Monday, April 19, 2010

April 19th

Ah, April 19th. As we know, this is the anniversary of the beginning of the American Revolution. More relevant to these times, though, it is the anniversary of the Waco tragedy and by extension, the Oklahoma bombing by an American right wing terrorist.

I had a feeling we’d see some nuts coming out of the woodwork today. I wasn’t disappointed. As you may know, I am a supporter of our Second Amendment rights. And I support the rest of the Bill of Rights as well. But leave it to the Second Amendment to bring out the crazy in people.

There was Chris Matthews interviewing a couple guys from the pro-gun rallies in and near Washington DC. One of them was from Michigan and the other was Larry Pratt, the executive director of Gun Owners of America. Matthews was doing his usual schtick, trying to get the guys to define the right to bear arms as the right to carry a bazooka.

Then he asked them if Obama is a legal citizen and lawfully elected president. I give the Michigan guy credit for saying “Obama is my president.” Larry on the other hand, refused to answer the question and began spouting all the usual radical right buzz-words and talking points. In rapid sequence we heard "Alinsky”, “socialist", “hates America” and the usual Limbaugh claptrap. Pratt then accused Matthews of being a socialist, of course.

Now there may be several descriptive words on my list of what I would call Chris Matthews, but I have to say socialist is not on it.

Then it got interesting. Matthews asked Pratt about George W. Bush and his support for TARP and the auto bailouts. He asked, “Is Bush a socialist?” Pratt said, “Yes, he is.”

Well, there you go. We see the perfect example of reductio ad absurdum in the radical right mind.

So if Obama the corporatist is called a socialist, and George Bush the corporatist is called a socialist, why should anyone complain when they are accused of being a socialist by theses idiots?
They really don’t know what the hell they are talking about.

Their argument has been reduced to the absurd.


We mustn't let this post stand without adding a few more choice bits of special April 19th Reich Wing absurdities.

As much as the Tea Baggers/gun nuts want us to believe they are not extremists, their hatred and anger is obvious in both the signs they carry and the words they speak.

Rep. Paul Broun (R) Georgia : "Fellow patriots, we have a lot of domestic enemies of the Constitution and they are right down the Mall, in the Congress of the United States. And right down Independence Avenue in the White House, it belongs to us. It‘s not about my ability to hunt, which I love to do. It‘s not about the ability for me to protect my family and my property against criminals, which we have the right to do. But it‘s about—it‘s all about us protecting ourselves from a tyrannical government of the United States.”

Rush Limbaugh: "Let me ask President Clinton what words caused Timothy McVeigh to act? Name one. I want to know what words and who spoke them. All I‘ve ever heard is that Timothy McVeigh was outraged over the government invasion led by Janet Reno of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, and the Murrah Building was blown up on that exact date two years later. McVeigh was inspired by anybody‘s words, he was inspired by Mr. Clinton‘s deeds."

And last, but not least, our special star wacko from this "April 19th" post.

Larry Pratt: "I look around. It is so good to see all these terrorists out here. Janet Napolitano, she figured as governor of Arizona that we didn‘t have a border problem. But she knows who the real enemy is.And Bill Clinton has been running cover for her, too. Watch out how you guys speak out there. You know, words can have consequences. Remember Oklahoma City? Yes, I do. And I also remember the Waco barbecue that your attorney general gave us. Thanks a lot. We‘re in a war. The other side knows they‘re at war because they started it. They‘re coming for our freedom, for our money, for our kids, for our property. They‘re coming for everything because they are a bunch of socialists.
I think we may have found the term to use for these dolts. Maybe we should call them McVeighniacs.


Tim said...

First of all, good to hear from you again. I'm just watching Mathews now and will look for the stuff you talked about. By the way you are correct Sir in your analysis.

Kulkuri said...

I didn't use to listen to Tweety as during aWol's term he seemed to spend most of his time on his knees and wiping off his chin. Now he seems to try to actually do his job and ask the nutjobs to explain what they are talking about. Asking about carrying a bazooka was just an example he used, he also asked how many weapons or how big a weapon should you be allowed to carry, as large as you can lift and carry?? He also wondered why the guy felt he needed a weapon on his person on the mall in D.C. in the middle of the day.

