Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mini Rants

I’ll bet you’re not alone. You are not the only one noticing that in the broad scope of national discourse, the left is marginalized by corporate media, the radical Right, and the White House. And this exclusion would go far in explaining why things are going to hell so fast for the US. This really annoys me. In fact it makes me want to SCREAM! I have assembled a few "mini rants" I wish I could scream loud enough for the nation and world to hear. Corporate media will not convey this for us. Maybe all we need for a decent start are a few million bumper stickers and a few thousand billboards.... Along with perhaps some very loud assertions.

Since change starts from the bottom, we at the bottom need to send clear and simple messages. The messages need to resonate with the public, and maybe even with the least bought off corporatist Dems. Let’s send a signal to the rest of the country. So, here they are in no particular order. I have tried to keep them small enough to fit on a bumper sticker, or at least short enough to speak with one breath.

Corporations are NOT persons.
Money is NOT free speech.
Too big to fail is too big
Tax the rich. Rebuild America.
War makes us LESS safe.
War destroys our economy
War destroys freedom.
Creeping Fascism is the enemy.
A Constitutional Republic cannot survive permanent war.
Jesus was NOT a gun-carrying white Republican.


Obama and the Democrats do not know which side they're on. They need to choose between appeasing the right and preserving the status quo, or representing the majority of Americans who voted them into office. They try to do both, and that cannot be done.


One for the Gipper: The most frightening words in the English language are: “I’m from the US Chamber of Commerce and I’m here to help…elect Republicans, …deregulate everything,…build the surveillance state,…perpetuate war for obscene profits,…destroy democracy.”


Journalism died after the Right neutered it with their "Liberal Media" lie.

Corporate power and Right Wing media have always valued dishonesty, and will continue to, because it is necessary for their political dominance.


Republican American "conservatism" is no different from a cult. The authoritarian leaders have indoctrinated their followers just as thoroughly as Moonies. It is a fearful, paranoid, and hateful stew of pseudo-Christian religious exclusivity, racism, reverence of wealth, and militarism.


Mixing religion with politics allows all hell to break loose.

Change has come. This is Obama's America. Now only blacks are racists. Just ask the Tea Party, FOX, Breitbart, Beck and Limbaugh. Curiously everyone they call racist happens to be black.


We have arrived at the nexus of the economic elite and the authoritarian minority. The 20 some percent of the population that are authoritarian personalities by nature are the Brown Shirts of the Aristocracy. Their propaganda network of Fox and Talk radio is what keeps them united in their antagonism towards democracy. They reject the government voted in by a majority of voters, and do everything in their power to destroy it. They are fascists, not the “real Americans” the Twit of the Tundra, Sarah Palin, calls them.

It's not enough for the Reich Wingers to feed into class and ideological warfare, they want to provoke a race war as well. Van Jones, Shirley Sherrod and ACORN have all been systematically media-lynched by the radical Right. Now we see FOX and “Fiends” are hard at work demonizing Muslims. They want not only class war and race war; they’re crusading for an all out religious holy war.

Republicans ARE extremists, for God's sake! Look what the GOP (Guardians Of Plutocracy) has done. In a supposed free democratic republic, unprovoked war, warrantless domestic surveillance, imprisonment without counsel or charges, torture, and rigged voting machines are EXTREME and illegal acts. This ain't America anymore, it's Republistan.

The Radical Right Republicans are fascists to a far greater degree than Obama could ever approach being a socialist.

The economic elite and their Republican Party want nothing short of neo-feudalism, where they are the lords and the rest of us are serfs.

Bottom line: For the Republicans to succeed, the American working class must lose.


I'm afraid my prejudice has been confirmed. Homo sapiens is a herd species. FOX moos and we listen. O"baa"ama speaks, and we hope.


jmsjoin said...

Excellent Rant Dave! I find your Rants often long but always right on and informational. I must say I find us radicalized and called dangerous by those brown shirts while they are the radicals that want their gravy train back to finish us and their agenda off.

