Saturday, October 17, 2015

Short and Simple

Divine right of wealth has replaced divine right of kings.

As global corporatism takes over the planet, the howling masses on the far Right cry, "Socialism!"

"Freedom!" they howl, as they rig elections, suppress voters, and cheer the demise of democracy.

As Obama pushes for corporate written trade agreements, he is still called a Marxist by the low information, and loudest, voters.

Since 9-11 more Americans have been killed by terrorist Right Wing extremists than by the Muslims they hate.

George Carlin was right. This country is finished.


Darrell Michaels said...

"Short and Simple"? Sounds like the list of real accomplishments under this execrable administration.

Jefferson's Guardian said...

T. Paine: "Sounds like the list of real accomplishments under this execrable administration."

I can't detect if your remarks are meant to convey sarcasm because you're in agreement with the post, or whether it's your attempt to begrudgingly agree with the economic trade pimping of this administration while still despising the man.