There are a few others(in the librul wing of MSNBC) that ask the nutjobs to prove their points instead of just allowing them to spout talking points. It's nice to see them stammer when asked to explain something they've said. What's priceless is when they deny saying something when questioned right after they've said it.

The word is 'sucke' which pretty well sums up the media the last few decades.

Dave Dubya said...

Thanks, and I was excited to use one of the few Latin phrases I remember from High School.

Tweety the Twit has come a long way from his "We're ALL neocons now!" days. Of course, all it would take for him to revert would be another Reich Wing president.

Tom Harper said...

I can't believe how many rightwingers lump Bush and Obama together as "socialists." Of course when Bush was president, anyone who criticized him was a communist and a terrorist.

But now that Bush is out of office, he and Obama are socialists. Everyone to the left of Dick Armey is a socialist.

And anybody who can define "socialist" is just some pointy-headed intellectual elitist who doesn't understand Real Americans.

Tim said...

Dave Dubya
The only thing I remember from high school latin is
Pro Dia et patria (not sure of spelling)
Ahhh the memories

Dave Dubya said...

Or would that be, everyone to the left of Dick Cheney is a socialist?

Word Verification: beavis :-)

Jolly Roger said...

Klanservatives know the "Constitution" as the 2nd Amendment, and they know the "Bible" as a few phrases of the Old Testament.

Anyone who tries to convince them that there is more to either publication is doomed to failure.

Dave Dubya said...

That's cuz they know everything other than the 2nd Amendment is either questionable or irrelevent. Wait, I take that back. Everyone also understands the First Amendment means America is a Christian nation and it means corporate money is good "Free Speech". Oh, and it also protects Sarah Palin's freedom to attack the "lamestrean liberal media". So ya don't hafta count past two to understand the Constitution.

And who needs anything from the Bible 'cepten the "Book of It's-ok-to-hate-gays" part?

Dave Dubya said...

Mindless idiots is right! It's hard to imagine what other deeper craziness lies within a mind that thinks Obama and Bush are socialists.

TomCat said...

There is more than one day when the American Revolution may be said to have begun. The event that mattered for the Teabaggers is that it is the anniversery of the McVeigh bombing and the burning of the Branch Davidian farmhouse in Waco.

Dave Dubya said...

As much as the Tea Baggers/gun nuts want us to believe they are not extremists, their hatred and anger is obvious in both the signs they carry and the words they speak.

Rep.Paul Broun (R) Georgia : "Fellow patriots, we have a lot of domestic enemies of the Constitution and they are right down the Mall, in the Congress of the United States. And right down Independence Avenue in the White House, it belongs to us. It‘s not about my ability to hunt, which I love to do. It‘s not about the ability for me to protect my family and my property against criminals, which we have the right to do. But it‘s about—it‘s all about us protecting ourselves from a tyrannical government of the United States.”

Rush Limbaugh: "Let me ask President Clinton what words caused Timothy McVeigh to act? Name one. I want to know what words and who spoke them. All I‘ve ever heard is that Timothy McVeigh was outraged over the government invasion led by Janet Reno of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, and the Murrah Building was blown up on that exact date two years later. McVeigh was inspired by anybody‘s words, he was inspired by Mr. Clinton‘s deeds."

And last, but not least, our special star wacko from this "April 19th" post.

Larry Pratt: I look around. It is so good to see all these terrorists out here. Janet Napolitano, she figured as governor of Arizona that we didn‘t have a border problem. But she knows who the real enemy is.And Bill Clinton has been running cover for her, too. Watch out how you guys speak out there. You know, words can have consequences. Remember Oklahoma City? Yes, I do. And I also remember the Waco barbecue that your attorney general gave us. Thanks a lot. We‘re in a war. The other side knows they‘re at war because they started it. They‘re coming for our freedom, for our money, for our kids, for our property. They‘re coming for everything because they are a bunch of socialists.

I think we may have found the term to use for these dolts. Maybe we should call them McVeighniacs.

jmsjoin said...

Man good quotes hold no morality! I have to laugh, one of my brothers who is always espousing the greatness of Beck,the fair and balanced idiot and the tea partiers called yesterday and said he can't take it any more we are fff'd in the future. No kidding!

Dave Dubya said...

Just tell him some fresh Republican idiot will be along soon enough to make it all better, just like Bush/Cheney did.

TomCat said...

Great term, Dave.