Commander Zaius said...

Obama and the Democrats do not know which side they're on. They need to choose between appeasing the right and preserving the status quo, or representing the majority of Americans who voted them into office. They try to do both, and that cannot be done.

It may be too late now but Obama needs to go extremely angry black man on some republican. Living in the South I know for a fact ain't nothing that will totally freak out the WASPs like an angry black man.

Great post.

Tom Harper said...

I think your first 3 slogans are the best for connecting with the public:

Corporations are NOT persons.
Money is NOT free speech.
Too big to fail is too big.

I agree with all the other ones too, but they all have an element which would turn off some people. Some people would instantly think "class warfare!" or "pacifist!" with the other slogans.

And this rightwing/corporate takeover of the government is a huge issue, probably the most pressing of all. And I think most of the public would agree, if only we're able to communicate this to them.

Dave Dubya said...

The Big "O" needs to do SOMETHING, other than make good speeches. Obama doesn't have to get angry, just passionate. He's got to prove this all means something to him, to the Democratic Party, and to the people. It's called leadership. I swear he either doesn't get it, or some forces are keeping him on a leash.

You're right, the simpler the better. If class warfare is to brought up it needs to be in the context that the middle class is losing a war they didn't start.

Tim said...

Dave, I thought it to be a great summation.
I might borrow some..
The war is on Bro...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

At last. Someone who shares my vitriol towards the chamber of commerce. The same chamber whose president Tom Donahoe said "outsourcing is good for America."

Dave Dubya said...

This really IS war to the Fourth Reich. They will not stop until they have total control.

Yes, what's good for the "Chamber" is good for America, THEIR America, not the hundreds of millions of the rest of us.

TomCat said...

It's a classic case of one party governing on behalf of 1% of the people.

To your liat at the top, may I suggest adding:
Overy Republican in office is one Republican too many!

S.W. Anderson said...

What an excellent list of truths for our time. I'm humbled.

We should welcome the class warfare charge as a perfect opportunity to do as Dave suggests: Point out that yes, there is one and it's been going on for decades — by the wealthy powerful few against the rest of us.

Re: charges of pacifism. We need a few genuine pacifists to serve as a conscience for the rest of us. We need for most people to loathe war. Together, pacifists and the sane, sensible majority should make war something that's only undertaken because of outright attack or extreme provocation, as a last resort.

But make no mistake, a nation of any size that is led or dominated by pacifists is a nation asking for war. And, it will get war. That's an ugly reality, but it is the reality.

Anonymous said...

The bourgeoisie is many times stronger than we. To give it the weapon of freedom of the press is to ease the enemy’s cause, to help the class enemy. We do not desire to end in suicide, so we will not do this.
-- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Yep good ole Dubya rants and raves about the press and Fox News as some great evil.

The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.
-- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Good ole Dubya. Tax the rich and rebuild the empire.

A lie told often enough becomes the truth.
-- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Pretty much Dubya's entire positions on everything.

Do yourselves a favor readers. Either your a communist or your a gullible lover of freedom. You will not find freedom rants here. You will only find imprisonment.

Dave Dubya said...

We don't have to worry about any pacifists, or non-corporatists for that matter, getting into high office. Our corporate media have redefined "moderate" well to the right of Nixon.

Here's an interesting bit on class warfare:

From New York Times Nov. 26, 2006:

Put simply, the rich pay a lot of taxes as a total percentage of taxes collected, but they don’t pay a lot of taxes as a percentage of what they can afford to pay, or as a percentage of what the government needs to close the deficit gap.

Mr. (Warren) Buffett compiled a data sheet of the men and women who work in his office. “How can this be fair?” he asked of how little he pays relative to his employees. “How can this be right?”

Even though I agreed with him, I warned that whenever someone tried to raise the issue, he or she was accused of fomenting class warfare.

