Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Rush "Goebbels" Limbaugh

“Sometimes, terrorists come straight from the Democrat Party, straight from the American left... It is more than obvious that the left is encouraging their followers to be vile, aggressive, abusive and dangerous. There’s no question about it. The left is encouraging this kind of activity. They are promoting it. And they celebrate it.”

The original version:

“Sometimes, terrorists come straight from the Jews, straight from the Jewish left... It is more than obvious that Jews encouraging their followers to be vile, aggressive, abusive and dangerous. There’s no question about it. The Jews are encouraging this kind of activity. They are promoting it. And they celebrate it.” 


Jefferson's Guardian said...

In America, it's okay for radio hosts to vehemently and deceitfully lie. It's never considered propaganda by the mindless faithful who take in every word and every utterance, simply because it's done in the name of capitalism -- no matter how decadently corrupt and corrosive.

On the other hand, flip off the president's motorcade while riding your bike on public streets -- on your own time -- and apparently it's okay if your employer fires you.

This is how the corporatocracy in Trumpistan works today. Free speech can only be voiced by those who can afford to, or are licensed to, or who make generous and undisclosed contributions to the political structures bearing fruit in their names.

Dave Dubya said...


Because "free speech" is no longer free, freedom itself is no longer real. It is an illusion and lie propagated by the powers of corporatocracy. The Great American Tragedy has ended the Great Experiment in Democracy.

And do not laugh out loud at Sessions telling lies to Congress. Citizens get arrested for that.

And as for the one telling lies and committing perjury? That's OKIYAR.

Jefferson's Guardian said...

Dave Dubya: "And as for the one telling lies and committing perjury? That's OKIYAR."

But of course! They're immune from such inconveniences, which is what our friends on the right would tell you.

The corruption is unfathomable.