhaps less racist than those who voted for Romney,” al-Gharbi explains, adding that “not only were they less authoritarian than Romney voters, but less racist too!”
From “perhaps” to certainty, in the blink of an eye! Very impartial and considered.
After playing the Victim Card, al-Gharbi shows us how unbiased he is.
“But I also take umbrage at the villainization of Trump supporters,” he added, noting that he “grew up in a conservative, religious, military community in Arizona along the United States and Mexico Border.”
He could have have saved a lot of trouble and simply noted that a few fringe-type Blacks voted for Trump. That should be more than enough proof that no racists voted for him.
"If everybody gets college free education, what will the value of the education be?" ~~ Majormajor
A sustaining democracy. I thought I made that very clear.
"It is not free if someone else is paying for it." ~~ Majormajor
Without a democratic republic, nothing will be free. Absolutely nothing...
...and you're to blame.
Sarah Jeong, fully qualified to work at the NY Times. For sure.
At Wednesday's event, dubbed “Meeting with Inner City Pastors,” many of the pastors who attended expressed sympathetic views toward Trump, with one pastor -- the Rev. Darrell Scott, of Cleveland -- calling Trump “the most pro-black president we’ve had in our lifetime.” The Rev. Phillip Goudeaux of Calvary Christian Center in Sacramento, Calif., and the Rev. John Gray, head of Relentless Church in Greenville, S.C., came under fire from critics who say Trump's policies have harmed the black community. Scott slammed former President Barack Obama for not trying to “prove something to our community” because “he got a pass.”
These black pastors get it, they see how much the lives of their church members have improved under President Trump. They have seen members of their church no longer needing food stamps because they are no long unemployed. They know how much the left is lying about President Trump. They know how the left plays the race card. They aren't fooled by the fake news of the NYT.
Chuck, please cite your source(s). I find this unbelievable.
That doesn't surprise me JG one bit. Your rarely believe an positive news about President Trump, or conservatives or white men. It will not be covered by VOX, MSNBC, CNN or any of your other "reliable" sources. You now have joined the ranks of TB3 in not having the ability to use Google.
It will be interesting to read your lying spin on this, fire away. Or deflect.
It seems Kushner gathered all twelve pro-Trump Black clergymen to grovel in the presence of "The Only One".
The Servile Sycophants were full of praise for their Orange Savior.
I’m Travis Hayes, and I’m the CFO of Relentless Church in Greenville, South Carolina. I’m honored to be here among — in the presence of greatness.
Imagine the embarrassment this dolt is to the Black community.
MM hilariously projects "lying spin" after he smears more lipstick on his pig:
They have seen members of their church no longer needing food stamps because they are no long unemployed. (But they didn’t see it plainly trending under Obama. Hmm)
They know how much the left is lying about President Trump. (No lies cited. Trump’s lies are documented in the thousands.)
They know how the left plays the race card. (No example cited. MM is doing all he can to distort the low approval of Trump from Blacks.)
They aren't fooled by the fake news of the NYT. (No. They are fooled by Trump the pathological liar.)
Typical DD response to the truth.
His head explodes with nonsense
Rasmussen: Black approval rating of Trump now at 29% Last year it was 15%
Aug 10, 2017
The latest Zogby Analytics survey gave President Trump a 45 percent approval rating, driven by big gains among Hispanics, union households and voters in the West.
Trump approval rebounds to 45%, surges among Hispanics, union homes, men...
Is Obama due the credit for this Dave? LOL
"It seems Kushner gathered all twelve pro-Trump Black clergymen to grovel in the presence of "The Only One"" Source or see it on CNN?
Calling a black man a dolt liking a writer who hates whites, men, and cops. Dave, I think you have become a racist.
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