“There’s class warfare, all right,” Mr. Buffett said, “but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”

In fact, the federal government collected roughly $1.004 trillion in income taxes from individuals in fiscal 2000, the last full year of President Bill Clinton’s merry rule. It fell to a low of $794 billion in 2003 after Mr. Bush’s tax cuts (but not, you understand, because of them, his supporters like to say).

...THIS brings me back to Mr. Buffett. If, in fact, it’s all just a giveaway to the rich masquerading as a new way of stimulating the economy and balancing the budget, please, Mr. Bush, let’s rethink it. I don’t like paying $7 billion a week in interest on the debt. I don’t like the idea that Mr. Buffett pays a lot less in tax as a percentage of his income than my housekeeper does or than I do.

Can we really say that we’re showing fiscal prudence? Are we doing our best? If not, why not? I don’t want class warfare from any direction, through the tax system or any other way."

So just who is this New York Times commie liberal, anyway?

Are you ready?

Ben Stein, hypocrite.


Dave Dubya said...

Thank you for your "fair and balanced" comment. It's good to hear from the authoritarian minority.

Yep good ole Dubya rants and raves about the press and Fox News as some great evil.

Rush himself warns us it's "state run media". I'm only trying to help.

And we are also grateful for your kind assistance in illustrating my points.

Dear readers, I have been exposed! And you have been alerted! Flee; flee before it's too late. Seek shelter in the protective and benevolent bosoms of Limbaugh, Palin, Beck, and especially, Christine O'Donnell. She knows what's best for all of us. Just remember; keep your hands where we can see them, please.

Anonymous said...

The goal of socialism is communism.
-- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Seek shelter anywhere but in the arms of disgruntled Progressives.

"""I’ve been studying fascism lately, and there is one inescapable fact about it:

Nationalism is the egg that hatches fascism. And patriotism is but the father of nationalism.

Patriotism is not something to play with. It’s highly toxic. When ingested, it corrodes the rational faculties. It gulls people into believing their leaders. It masks those who benefit most from state policy"""...Nathew Rothschild the editor of the Progressive Magazine.

Steeped in Marxist dogma and spouting anti-nationalist mantra and accusing the opposition of being fascists.

Fascism is capitalism in decay.
-- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Need I say more?

Dave Dubya said...

Anon, or should I say, Wicked? This sounds like you. You can use a name, here. We won't bite.

As we are all well aware of here, people's patriotism, like their religion, is often manipulated and abused by tyrants.

I'm sure everyone sees Rothschild's words as being a very clear description of the Bush/Cheney MO in whipping up war fever for Iraq, as well as undermining our Constitutional rights. Thank you.

Oh, and if you don't mind a little tip. You may want to consider not believing in everything Lenin wrote. I do give you Righties credit for following Lenin on this one: A lie told often enough becomes the truth.

The astounding number of fools believing Obama is a Kenyan Muslim is quite an acheivement for you guys. You honor both Lenin and Goebbels.

If you are looking for Commies, try checking under your bed. There are none around here.

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure I have found a communist who quotes Lenin a 1000 times a day.

The right are fascists. The right are Goebbels and should be silenced.

“Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas.” Joseph Stalin.

Those of you reading should try having a mind of your own rather then listen to the rants of this far left progressive whacko.

It is people like him and the nuclear speech of hate that has turned the Democratic party into the party that is going down the tubes.

Congratulate him. Im sure you wanted to give back power to the GOP.

Dave Dubya said...

Someone around here sure is quoting Commies. Although you haven't quite hit 1000 yet.

Oh, look. I think I see some cajoling. The right are fascists. The right are Goebbels and should be silenced.

Well, maybe, but something tells me you want to be heard anyway.

Allow me to anticipate your next comment. "Commie, commie, yadda, yadda, commie, commie, yadda, yadda."

S.W. Anderson said...

