Monday, March 24, 2008

Free Speech And Freedom Music

I was honored to be a guest on the fund raiser edition of the WCBN-FM Ann Arbor radio program called "Here and Now". The show's hosts generously offered me the time to have a little of my music played along with the commentary.

Now thanks to my tech-oriented friend Chris, we can offer you all a chance to listen to the show.

Since it was a fund raising show, there were pitches made for donations to the station. Please feel free to call in a donation if you like it. Although the "Here and Now" program is political commentary, Musically, it is one of the most exceptionally diverse and eclectic stations in the country. You can hear music ranging from Sun Ra to Son Seals, Bill Monroe to Iggy Pop. I encourage you all to listen on line to WCBN.

I invite you to sit back and have a listen to some truly American free speech. For those curious listeners with resilient ears, I have listed some of my original freedom music as well.

Here And Now
February 8, 2008
WCBN-FM Ann Arbor

01 - Media Smear.mp3 (6:48)
02 - Original Struggle.mp3 (4:01)
03 - Aiding a Surrender.mp3 (9:49)
04 - Brilliant Business Scheme.mp3 (10:36)
05 - Introductory Segment.mp3 (2:14)
06 - Pleading the Fourth.mp3 (5:14)
07 - Speaking of Scoundrels.mp3 (6:54)

Music By Dave Dubya

01 Liars.mp3 (1:38)
02 G.W.B..mp3 (2:36)
MisUnderEstimatedProphet.mp3 (2:44)
SCAM.mp3 Stupid Corporate American Media (6:09)
BiggestBrother.mp3 (4:00)
06 - Pleading the Fourth.mp3 (5:14)


jmsjoin said...

It was worth waiting for! It is too bad Bush had to spoil it with his lying BS mouth.
I listened to every one. You know it is a corporate Government Led by the Decider. I must say I was impressed by your playing. You are better than I thought.
Did Robert by any chance kibitz with you on anything?

Dave Dubya said...

Thanks, Jim.
It was a good release for me to express myself musically. I call that may "patriotic reaction".

I had help from friends on keyboard, bass and drums on SCAM. Most of the rest I overdubbed.

I would love to put some music together with Robert sometime. I think we share a common vision.

TomCat said...

Dave, I listened to those tunes of yours and am most impressed. You are as talented as Bush is despicable!

Anonymous said...

It took me all week to get through all of that, but it was worth it!

Being a musician myself, I was very impressed with your work.

Dave Dubya said...

tomcat and brother tim,

Thank you for listening. I know it took some of your time. I'm glad you liked it.

TomCat said...

Dave, it was well worth the time to listen. :-)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the great music list! I got some relax listening them=) I have found something similar here, it contains the sounds for speech and presentations.