Ben Stein has always given me a pain where a pill can't reach. I've yet to hear a clear explanation about why he's called on by the Conservative News Network, lately, or in the past by CNBC, as a financial soothsayer. He's made money because he does commercials where he sounds like a Bassett hound looks. Some credential, some contribution.

While I'm on things that give me a pain, let me mention self-appointed founts of wisdom who hide behind "anonymous" or some less-than-clever psuedonym.

Tell you what, anon, the nuclear speech of hate can be found on Beck and Limbaugh's programs, at Malkin, Gellar and Breitbart's blogs, in Bachmann and Angle's nutty harangues, and in the innuendo, if not outright statements, of Reps. Steve King, Virginia Foxx, Sen. Jim DeMint and Gov. Jan Brewer, to name just a few. If you want a festival of nuclear hate speech, attend the annual CPAC convention.

You go demand those people clean up their acts. Then maybe the civil and tolerant people who comment here will suffer your self-superior take on things without having to fight the urge to tell you where else you can go.

Dave Dubya said...

That list of Reich Wingers brings a chill to a polar bear. Their CPAC hate-fests remind me of W.B. Yeats:

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Something tells me Wicked, I mean anonymous, is no stranger to CPAC.

Anonymous said...

Now see S.W. gives an honest post about his concerns about a Conservative Pundit.

Dubya responds with more Nazi invoking of the right and calls their meetings hate fests. Yet as teflon he slips and slides thru the muck with his insane brattle about the right being evil.

“Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas.” Joseph Stalin.

Be sure to deny the right their ideas. Then take away their guns too and you can have your own gulag where you can torture conservatives for daring to want to acquire wealth.

Anonymous said...

While I'm on things that give me a pain, let me mention self-appointed founts of wisdom who hide behind "anonymous" or some less-than-clever psuedonym.

you mean like

an average patriot.
Beach bum.

I see what you mean. I wonder if They would be willing to print out their posts and pass them around at work?

The truth is that those people you named are not full of hate. They are full of disdain. But I just dont think I have heard any of them calling people...HITLER, NAZI, and the myraid of things that DaveDubya puts in nearly every post.

Comeon cant you see your dear leader here is a raving lunatic?

or are all you Progressives like that?

Nationalism is the egg that hatches fascism. And patriotism is but the father of nationalism.

Patriotism is not something to play with. It’s highly toxic. When ingested, it corrodes the rational faculties. It gulls people into believing their leaders. It masks those who benefit most from state policy"""...Nathew Rothschild the editor of the Progressive Magazine.

Anonymous said...


I fear most of the posts on this page are unduly influenced by brainwashing from several competing propaganda sources.

Left/right. Dems/Repubs, liberal/conservative.


A believe a macro view and discarding some of the life-long barrage of propaganda would allow some of you realize that perhaps many of the USA's various problems can be traced to class war based upon the masses at the bottom of the pyramid-shapes socio-economic pile with the source at the apex of the pile with a wealth of bureaucrats/bureaucracies and a cadre of lackeys/minions/lapdogs assisting those at the apex.

S.W. Anderson said...

"Be sure to deny the right their ideas. Then take away their guns too and you can have your own gulag where you can torture conservatives for daring to want to acquire wealth."

Drama queen spouts melodramatic nonsense.

The greatest torture conservatives in this country suffer is due to the words and deeds of fellow conservatives who deem them not conservative enough. Just ask one who has invited Limbaugh's scorn.

As far as daring to want to acquire wealth, Al Capone, Charles Keating, Duke Cunningham and Jack Abramoff all dared, and did, acquire wealth. Paris Hilton, too. All of them put together aren't worth one day's honest work of one patient care worker in a center for the old and disabled.

I'm sure the Koch brothers lose sleep every night out of fear of being tortured because of their wealth — not.

Anonymous said...


Well walk the projects. If you want to see examples of hopelessness. You give a few examples of the rich and their excesses and I will grant that totally.

Money does not make one evil. Whats in the heart makes one evil. Just look at rap stars. Hollywood types. They gain fame and fortune and they are still assholes. Only now they are rich assholes.

There is class warfare going on but it is the democratic party who keeps the poor in perpetual poverty while promising to make life all better for them if they are voted into office just one more time.

Health care paid for in full but the poor are still poor.

Housing paid for by me, but the poor are still poor.

Food stamps paid for by the working class and the poor are still poor.

Medicaid, S-Chips and all the other programs and despite it all the poor are still poor.


Because they have bought into the false dream that the democrats peddle each election cycle. They will make it all better if they just get the power. ONE MORE TIME.

Well guess what. They had the power. Complete power and they spent one whole year ranting and raving about health care instead of just passing it and moving on to other things they could have done to solve the problems facing this country in their minds.

In the end you guys are no different then the right. Your side knows that to cure what ails the poor would make the democrats irrelevant.

Look at the balance of power over the years. Jimmy carter took office with super majorities. SUPER and he did nothing.

LBJ did his great poverty curing programs with super majorities and the blacks in the projects tore out the pipes in the buildings and sold them for drugs or cigarettes or booze. Those great monuments to aid the poor are now boarded up and rotting in the big cities.

There is class war fare all right but its no more a result of the right then it is the left.

The only difference is that the GOP realizes that there are a certain segment of this nation that just wont work. Wont get off the couch and wont lift a finger to help themselves. The left on the other hand believe that if the GOP would just get out of the way they could fix all of that.

Well history says otherwise because in the last century the Democrats have had super majorities for decades at a time and done nothing that has mattered.

Its whats in the heart. Not the government's pocketbook that changes people.

Dave Dubya said...

Nice to see you. You're right about the left/right lib/con diversion. It is top/bottom total class warfare. Buffet was right. We are losing. The nation now works for the Pentagon and Wall Street.

The economic elite own both parties. That has been clear for some time now. I see you have a strong libertarian streak, so you understand when Ron Paul says Obama is a corporatist, he is correct.

Dave Dubya said...

Your tone is improving. Good. However your message is still deceptive and your bias against the poor is clear.

LBJ's "War on Poverty" did in fact reduce poverty levels. However as we know there will always be poor people. And that is not due to either D's or R's. Get real. At least Dems had the compassion to help them with food stamps and other aid. Republicans couldn't care less about anyone but the economic elite.

Let’s look at one segment of your completely detached from reality comment. Let’s just include the CPAC Reich Wingers named above. Oh, I should point out I never call my fellow Americans Nazis, unless they wear a swastika or otherwise indicate such affiliation. That would be one of your lies. You see, I will gladly point out their similarities to certain Nazis, but I call them fascists and Reich Wingers. Nazis were the Third Reich. Our American fascists are, of course, the Fourth Reich.

You shield your CPAC cult leaders’ hatred with the more benign term “disdain”. And you don’t think you have heard any of them calling people “Hitler” and “Nazi”. Well we have. As we all know Beck and Limbaugh are notorious for comparing Democrats to Nazis. We have transcripts, you know. Your outrage at being called fascists reveals a very thin skin. It seems quite acceptable for your CPAC thugs to call Obama a “Marxist” and a “racist with deep seated hatred for white people”. It’s one thing to accuse Democrats or liberals of being “Communists out to destroy America”. But it’s just NOT FAIR calling them hateful for saying those things. Boo, hoo. Now the tough talking Righties sound like crybabies. Fascists love to dish it out, but they sure whine like frightened punks when they don’t like what THEY are called.

Since I have kind of a sick sense of humor, I’m sort of flattered by your “Teflon dear leader” spiel. However I don’t lead anything, other than the life of a common free American, which I would like all of us to continue leading as long as possible.

You DO realize your hostile tone, accusations, and lies are not really convincing a lot of folks that you and your CPAC crew are not hateful, right? I know you can be smoother than that.

Dave Dubya said...

Wickedways is the username of Anonymous over at Gun Toting Liberal. I told him he was welcome here if he would be civil. I know, I know. The odds against that were steep. We all realize how difficult that can be for Right Wing Authoritarian personalities. He’s upset because I called him and some other Radical Righties out at GTL. (I think that Ben Stein article I showed them went over like a turd in the punchbowl.) He was so mad he let me have it with everything in his arsenal. Ol’ Wicked single-handedly deduced I’m an East German/Russian KGB, Anti-American, Jew hating, God hating, skinhead, communist Muslim truther pretending to actually care about the constitution and civil rights. I’m delighted to add raving lunatic to that list.

You are still welcome, as long you limit your lies by excluding rude and false accusations.

Dave Dubya said...

Oh, Ayatollah,
Who ever said I was NOT a raving lunatic, East German/Russian KGB, Anti-American, Jew hating, God hating, skinhead, communist Muslim truther? Could we trust them? I may just have the Mother of All Multiple Personality Disorders.

Whatever it takes to stay in your good graces, oh, all-seeing, benevolent-appearing Ayatollah!

Word verification: slur. A sign! A sign from above! Or below. Depends on who I am at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dubya. I got what I wanted. Some nice quotes to include in letters to editors to about 250 papers.

Occasionally one gets printed.

Thanks again for showing the far left as drooling, mindless dolts.

I especially like this part.....

Oh, Ayatollah,
Who ever said I was NOT a raving lunatic, East German/Russian KGB, Anti-American, Jew hating, God hating, skinhead, communist Muslim truther?

That will go over really good when its published.

Thanks again and Toodles I shall not be back. I have other far left raving lunatic websites to visit.

Dave Dubya said...

Aww, we were just starting to have FUN with you...

You're gonna look real swell with your hot scoop. Don't forget to add mindless dolt to raving lunatic, East German/Russian KGB, Anti-American, Jew hating, God hating, skinhead, communist Muslim truther. (We are everywhere.) It's the "fair and balanced" thing to do.

You may even get the Limbaugh award for investigative journalism.

I'll be looking for you, both back here and at other blogs. Since you are not very honest and you're easy to spot.

Weaseldog said...

It's funny that anonymous accuses me of being anonymous.

Many intelligent right wingers have had no trouble at all, finding out my real name.

As he pointed out, I have a low opinion of criminal politicians on the left and the right. He has argued repeatedly that this means I don't stand for anything.

I've pointed out again that I won't support a politician who works against the interest myself and my family and community.

He thinks this is stupid. He believes that you should support your party members no matter what they do. Even if they betray our country, you support them through thick and thin. Only worship and devotion to the party, proves that a man has principles and stands for something.

I can't think of a better example of the fascist mindset than that. And no, I'm not calling him Hitler or a Nazi. Obviously he's an American Fascist. He's a Red Shirt. A proud Republican. Party first and last.

He believes that the Rule of Law and the US Constitution are out of date and quaint. He derides me for believing in these things, because as he points out these things are nothing, and those that believe in them, believe in nothing.

Yet still every man or woman who wants to be a soldier for this country, must swear an to uphold and defend the US Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic. Anonymous spits on this oath, spits on their beliefs and spits on our men and women in uniform. He believes that their oath proves that they stand for nothing.

I am proud to be at odds with Anonymous on this. I feel no shame in it. I will not join in him in spitting on the US Constitution, or spitting on our men and women in uniform, for their oath to defend it.

Anonymous has the right to speak his mind in this regard. Even though he despises the very document that gives him that right.

We have darker times ahead, I fear that people like Anonymous are going to become more vocal and more powerful. We've seen it in other countries. The death squads, the lawlessness in government agencies. The fear that spreads through communities as right wing organizations find scapegoat after scapegoat to punish with torture and a bullet in the head. Anonymous may well have a bright future in such a world. It may be only a matter of time when good Americans find themselves begging for their lives and his mercy, only to be denied.

It has happened many times through history, it's happening now in many parts of the world. It is likely coming to the USA.

Are you looking forward to that day Anonymous?

Dave Dubya said...

Anonymous 4:47,
Wicked Anonymous fits the classic mold of the Right Wing Authoritarian personality. He is the lying hateful face of American Fascism. I'll miss him. But something tells me we will meet again.

Orwell's 1984 is a brilliant tale of caution for the good people of the world. Unfortunately it is the Operators’ Manual for the Fascists.

Hal Morris said...


SUBJECT: Many Right Wing 'forward' emails Seem Mass Produced. Any possible help in exposing this?

I think a good case can be made that a very high volume of political emails -- those that say "Forward to 10 friends if
you care anything about this country" are (1) being churned out en masse, and constantly recycled by a small group of
activists, (2) are highly reliant on carefully devised deception, and (3) are having a very large impact on public
opinion in the U.S. -- enough to have a major impact on elections.

I have presented arguments for this claim elsewhere, but am advised to be brief. (see TheRealTruthProject.blogspot.com).

I also have in mind strategies for learning more about them, so as to get some objective factual data on (1) how widely they really are read and believed, and (2) their possible origins.

I believe much of the appeal of "New Media" in which I include these emails, comes from the belief that it is a sort of "people's media" and hence more trustworthy than what is put out by mainstream institutions. That might make these emails, which never reveal who wrote them, particularly vulnerable to exposure, especially when it is show that they are full of deliberate cleverly devised deceptions and lies.

This seems to me very urgent. If interested in pursuing this, or even referring me to someone likely to take an interest, write to me: HAL@PANIX.COM

Google search of {"right-wing forwards" -hockey -soccer} to eliminate sports technical meaning yields 41 hits. One is yours. 1/4 of the hits are mine because I've been writing a lot about it.

Corporations are NOT persons.
Money is NOT free speech.
Too big to fail is too big
Tax the rich. Rebuild America.
War makes us LESS safe.
War destroys our economy
War destroys freedom.
Creeping Fascism is the enemy.
A Constitutional Republic cannot survive permanent war.
Jesus was NOT a gun-carrying white Republican.

Weaseldog said...

Hal, if you exposed the people behind them it would make no difference.

People like those emails because they strike an emotional chord. And they have an element of 'Truthiness' to them.

For a time, a person I care about sent me those emails on an almost daily basis. Many were blatantly racist. I asked her not to send me the racist ones anymore, and she got offended. She informed me that she sent me those emails because they are funny, not because she is racist.

Now that I've offended her by asking her not to send me offensive emails, she no longer sends any at all.

Weaseldog said...

I just read the latest comments on GTL.

What stupid stupid people.

WW, says that Bush couldn't have violated the US Constitution because he didn't get impeached. Heck no, not with Nancy Pelosi fighting for his honor, and berating her party for not supporting him in a time of war.

We did try though.

Dave Dubya said...

Thanks for your comment. I see you've been doing your share in deflecting the propaganda. Although I take the time to disprove the lies, I've learned it's a never ending proposition to deal with them that way.

But SOMEONE'S got to do it. I do believe we are in the last struggle for democracy in America. The forces of corporatism and fascism are strong.

We need some national media attention to this poisonous propaganda. It would be great if someone like Ed Schultz or Olbermann took a minute or two each week to bring attention to this pandemic dishonesty.

I will add a link to your blog.

You're right about those nitwits who soak up the lies because they WANT to soak up the lies. They are already so prejudiced anyway it makes you wonder about the extent of anyone not already drinking the kool-ade being influenced.

WW found his happy home with his Reich Wing echo chamber. He's too much of a bully and coward to linger where nobody goose-steps along with him.

TomCat said...

One irony I noted here is that most of our psuedonyms (I was TomCat online before there wqas a WWW) come with links back to our own blogs, while anonymooses can sump and run.

Kulkuri said...

After reading the comments, I forgot what the rant was about!!!!